123 The Last Time

Kalea frowned when for the umpteenth time she was contacted by someone with an unknown number. Kalea hesitated to pick it up, what if it was Angela again? Ah no. That was actually good, Kalea would cancel the deal if it was really Angela who contacted her.

The girl finally picked up the phone call.

[Lea! Long time no chat, how are you?]

Kalea’s eyes were perfectly rounded. This voice was unmistakably Arthur’s mother. How could Aquila contact her? Had not Angela blocked and deleted Aquila’s number from her cell phone?

[Lea? Are you still there?]

“Y-yes, hello, Mrs. Jefferson. I’m fine, how about you, Maam?”

[I am also fine! My husband too. Actually, I wanted to invite you here again, but there are one or two difficult things that made me unable to do it. So, are you free this week?]

“That’s ...” Kalea hung up on her words, eager to ask about how Aquila still had the number and did not talk about it at all. However, for now, maybe Kalea will put the matter aside. “Hmm, about this week ... I think I can, Ma’am,” Kalea replied.

[Really? Yay! I’ve missed you so much, Lea. Almost a month we don’t meet, haha!]


Kalea just laughed to appreciate the mother of the man she loves.

[Albert recently caught a fish while fishing. You should try Albern’s catch, he’ll be happy to know you’re coming!]

“Okay, I’ll come. I miss you too,” Kalea replied, trying to get used to Arthur’s parents. She felt loved by Albern and Aquila, and Kalea planted an intention in her heart to want to repay their kindness. It would be rude of her to refuse. Even so, Kalea still knew her limits because if Angela was angry, she could do something to make the two of them hate her.

After there was no more conversation between them, the phone call ended. Kalea left the room and headed for the kitchen.

“Arthur, your mom invited me to come to your house again,” Kalea said, telling Arthur who was busy eating his coffee at the dining table, and spat out the coffee in surprise.

Kalea quickly ran to the man and patted Arthur’s back a little, who was still coughing.

“I-I’m fine, thanks,” Arthur said with a wry smile. He wiped the coffee-splattered table. “Who did you say? My mom?”

Kalea nodded while showing the call history on her cellphone screen. There is an unknown number, which Arthur clearly knows that it is his mother’s number. Even until the end, Kalea did not know about the number that Aquila still had.

“Do you want me to come or not?” Kalea asked curiously because Arthur immediately showed an uncomfortable look on his face.

“That’s up to you,” Arthur replied casually, returning to making a new cup of coffee.

“It’s up to me? Are you okay if I’m close to your parents? Didn’t you say before that there would be no more meetings between me and your parents? Why is it like this?” Kalea asked repeatedly, just a little surprised that there was no protest or complaint from her sugar daddy after knowing the news.

Arthur took a deep breath, he took a sip of his coffee first to make sure the taste was right on the tongue, then he put the cup down before finally answering Kalea’s question. “Honestly, for a month my mom kept asking about you. She was also angry at me because she thought I deleted your number from her cellphone. Even though it’s impossible, how crazy is it for me to do something like that? Besides, I also don’t come home often,” Arthur snorted, looking quite annoyed and tired. “So now it’s up to you, I don’t want to interfere. When mom nags, it feels like my eardrums are about to burst. And since I don’t want to keep fighting, I finally gave you your contact again.”

“Hmm, I see,” Kalea said, apparently it was her sugar daddy who gave her number to Aquila. She began to understand everything that had been making her wonder. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Kalea asked uncomfortably because Arthur kept looking at her as if he was suspicious of something about Kalea.

“May I ask?”


“What potion did you use to make my parents like you?” Arthur asked, making Kalea blink in confusion.

“Huh? What woman do you think I am? I also don’t know! And I didn’t do anything,” Kalea sneered, not accepting that she had poisoned Arthur’s parents to like her.

“I’m kidding, but I’m going to go crazy if they continue like this,” Arthur said again, sighing as he rubbed his black hair which was getting messy. The man had just woken up and immediately brewed coffee. The heart’s intention was to spend the morning before noon peacefully, but his mood dropped drastically after knowing his mother’s behavior earlier.

Kalea decided to sit next to her sugar daddy, who was so frustrated. She stroked Arthur’s back gently as if to give support to him. Then the girl said, “Don’t be crazy, Arthur. If your parents like me so much, why don’t we just get married?” Kalea asked with a fairly flat face.

Suddenly Arthur turned his head, and he looked at Kalea in disbelief. Did he hear it wrong? What did the sugar baby just say? Arthur put the back of his hand on Kalea’s forehead, worried that the girl would have a fever.

“Are you sick?” Arthur asked.

“What? Not at all,” Kalea replied as she removed Arthur’s hand from her forehead.

“... why do you suddenly say something like that? Married? You’re joking,” Arthur said, shaking his head while laughing softly.

“Yes, you’re right.”

“What is right?!”

“I’m really joking,” Kalea replied as she drank Arthur’s coffee so casually without feeling the least bit guilty. Arthur was astonished, his sugar baby’s behavior was getting weirder by the day. “Forget what I said earlier.”

“Don’t joke like that, I don’t like it,” Arthur snorted as he got up from his seat. “I want to take a shower. By the way, when did my mother tell you to come home?”

“Tomorrow,” Kalea replied, again making Arthur almost have a heart attack.

“Should I come too? Ah, I’m lazy. Is it okay?” Arthur asked. Arthur who was just about to leave the kitchen suddenly stopped walking when a hand wrapped around his waist. Who else if not Kalea.

“You must accompany me there, Daddy,” Kalea asked in a low voice that sounded very pleading.

Damn, Kalea was always testing Arthur’s faith.

Arthur removed Kalea’s hand from his waist and turned to face the girl again. “What do you want me to do?” Arthur asked, wanting Kalea to repeat her words again.

“Didn’t you hear?”

“Say it again.”

Kalea grabbed Arthur’s strong hand and cupped it to his face. “Daddy, accompany me there,” Kalea asked again with a very pleading face.

The corners of Arthur’s lips lifted, forming a slight grin. He cupped her beautiful face to look up at him more. “Looks like you’ve been challenging me since yesterday, huh?”

“I love you, Daddy,” Kalea said, making Arthur even more surprised.

“What’s this again? Why all of a sudden?”

“Do you want me to love you or love your money?”

“I think it’s better to just love my money.”

“You hurt my heart, Master. Would you be a bad person if you were loved by me?” Kalea asked with her lips curled downward. As if telling the man if her heart was really hurt because of Arthur’s answer. Even though that was actually Kalea’s feeling right now.

Arthur was dumbfounded, he removed his hand from Kalea’s face, then said, “Shall we go to the doctor? I’m worried there is some disease in your body.”

“Tsk, you’re annoying!” Kalea grumbled annoyed as she got up from her seat and immediately left Arthur in the kitchen alone.

“What? Wait for me!”


The next day, because Arthur was not calm about leaving Kalea there without his supervision, he was forced to return to his family’s house.

“Lea! I miss you!” Aquila exclaimed while hugging Kalea tightly.

Kalea laughed a little, she returned the woman’s hug. “I missed you too, Ma’am.”

While Arthur only smiled faintly even though his heart was irritated. No, it’s not that he hates both Aquila and Albern that much. He hated his stupid self for choosing Kalea to meet his family. Who would have thought that it would be like this?

Regret always comes too late.

Aquila hugged her beloved eldest child and told Arthur to rest in his bedroom or talk with Albern in the back garden. At that time, she and Kalea would cook together. Of course, Arthur prefers to stay in his bedroom to fill his energy rather than meet his father, who will actually drain his energy.

Kalea also followed Aquila into the kitchen and for the second time, she would cook with Arthur’s mother. Kalea looked around, looking for the figure that had previously made her tremble in fear.

Her steps stopped when her hazel eyes met Angela’s purple eyes, which were rounded perfectly when she saw Kalea at her house again.

“Mom? Kalea is coming here again?” Angela asked confusedly, her chest began to rumble violently, and her emotions kept gathering ready to explode.

“Yes, your dad wants Lea to try the fish he caught. Besides, Lea hasn’t been here for a long time,” Aquila replied, looking very happy.

Angela forced a smile and then said, “Is that so? But can I talk to Lea first? I’m really surprised she’s back, my wish has been granted!” Angela exclaimed, making Kalea furrow her brows in confusion.

Kalea knew that Angela was only pretending.

She was surprised when the woman held her hand and pulled Kalea from there after Angela asked Aquila’s permission. Kalea winced in pain because Angela was gripping her hand so tightly.

“Where are you taking me?” Kalea asked because they had not stopped walking yet. Angela finally let go of her hand, and the two of them were near the stairs. The look on the woman’s face conveyed great annoyance.

Kalea knew something like this would happen. She prepared it.

“You have no self-respect, have you? You drained me of a lot of money, but you didn’t keep your promise. My money is not enough until you still need my brother and curry favor with my parents?” Angela asked, continuing to insult Kalea and pointing at the girl. Angela looked Kalea up and down, then said, “You really a typical poor person who justifies any means to get money.”

Kalea took a deep breath before finally replying to Angela’s insulting words to her. “I’m so sorry, Miss. But, actually, I came here at once to cancel the deal.”

Angela’s eyes were perfectly rounded. “What did you say?”

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