Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 809  The Crystal Palace [Part 3]

"Now that I have heard your goal for coming here to Elysium, this is my next question," Lady Augustina stated. "If you were given a choice to choose between what is right and what is easy, which one would you choose?"

"That will depend on the situation," Lux replied. "And my current ability at that time."

The Half-Elf then paused before continuing his explanation.

"Let's take my current conflict with the Divine Army of Light as an example. They have one-sidedly branded me as a Heretic without taking into consideration the fact that my current Profession was something that I didn't choose on my own accord. It just so happened that I was able to meet its requirements.

"Based on this example, those who are in the "right" are only able to be right because they have the strength to back it up. I, however, don't have this ability. Because of this, if I were given a choice to fight or run away from them, I will choose to run away, which is the easiest choice to make.

"Fighting them right now is akin to suicide, and I don't want anyone in my guild to sacrifice their lives needlessly in a battle where there is no hope of winning."

Lady Augustina closed her eyes as she weighed Lux's words.

"You said that fighting them 'right now' is akin to suicide," Lady Augustina commented. "Does this mean that you will fight them eventually?"

"If the matter is not resolved between us, then yes," Lux replied. "They are the aggressor in this conflict, and I am only doing my best to survive. If they force my hand, then I will, of course, fight back. However, I will fight back on my own terms, and in a way that will allow me to survive."

"Guerilla tactics then?"

"It is one of the options that are available for those who are at a disadvantage."

Piccoro chuckled after hearing Lux's reply. For Saints like him, there was no need for guerrilla tactics. They could simply flatten an entire city if they had to, and that would become enough deterrence for anyone to stop making a move on them.

"Next question. You ask for asylum, but how long do you plan to stay under my protection?" Lady Augustina asked.

"One year," Lux answered in a heartbeat. "Please grant us protection for one year. After that, we will leave the Crystal Palace and no longer trouble you again."

Lux's answer caught everyone in the throne room completely by surprise. Even Lady Augustina didn't expect that the Half-Elf would only ask for a year of protection, instead of an entire lifetime.

"A year?" Lady Augustina lightly tapped the armrest of her throne. "Are you sure that you only need a year?"

Lux nodded. "Yes. I only need a year."

"Hah! What a joke!" Piccoro voiced his opinion out loud for everyone to hear. "How much can you accomplish in a year? Do you think you can become a Saint in a year's time?"

Lux didn't reply and simply held Lady Augustina's gaze. The one he needed to convince was not Piccoro, but the Steward of the Crystal Palace, who had the highest authority in this Domain.

Regardless of what Cethus' Uncle thought, Lux wasn't someone who wanted to hug someone's thigh forever, unless they were the thighs of his lovers.

Gaap had informed him beforehand that Dragons and Dragon Borns were a very proud race. He added that powerful beings only wanted to treat others of the same rank as equals. For someone as lowly as Lux, showing a sign of weakness would make these proud individuals look down on him.

Since that was the case, he decided to only ask his Guild Headquarters to be stationed in the territory of the Crystal Palace for a year.

He believed that in that span of time, he and his Guild Members would be able to think of a strategy to make the Divine Army of Light understand that they weren't soft persimmons that they could pinch anytime they wanted.

Even a cornered animal would bite back if left with no other choice, and Lux was willing to bite back as hard as he could to make those who wished him dead feel a world of pain.

After Piccoro's initial outburst, an awkward silence descended upon the throne room as the Half-Elf and the Steward of the Crystal Palace continued to observe each other's reaction.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Lady Augustina finally spoke.

"I have heard your answers," Lady Augustina stated. "And I shall let you know my answer tomorrow. For the time being, you can rest in the guest rooms that we have prepared for you and your Master. One more thing, please leave your Dragon Token behind. I needed to look at it to check its authenticity. You don't mind doing that, right?"

Lux took out the Dragon Token from his storage ring and looked at it with a solemn expression on his face.

A moment later, he extended his hand, presenting the Dragon Token on the palm of his hand to the Steward of the Crystal Palace.

With a motioning gesture from Lady Augustina, the Dragon Token flew in her direction and landed on her clawed hands.

"You may take your leave," Lady Augustina stated. "Also, everyone, please leave the throne room. I need some time to think on my own."

Aur nodded and walked towards the Half-Elf.

"Please follow me, Lux," Aur said. "I will take you to the guest room."

"Understood," Lux replied.

The Half-Elf gave the Dragon Token in Lady Augustina's hand one last glance before following behind Aur.

Only when the last person had exited the throne room did Lady Augustina look at the Dragon Token in her hand with reverence.

"Your Majesty, I missed you," Lady Augustina said in a somewhat hoarse voice.

Suddenly, a sigh sounded from the Dragon Token as it glowed faintly in her hands.

"It has been hard on you, Augustina," Keoza replied in an apologetic tone. "How is she? Is she well?"

"I'm sure that she misses you as much as I do, Your Majesty," Lady Augustina stated. "Would you like to see her?"

"… Please." Keoza's voice, which was filled with longing made Lady Augustina become teary-eyed.

"Right away, Your Majesty," the Steward of the Crystal Palace held the Dragon Token with the utmost care in her hand before disappearing from her throne.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm As Keoza's right-hand woman, she had been given the task to protect everything he had left behind, including his wife and child, whom he was forced to abandon for the sake of the continuation of the entire Dragon Race.

Before doing so, he had transferred all of his powers to Lady Augustina, allowing her to become a Supreme and safeguard everyone who believed in him.

This was why he was nowhere to be found on the day of his coronation, allowing the current Dragon King to take his place as a replacement.

Only a handful of people, including his wife, Lady Augustina, and Piccoro knew of the true reason for his disappearance.

Now that Keoza was back in his own Domain, he wished to see his wife, whom he hadn't seen for centuries.

Leaving the Half-Elf in the care of the Dragon Prince, who had become more friendly toward him since they had last seen each other in the Gate of Famine.

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