Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 787 Guild Discussion About Relocation

Valerie's laughter melodiously echoed in the air like the chime of bells as she ran through the hallways of Lux's Guild Headquarters while being chased by her Baby Dragon Slime, Kei.

Ali and Ari watched the scene from the side, feeling extremely happy for their Princess. For some reason, both of them also had the urge to raise a Baby Slime of their own, just to have something in common with the innocent girl that they were in charge of.

"Do you want to raise Baby Slimes as well?" Lux asked the two maids, who were looking at Valerie with fond eyes.

"What do you think, Ari?" Ali asked her sister. "Should we raise Baby Slimes as well?"

"Why not?" Ari replied. "Let's get one later when Her Highn— I mean, Valerie has had her fill of playing tag with Kei."

Faustina, who was also watching the Dragon Princess, gave Ari a stern gaze, making the handmaid's body stiffen.

Lux, who seemed to be unaware of what was going on between the girls, only nodded his head in understanding.

"Leah is also in charge of handling the Nursery," Lux said. "You can ask her for help when you want to choose some eggs in the Nursery. I still have important matters to attend to, so I'll leave you girls for now."

Without waiting for Ali's and Ari's reply, Lux went to see Garret and Emma, who were currently in charge of his Guild Headquarters.

They needed to discuss Gaap's proposal of leaving the Outer Reaches before the Divine Army of Light started knocking on their Guild's doorstep.

Due to the massive significance of this matter, Lux made sure to conduct their conversation in the Guild Chat in order to inform his members about the new enemy they were about to face.


"The Divine Army of Light?" Thoram frowned after seeing Lux's message in the Guild Chat. "Boy, just who did you offend to make them your enemy?"

"Sir Thoram, I didn't go out of my way to offend anyone," Lux replied helplessly. "They got offended when I attempted to break through and become a Ranker. You see, this is what happened…"

Lux informed everyone that he had become a Heaven's Necromancer, making him a Progenitor of a new branch of Necromancy.

"What?! You mean that world announcement was about you?!" the Village Head of Leaf Village, Cedwyn, exclaimed in shock. "By the Gods! No wonder the Divine Army of Light wants you dead. They won't allow anyone to think that the Heavens themselves approved of Necromancy."

"I already had a feeling that it was you all along," the Guildmaster of the Adventurer's Guild, Keelan, commented. "Since there was already a precedent when you made your Guild, I reckoned that the world announcement was connected to you in some way. But this is indeed troublesome. You made such a large organization your enemy."

"The Divine Army of Light doesn't have any influence in the Kingdom of Gweliven, but we are aware of how formidable they are," Thoram, who was the Commander of the Stronghold of Norria, replied. "For the time being, you should not go anywhere near the territories under their control. Lay low for a while until this incident boils over."

"The Adventurer's Guild is a Neutral Organization, but we have dealings with the Divine Army of Light in some kingdoms and Empires outside of the Kingdom of Gweliven," Keelan stated. "It is possible that they will also put a bounty on your head and hire Adventurers, Mercenaries, Assassins, and Bounty Hunters to hunt you down."

"The Haca Dynasty is actually one of the Kingdoms that are under the influence of the Divine Army of Light," Garret stated. "They even had a church built in the Capital City a few years ago, and their High Priest is on good terms with our King.

"Since your name is now well known among our citizens, it is possible for people to report your information to the Church, which would make the Divine Army of Light send their members to the Wanid Kingdom to inquire about your whereabouts."

Lux frowned after seeing Garret's reply. If the Saints of the Divine Army of Light visited the Wanid Kingdom, the first place they would visit was the Blackrock Clan, who had very close ties with him.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom "Worry not, the Blackrock Clan will not forsake you, Lux," Barca said in a firm manner. "Even if the Divine Army of Light were to interrogate us, none of us would betray the person that helped us win the war. At the very least, we will just say that you just happened to pass by, and that's it.

"If they try to use force against us, we will make sure to make the entire world know about their wrongdoing," Lady Avyanna, who was the Orc Chieftain of the Blackrock Clan commented. "We will make sure that their reputation will be ruined."I think you should take a look at

"Don't do anything reckless, okay?" Lux stated. "Just say that I was just a passerby to avoid any tension between you and the Divine Army of Light."

"Understood," Lady Avyanna replied. "I'm sorry if we can't help you with this problem, Lux."

Before Lux could say that there was nothing that the Orc Chieftain had to be sorry about, a message popped up in the Guild Chat, which came from someone whom Lux didn't expect to reply at this point in time.

"You said earlier that you planned to move the Guild Headquarters. Where do you plan to relocate it?"

Cethus, who had taken his Ranker Test to become a Ranker, spoke up, making Lux wonder if he had successfully accomplished his breakthrough.

"Cethus, are you a Ranker now?" Lux asked.

"Indeed," Cethus replied. "For someone like me, becoming a Ranker is just as simple as gliding in the sky. It was over before I knew it. Now, let's go back to the topic. Where do you plan to relocate our Guild Headquarters?"

"Actually, I was hoping that we could relocate to the territory of the Crystal Palace," Lux replied.

"To my Grandma Augustina's place?" Cethus inquired. "I think that is a good idea. With her around, not even the Divine Army of Light would dare to act high-handed. That Grandma of mine has a short temper. There was a time when she slapped one of the Champions of Light because he mocked me for being weak."

Cethus then went to brag about his other Grandma, who was currently the Steward of the Crystal Palace.

After having his fill of bragging, Cethus asked Lux if he should send a message to his Grandma, informing them about their circumstance.

"Please, do so," Lux replied. "We need to get her answer as soon as possible."

"Okay." Cethus nodded. "But isn't the Domain of the Fallen going to open soon? The members of the Crystal Palace will certainly be there as well. Aren't we going to join in the fun?"

"Um, actually, I don't plan on going to the Domain of the Fallen at this time," Lux replied. "There is another place that I have to visit."

"Is that so? Understood. I will talk to Grandma for the time being. Fortunately, the place where I broke through is near the Crystal Palace. I will tell you the result of my discussion with Grandma when morning comes."

"Thank you, Cethus. Please do your best to get her approval."

"Don't worry. I got this," Cethus said with confidence.

After being part of Lux's Mythical Guild, Cethus changed a lot. Although he was still arrogant and thought highly of himself, he also wanted to contribute to his Guild in order to make it grow.

Seeing that his Guildmaster was in a pinch, Cethus decided to go all out to convince his Grandma Augustina to give Lux asylum.

As long as she agreed, the Half-Elf would have a Supreme as a backer.

This would make the Divine Army of Light think twice before doing anything that might anger one of the beings that none of them dared to provoke.


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