128 Two Stubborn Women

Suddenly she is surprised by Dariel’s arrival with ... Angela did not know who this woman was, but suddenly her heart burned with jealousy when she saw Dariel holding her arm.

It was Zeline.

The two women finally crossed paths and stared at each other emotionally. Angela, who was provoked by her anger at seeing the man she loved now holding another woman’s arm, while Zeline, whose emotions arose because she had suspected that the culprit who had injured Kalea was Angela.

The blonde girl brushed Dariel’s hand away roughly, her sharp gaze still directed at Angela. And impolitely, Zeline pointed at Angela’s face, then said, “You’re the one who made my friend suffer, right?!” Zeline accused her, which surprised both Angela and Dariel.

“Zeline, what are you talking about?!” Dariel asked as he whispered, he panicked because suddenly Zeline was accusing carelessly.

“Who are you? Suddenly coming and accusing me like that!” Angela replied not to be outdone; her gaze was sharp and full of hatred, even though this was their first meeting.

“You’re Arthur’s sister, right? Do you think I don’t know anything about you?! Do you think the world revolves around you, you childish woman?”

Dariel was dumbfounded, completely surprised by Zeline’s boldness. No, he knew that this blonde girl was a people who are too blatant, but he did not expect it to come to this. Moreover, what did Zeline know about Angela?

“Zeline, calm down,” Dariel said in a very soft tone of voice as he put his arm around Zeline’s shoulders and stroked her. This only made Angela more jealous, Dariel should not treat other women so sweetly, especially in front of Angela!


Angela quickly brushed Dariel’s hand away from Zeline to stop him from stroking her shoulder again. Zeline and Dariel were surprised by Angela’s behavior.

Really, Dariel did not know how to react. He really was in the position of being squashed by these two beautiful women.

“Who the hell are you? If there’s no business, you’d better get out of here,” Angela snapped in a tone full of emphasis while still trying to hold back her anger.

“I’m a friend of Kalea’s, the one you harmed,” Zeline replied haughtily, her chin raised higher to stare at Angela arrogantly.

“You’ve been accusing me all this time, do you have any proof?!” Angela asked as she began to raise her voice, her patience depleted by this girl who did not know where she came from. Especially being so close to Dariel.

“Who else would make Lea suffer besides you?!” Zeline retorted angrily.


“Hey, hey, why are you guys fighting? Isn’t this the first time you’ve met?” Dariel began to break up the two women, and Angela and Zeline fell silent even though their gazes still signaled war with each other. “Don’t forget that you’re in the hospital. Let’s go inside first,” Dariel urged Zeline quietly to enter the room where Kalea was being treated. He also slightly persuaded Angela to calm down her anger.

Arthur and Kalea looked at them in confusion when the three of them arrived. Zeline immediately approached Kalea with a worried look on her face.

“Your arm! What’s wrong with your arm?” Zeline asked hysterically as she saw Kalea’s arm in a cast.

“It’s just a fracture, Zeline,” Kalea replied with a bitter smile.

“You said ‘just’?! What kind of accident did you have? Arthur, explain!” Zeline urged.

“Ah... that, I don’t really understand what happened either,” Arthur replied hesitantly as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

“Damn you, you useless man!”

Hearing that, it was Angela who was provoked to anger. “What are you saying? My brother is useless? Who the fuck are you? You’re a girl with no manners! Your parents must not have taught how to respect your elders, huh?!” Angela snapped irritably.

“Indeed! My parents are dead, are you satisfied?!” Zeline snapped back. “Instead of you advising me, it’s better to reflect on yourself for making younger people feel intimidated. Well, your attitude doesn’t match your age anyway. Very childish,” Zeline said mockingly with a haughty expression.

Angela clenched her fists tightly, feeling insulted by Zeline’s words.

“What do you know? Don’t act like you know about me!”

“I don’t want to know about you either! But if you keep bullying my friend, I’ll interfere too!”

“I’m not bullying your friend, asshole!”

“Only a fool would believe what you say!”

“W-what are you saying, you-”

“You guys! How long are you going to fight like children?” The heavy and emphatic voice was finally heard, making those in the room shudder in horror as it was rare to see Arthur show his anger. “Lea is sick, if you still want to continue this trivial quarrel, you better get out of this room,” Arthur threatened, glaring at Zeline and Angela.

“So-sorry, I just want to see Lea,” Zeline squeaked submissively if Arthur was like this, and the same with Angela.

“Sorry, Brother.”

However, the two women still glanced at each other sharply. Angela was meeting Zeline for the first time, it was also a first for Zeline, but the blonde girl had heard a lot about Arthur’s sister. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be more annoying than she imagined.

While Dariel was mostly silent, letting Arthur make the two stubborn women stop fighting.

“Are you feeling dizzy?” Arthur asked Kalea worriedly. The brunette girl just smiled weakly and shook her head, letting him know that she was fine.

“Lea, what part of your body have you injured? What exactly happened?” Zeline asked as she sat on the chair next to her friend’s bed.

“I’ll tell you when I’m better,” Kalea replied, dangling.

“When did you get better?”

“I don’t know, I also hope to resume my normal activities soon.”

“But doesn’t a broken bone take weeks or even months to heal? Then how are you going to college?!”Zeline asked in increasing panic.

“After coming home from the hospital, Lea was able to go to class as usual. Well, although she still has to receive a lot of treatment,” Arthur replied.

“Ugh, damn it. Lea is like this because of you guys,” Zeline accused irritably.

“You’ve been accusing people all this time!” Angela snapped again, furious at Zeline’s disrespectful attitude.

“Shut the fuck up, I’m not talking to you!”

“Zeline, speak nicely,” Dariel admonished as he slapped the blonde girl lightly on the lips.

Arthur sighed heavily, he walked over to Angela. The serious look on his face had not changed. Angela was a little scared because it was rare for her brother to be like this to her.

“Angela, I have something to talk to you about. Follow me,” Arthur ordered Angela to walk first, and she followed behind him with heavy footsteps.

Arthur decided to find a place away from many people because he wanted to talk seriously with his sister. They arrived at a chair near a large hospital window. He told Angela to sit next to him. Angela swallowed her saliva with difficulty, preparing for what would happen to her fate after this.

“I’m going to ask you about this one last time, Angela,” Arthur began. Before he could continue, Arthur took a deep breath. Not only Angela, but he also prepared his heart before finding out what he had been curious about. “I want you to answer me honestly. What exactly happened between you and Lea? I know, you’ve always disliked all the women who got close to me.”

Angela had expected her brother to ask her this. Angela was silent for a moment, she looked down, preferring to stare at her slender fingers with a flat gaze that became increasingly sad.

“Do you want to promise not to be mad at me if I answer that?” Angela asked.

“Sorry, but I can’t promise,” Arthur replied seriously, and Angela smiled wryly. It felt like her brother was changing more and more. The distance between them seemed to be widening.

“I don’t like Kalea, and told her to stay away from you. She’s also too close to mom and dad, I really don’t like that,” Angela began to express her feelings.

Arthur was not really surprised, he had expected it.

“I really don’t understand what makes you like her, she’s just one of those ordinary women in this world. She’s not special at all, brother!” Angela continued looking up at Arthur. “When you brought Kalea over, I wondered why you really invited anyone else over to celebrate our family event. It was supposed to be a special day for just us!”

“Angela, didn’t I tell you that it was Dad who forced me to bring women to the house? Why can’t you understand?” Arthur said in frustration. Things like this just kept spinning and spinning with no end in sight.

“But why her? Kalea is so young, you’re so far apart in age.”


“Why does she have to be your sugar baby?”

Suddenly, Arthur’s eyes rounded perfectly when Angela suddenly asked about it. How could his sister know Kalea’s status?

“W-what do you mean, Angela?”

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