Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 820 Well, Let’s Get This Party Started Then

'It seems that the Divine Army of Light is serious about killing that boy,' Lady Faustina thought as she unleashed more powerful shock waves in order to push back the three Saints that attempted to get past her. 'Do they really not care about my sister's retaliation if Lux dies?'

Lady Faustina knew about Keoza's relationship with Lux. However, she didn't fully understand how important the Half-Elf was to the Crystal Palace.

First and foremost, her priority was Valerie's safety, and the only reason why she was trying to help defend the Half-Elf was because of the Dragon Princess.

Piccoro, who was now truly angry, didn't hold back with his attacks. Each of his blows was meant to kill, making his targets defend themselves with everything they had.

Even so, Lady Faustina and Piccoro understood that it was impossible for only the two of them to block all of the Saints of the Divine Army of Light at once.

The Saints knew this as well, so they made sure to spread out in different directions, preventing the two Dragon Borns from stopping them in their mission.

As a dozen Saints were about to approach the Floating Island, six Dragon Borns appeared beside Aur in a protective formation.

All of them were the additional guards that Lady Augustina had sent to protect him, and just like Piccoro, they were all Saints as well.

"Your Highness, your orders?" one of the Saints asked the Dragon Prince, who was looking at the Divine Army of Light with a calm expression on his face.

"Don't let them come near the floating island," Aur ordered. "Kill if you have to."

"Yes, Your Highness!" the leader of the Saints replied. "However, we must leave one Saint to stay and protect you, Your Highness. This is non-negotiable."

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm Aur nodded in understanding.

After getting the Dragon Prince's affirmation, the five other Saints of the Crystal Palace flew into the sky in order to intercept the Saints that had managed to get past Lady Faustina and Piccoro.

Lux, who was standing near the Gate of his Guild Headquarters, was also paying close attention to the battle that was taking place in the distance.

Valerie was standing several meters away from him with Ali and Ari, who were both ready to protect her at any moment.

"Master, it seems like we have no choice but to fight," Lux said in a voice filled with determination.

"Foolish boy, what can you do against those Saints?" Gaap replied before cracking his knuckles together. "Just stand back and let the adults handle this. At times like this, you don't have to hesitate. Call upon those that can help you overcome the current situation. There is no shame in asking others for help."

Lux nodded because he understood that his Master was right. In times like this, he should rely on the adults who had more experience than him in fighting against people of such ranks.

The High King of Lunaria, who had already spotted Lux in the distance, pulled back his arm and summoned a flaming spear in his hand.

A moment later, he threw it with all his might, with the intention of ending the Half-Elf's life, whom they had pursued for the past few days.

However, the flaming spear he threw was blocked by a barrier of water that appeared out of nowhere, making the High King of Lunaria frown.

When the barrier of water disappeared, a man with long blue hair that fluttered in the breeze appeared before him.

"Why don't you pick someone your own size?"

The Headmaster of Barbatos Academy, as well as Lux's stepfather, Alexander, hovered in the air, with his arms crossed over his chest. I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Before the red-headed teenager left for Elysium, Alexander had told him that he may call upon him during his time of great need. Since they were family, Lux didn't reject his stepfather's help.

Before the High King of Lunaria could even reply, a familiar scene appeared in front of him, making his face turn grim.

Countless puppets spread throughout his surroundings as a silver-haired lady, whom he had met in the Necromancer's Ancestral Lands, hovered in the air above Lux's Guild Headquarters.

"You saved me the trouble of looking for you," Vera said with a cold and deadly voice. "Since you came here to die, allow me to personally take your life."

Not far from her, an old man, who was wearing tribal attire, laughed as he looked at the Saints who had momentarily stopped their advance on the floating island.

"It has been a while since I went all out," Maximilian stated with a fearless smile on his face. "I've heard that the Saints of the Divine Army of Light are strong. Now, it's time to put the hearsay to the test."

The Patriarch of the Rowan Tribe then pressed his clenched fist over his chest as he prepared to fight.

"Thirteenth Gear," Maximilian declared. "Wakmangganchi Aragondi!"

Immediately, the Patriarch of the Rowan Tribe transformed into a thirty-meter-tall Black Boar with flames rising up from its snout.

Its glowing red eyes held so much rage in them, so intense that even Piccoro felt intimidated by them.

"Puppet Master Vera and the Mad Boar," the Oracle of the Divine Army narrowed her gaze. "These two are trouble."

Just like Vera, Maximilian was also well-known in the circles of Saints. They call him the Mad Boar, for he truly fought like a madman every time he transformed into this colossal beast.

Some even referred to him as the Calamity Boar, because the destructive power he possessed was equal to those of Calamity Beasts.

Alexander was not as well known as Vera and Maximilian because he mostly stayed in Solais to handle the affairs of Barbatos Academy.

Even so, the High King of Lunaria and the Oracle of the Divine Army could tell that he wasn't a simple Saint either.

"Oi, oi. Are you guys forgetting about me?"

Gaap, who was standing in front of Lux, asked in a teasing tone.

"Partial Manifestation," Gaap said as he raised his arm.

At that exact moment, a gigantic fist materialized out of nowhere and smashed one of the Saints who had tried to sneak onto the floating island, while everyone's attention was focused on the newcomers.

"How can we forget you?" the High King of Lunaria snorted. "Just like that brat, today will be your Death Day, Gaap the Deserter."

"Are those your last words?" Gaap asked. "Well, let's get this party started then."

The Saints of the Divine Army of Light didn't expect to face such staunch resistance when they set out on their mission to eradicate Hereswith's successor.

However, since they were already here, they would definitely carry out their mission, even if they had to destroy the entire floating island to accomplish it.

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