Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 806 My Intuition Tells Me That It’s A Girl

A day had passed since Eiko's and Astra's battle.

"Tomorrow, the Rankers of Barbatos Academy and the Rowan Tribe will depart for the Domain of the Fallen," Alexander said after they had just finished their lunch. "I talked to Mother, and she agreed to accompany Iris and Cai to the meeting place to ensure their safety.

"This is also our way of telling the Xynnar War Pact, the Skystead Alliance, and the Six Kingdoms, that we have one more Saint on our side. I'm pretty sure that they will be shocked after seeing her, and this will also make them take our Faction more seriously."

Lux nodded his head in understanding. He felt a lot better after knowing that his Grandma would escort Iris and Cai to the entrance of the Domain of the Fallen.

If possible, he also wanted to come with them, but time was not on his side.

He had to meet with the Steward of the Crystal Palace as soon as possible so that he could ask whether his Guild could take asylum in their territory.

An hour later, Lux, Iris, and Cai went to the blue-haired beauty's residence to spend the remainder of the day together.

Iris even told her Father and Grandma that they would not be joining them for dinner.

Because of this, Vera volunteered to take care of Eiko and Fei Fei for the time being, understanding well what her granddaughter wanted to do.

Since they only had a day to be together, Lux and his two fiances planned to make the best of it before the sun rose, when all of them had to depart to carry out their respective missions.

As soon as they entered Iris' bedroom, the blue-haired beauty dragged Lux to the bed without another word.

Naturally, the Half-Elf didn't resist and even allowed his two fiances to remove his clothes, while the two ladies took turns in kissing his lips.

Lux's lean and toned body, which had become more attractive after becoming a Ranker, was something that Iris and Cai were both secretly happy about.

Of course, this was also what the Half-Elf thought as Iris and Cai also removed their clothes in front of him.

After becoming Rankers, the two gorgeous ladies even became more seductive in his eyes.

His only problem was that his eyes automatically darted to their thighs, which made him swallow hard and his little brother stood up like a warrior that was about to fight a war every time.

Seeing his reaction, the two ladies glanced at each other before lowering their heads to take turns in kissing the little guy, which made Lux breathe deeply.

Lux felt that he was the luckiest and happiest man in the world as the two ladies did their best to make him feel good.

After losing her chastity, Cai seemed to have gotten bolder. She even took the initiative to take the Half-Elf's member inside her mouth, while Iris licked and sucked his balls.

Lux's hands weren't being idle as he played and teased the entrance of their caves, which his little brother would be exploring later.

A few minutes later, a groan escaped Lux's lips as his seed spurted inside Cai's mouth.

The High Priestess closed her eyes as the Half-Elf's member twitched inside her mouth. She kept her mouth around his member, making sure that she didn't spill a single drop.

When Lux's climax ended, Cai covered her lips with her hand before swallowing.

For some reason, the sight of the High Priestess swallowing his essence made the love and desire in Lux's chest flare up, allowing his member to retain its hardness.

Fortunately, what happened with Cai the other day didn't happen again, allowing Lux to make love to the both of them six rounds each.

He didn't want to overdo it because his second fiance had a limit on the number of times that she could make love to Lux.

Also, since both girls were headed to the last Gate of the Apocalypse, he didn't want to tire them too much.

After their love making ended, the three of them took a bath and returned to the bed just to cuddle and hug each other.

"How long do you think it will take for the three of us to be together again?" Iris asked as she rested her head on Lux's chest.

"I don't know," Lux replied honestly. "After going to the Crystal Palace, I have to go to Agartha to meet with someone."

"Hmm… my intuition tells me that it's a girl," Cai commented with her head resting on Lux's shoulder. "Am I right, or am I wrong?"

"You're right," Lux answered. "Her name is Aurora."

"She has a beautiful name," Iris said. "Is she also beautiful?"

"Yes," Lux replied.

"More beautiful than us?" Cai inquired in a teasing tone.

"Just as beautiful as the two of you," Lux answered in a heartbeat.

Iris and Cai gave each other a knowing glance before sucking Lux's nipples hard at the same time, which made the Half-Elf's body stiffen.

Lux knew that his two fiances were merely teasing him, so he decided to retaliate by pinching their nipples as well!

A moment later, the three frolicked on the bed, which ended with Lux making love to them two more times before finally calling it a day.

"This is the first time you've asked me to do something like this," Iris asked.

"I just want to experiment a little," Lux replied while his head rested on Iris's thighs.I think you should take a look at

"Experiment a bit?" Iris arched an eyebrow as she lightly brushed Lux's hair.


"And the result of your experiment is?"

"Your thighs are amazing."

Cai, who didn't want to lose to Iris, decided to join in on the fun.

Soon the Half-Elf found himself sandwiched between the thighs of his two fiances, making him wonder if they planned to send him on a one-way-trip to heaven.


Right before sunrise, Lux, Iris, and Cai stood at the gates of Barbatos Academy.

The three of them were reluctant to part with each other, but they understood that each of them had their own responsibilities.

They hugged each other till the very last moment, with Eiko and Fei Fei joining them as well.

"Protect Mama!" Eiko said to the White Unicorn who was standing a few meters away from Iris.

Astra gave the baby slime the "You don't have to tell me" glare, which Eiko responded to by glaring back at him as well.

"It's time to go," Vera said as she gave Lux a hug. "Make sure to send some reports to the Guild Chat from time to time."

"I will, Grandma," Lux replied. "Please also update me on the recent happenings in the Gate of the Apocalypse."

Vera nodded and promised her grandson that she would do just that.

Soon, Iris, Cai, Henrietta, and Xander, along with the other Rankers of Barbatos Academy and the Rowan Tribe, entered Maximilian's portable teleportation gate that would send them a mile away from the entrance of the Gate of the Fallen.

Keane and Gerhart were still in the midst of doing their Ranker Trials, so they were unable to join this expedition.

As for Cethus, he was waiting for Lux in the Crystal Palace, as part of their agreement.

Although the Dragon Born felt that it was regrettable to not enter the last Gate of the Apocalypse, he understood that his Guild's safety was the top priority.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom Iris, Cai, and Vera were the last people to enter the portal. However, before they did, they waved goodbye at Lux one last time, making the Half-Elf almost want to join them on their adventure.

Still, he endured and waved back at them with a smile on his face.

Only when everyone had left did the Half-Elf sigh deeply, making him feel a little lonely.

Alexander, who stood by his side, rested his hand on his stepson's shoulder.

"If you need my help, feel free to call me anytime," Alexander stated. "It doesn't matter if you are facing the Divine Army of Light or other strong opponents. There is no shame in asking for help, especially when you are dealing with Saints."

Lux nodded and promised his stepfather that he would not hesitate to ask for his help if he truly needed it.

Maximilian said the same thing as Alexander and even playfully messed with Lux's hair, making Eiko bite his hand out of annoyance.

The Patriarch of the Rowan Tribe roared in laughter after seeing the feisty Baby Slime protect her Papa from his actions.

As a Saint, Eiko's bite did nothing to him. He even felt that the Baby Slime was quite cute as she latched onto his hand, not letting it go.

"Eiko, it's fine," Lux coaxed the Baby Slime to let go of his soon to be grandfather-in-law's hand. "Sir Maximilian is just teasing me."

Eiko also understood that she wasn't doing any damage to the old coot, so she decided to just stick her tongue out at him, making the old man laugh out loud for the second time.

"I'll be going now," Lux said as he gave two of his strongest allies a nod of farewell.

"Be careful," Alexander replied. "I'll always be free to lend my hand if you need me."

"I as well," Maximilian stated. "One of these days, I'll visit your Guild Headquarters and see what kind of fun things you are cooking up in there."

Lux smiled before pressing his closed fist over his chest.

"Open, Heaven's Gate!"

A flash of light wrapped around Lux's entire body.

A moment later, he disappeared from where he stood and returned to the Outer Reaches to handle the matter of his Guild Headquarters.

Although he felt a little anxious about his two fiances going inside the last Gate of the Apocalypse without him, he tried to brush it off, assuring himself with the fact that there were many Rankers who would protect them.

He wasn't aware that within the last Gate of the Sacred Dungeon, an incident that no one had anticipated was about to unfold.

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