Sugar Dating with CEO

Chapter 182 - 182 Physical and Mental Torture

182 Physical and Mental Torture

“B-but I need more than what you’re giving. I... I can’t possibly be that ignorant to keep asking you for money.”

Dante’s gaze was still cold, his heart did not flutter even when he saw his sugar baby’s condition. Disappointment, disgust, and anger had become one. He released his grip roughly. “Nonsense, your sweet mouth is hard to believe. Why do you need so much money anyway? How much do you need to let your hole be penetrated by so many men?”


Dante spread Zeline’s legs very roughly, inserting his three fingers into Zeline’s pussy hole without preparation. It succeeded in making the blonde girl sore and in pain. She tried to keep Dante’s hands away from her body but it did no good at all.

“I-I beg you to let go, it hurts!” Zeline screamed with tears still flowing, her voice starting to get hoarse because Dante did not hear her at all.

“I ask you, how many dicks have been in here? You like it, huh?” Dante asked with a finger that kept going back and forth into Zeline’s pussy hole. Staring without pity at his sugar baby’s suffering.

“Anh, Daddy! Please, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“You think it’s that easy? I’ve told you many times that my stuff is not to be touched by anyone. Everything you wanted, I gave it to you. And this is what you gave me?” Dante ranted with a hardened jaw, his finger movements quickening. He had no intention of satisfying Zeline at all, wanting to make the blonde girl understand that he was really very angry.

Zeline bit her lip, no matter how much she begged, Dante would not spare her. Zeline took hold of the man’s burly hand, deliberately pressing her long nails there. Expecting Dante to be in pain and let go, but instead Zeline got a firm slap on the cheek.


“How dare you hurt me?” Dante asked with an increasingly sharp look in his eyes.

What a crazy, Dante was really a devil.

Dante held both of Zeline’s hands and lifted them up so that the girl could not do anything to defend herself. He again moved his fingers quickly. “Moan like you used to do to your daddies,” Dante said.

“Nghh... Da-daddy, please ... forgive me ...,” the girl whimpered for the umpteenth time, her voice growing more and more heartbreaking but it would not work on Dante. “Da-daddy, ah! I- nggh! D-dad-”

“You want to cum? Haha.” Dante accelerated his movements and soon clear liquid came out of Zeline’s pussy making the girl’s legs tremble. Dante looked flatly at Zeline’s ample fluids, his neutrals turned to his sugar baby who drooped limply with her breathing up and down. He moved from the bed to get a wet tissue to wipe his fingers.

Dante took a rope from his bag and tied it to both ends of the bed.

“Da-dad, what do you want to do? You’re kidding, right? You want to tie me up?” Zeline asked in her husky voice. Dante’s strong grip on her hands made it difficult for Zeline to resist.

“Shut up, bitch. This is your punishment for betraying me,” Dante hissed, glaring at Zeline and tying the girl’s hands again. “Take it easy, I won’t rape you. Not willing to do such a thing to your filthy body,” Dante continued and then looked at his handiwork. Zeline who was tied up with her body without a single thread of clothing. The corners of her lips lifted up to show a devilish grin.

“Dad... this hurts, do I have to be punished like this? Isn’t this too much?” Zeline continued to try to ask for mercy. The ropes binding her hands were so tight it felt like Zeline’s blood vessels were blocked.

“Wait until I’m satisfied to deter you, I’ll let you go.”

“It hurts, Dad... my hands hurt...,” Zeline whimpered, her blood on her palms flowing down her arms. It was really a poor condition.

Dante left there without saying a word. Dante’s departure made Zeline cry more there. She was really afraid of her fate now.

Was she going to die? Zeline found it hard to even think positively.

Zeline winced in surprise when Dante walked back into the room. The girl looked down, letting her blonde hair fall over her face. Her body did not stop shaking when Dante sat on the edge of the bed. Dante get on the bed intending to treat the wound on Zeline’s palm. The girl remained silent, biting her lower lip to hold back the unresolved pain and tears.

Dante deftly placed a bandage on Zeline’s palm, the wound had been treated.

“Dad... it’s cold... can I put some clothes on?” Zeline pleaded heartbreakingly.

Dante lifted Zeline’s chin to look up at him. Zeline’s beautiful face was instantly covered in bruises and cuts from his actions. A terrifying grin was etched on the man’s lips. “Not yet. You said you needed money, right? I can give it to you, no matter what excuse you tell me.”

“No need, Daddy. I’m sorry, I won’t ask you for money again,” Zeline whispered with trembling lips.

“Why? I was kind enough to give it to you. You must be happy, Zeline.” Dante left the bed, contacting someone Zeline did not know. Zeline’s body was not only trembling with fear, but also cold because the air conditioner Dante had set up was not what it usually was.

“I’ve sent the location, you guys come here quickly. There is a woman who wants your dicks.”

Zeline stared at Dante in disbelief, her mouth agape at Dante’s words to someone on the other side of the phone. What did he mean?

“Don’t worry, you can pay whatever you want.”

The call ended, Dante put his cell phone back in his pants pocket. He smiled slyly at Zeline who had a confused, scared, all mixed up expression.

“What’s wrong, Zeline? Why are you looking at me like that?” Dante asked pretending not to understand.

“What did you just say? What are you going to do to me?” Zeline asked back.

“Satisfy you. With money and dick,” Dante replied casually.

Zeline shook her head, trying to free her hands from her sugar daddy’s ropes. “I don’t want to! Let me go, I don’t need your money anymore! So please let me go, Dante!” Zeline shouted, fed up and no longer considered Dante her sugar daddy. What was in front of her right now was a crazy man who had no conscience.

Zeline screamed in pain when Dante slapped her cheek back and forth. Not yet there, her eyes bulged because Dante strangled her neck mercilessly. The look on Dante’s face was really creepy.

“A-ack! H–help me-” Zeline’s legs kept kicking for help, like a floundering fish because Dante had not let go.

“I really don’t know what you want. Isn’t this what you want? I was going to give it to you, Zeline. But you refused it? Don’t you know how to return a favor, huh?” Dante asked, glaring at Zeline angrily. The veins on his face were even clearly visible.

Zeline was really out of breath, did the end of her life come to this? Killed by Dante? Was this payback for the sins she had committed?

Not long after, Dante released his grip from Zeline’s neck allowing the girl to breathe normally again. Zeline immediately inhaled as much oxygen as possible. Very grateful that Dante did not really intend to kill her, maybe for this time.

“Do what they ask later, just like you used to do with your other daddies.”

“No! Please, I don’t want to! I’m really sorry-”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP! You’ve been testing my patience, bitch,” Dante snapped, instantly making Zeline shrink. “Don’t make me angry or I’ll really kill you,” he threatened, glaring at the girl and then exiting the room to greet the men who would play with Zeline.

“Fuck!” Zeline cursed irritably, her legs kicking in the wind, she continued to try to untie the ropes from her hands despite the poor results.

Zeline’s gaze went blank, just waiting for her to be raped by so many disgusting, asshole men.

Shortly after, Dante comes back into the room with four men walking behind him. Zeline had absolutely no interest in turning her head, still staring straight on with her blank gaze. Not caring about the pain she had suffered from the moment she came to see Dante. After this, the pain would only increase.

“Is this the woman, Boss?” one of the men asked as he looked at Zeline who was like a beautiful but broken doll.

Dante nodded lazily, took a cigarette from his pack and lit a match. Dante began to smoke the cigarette casually. “You guys can use her all you want. Just put the money on her,” Dante said, who was immediately nodded to by the four men in suits and sunglasses.

Before Dante actually left, the man brought his face close to Zeline’s and whispered, “Don’t make a scene, or you’ll know the consequences, you little hitch.” After that, Dante gently stroked Zeline’s blonde hair as he smiled sweetly. “I’ll come again tonight.”

After that, Dante walked out of the room leaving Zeline with four men who were staring at her like hungry lions.

“Wow, that’s beautiful. I can’t wait to do it,” one of the men said, starting to unbuckle his waist belt and lower his zipper. The other men then began the act of fucking Zeline.

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