Lux opened his Soul Book in order to double check that he hadn't missed any information about the blessings he received from the world

Earlier, there were so many rows of text that appeared in front of him that he felt like he hadn't been able to read all of them properly

As if to prove that his guess was correct, he immediately noticed that his two other Summons had also received an upgrade.

His Plague Wing Gargoyles had evolved into Doomsday Gargoyles, and his Elite Spirit Protectors had evolved into Fortress Defenders.

Aside from those upgrades, he also noticed that Eiko also received an Epic Skill called Fairy Princess Transformation [Epic].

Also, all of her combined stats were the same as his, making the Baby Slime as strong as Lux's other Named Creatures, who were now all Argonaut-Ranked Monsters.

Curious about what this new ability could do, Lux checked its information to see how good this Epic Skill was.


< Fairy Princess Transformation [Epic] >

— Allows Eiko to transform into a demi-human Fairy Princess.

— This power allows her to make any Slime Type Monster below the Calamity Rank favor her and help her during her time of need.

— Grants Eiko 2,000,000 Health and Mana Points after transforming into her Fairy Princess Form.

— All of Eiko's Named Creatures will temporarily gain the same combined stat points as her when she is in this form.

— All Slimes, as well as any Creature, under Eiko's command will temporarily gain a buff that would increase their physical and magical attacks by 200%

— All Slimes, as well as any Creature, under Eiko's command will temporarily gain a buff that will increase their physical and magical defense by 200%

— In her Fairy Princess Form, Eiko can create five clones of herself, which also have the same stats and skill set as her.

— These clones, however, are unable to summon Eiko's Named Creatures.

— Eiko will gain the ability to summon a Giant Slime of any Element of her choosing (Five Meters Tall).

— The Rank of this Giant Slime will always have the same Rank as the Fairy Princess, and will be summoned as a World Boss Monster.

(A/N: Right now, Eiko can summon an Argonaut-Ranked World Boss after using her Fairy Princess Transformation.)

— This skill can only be used when Eiko is facing an opponent that is of the same Rank or any creature that is stronger than her.


'… I wonder if Astra will win in his next rematch against Eiko.' Lux could only scratch his head after seeing how strong his Baby Slime had become. 'I'm sure that Iris will be surprised after seeing how strong Eiko is right now.'

Eiko and Astra had a rivalry against each other, and every time they fought, it had always been the Unicorn who had won their battle.

But right now, Lux didn't know if the Unicorn would be able to beat his Baby Slime, who had now become an Argonaut Ranked Monster.

'Aside from the restriction of the skill, I can say with certainty that this is going to be her Trump Card,' Lux mused.

The Half-Elf was very happy that his Baby Slime had also become very strong. Eiko had been with him since he was in Leaf Village, and they shared a very special connection with each other.

Perhaps, she was the only Baby Slime in the world who had managed to reach this rank in a short period of time.

Suddenly, Lux sensed something, which made him look up at the giant Skeleton Cauldron that was hovering in the sky.

Faint ripples of Divine Energy pulsed from the giant cauldron as it slowly descended to the ground, landing a few meters in front of Lux.

Half a minute later, a brilliant golden light shot towards the heavens, as the newest Creature, who would be part of his Legion, was born.

When the light receded, a golden Living Armor, which reminded him of Bedivere's former form, appeared in front of him.

This Living Armor had six pointed metallic wings on its back, seemingly as sharp as a blade.

Its entire body was emanating Divine Strength, making all the Necromancers who weren't of the Saint Rank, feel pressured.

(A/N: To know what it looks like, just search for Monster Girl Living Armor. If you see an image with a pale blue color, or green-blue color, that's the image I am talking about. Just add six metallic wings on its back.)

The Golden Living Armor knelt down in front of Lux, like a Knight who wished to be knighted by its Liege.

"Master, please give me a name."

A voice that definitely belonged to a lady reached Lux's ears, making him wonder if Living Armors had genders as well.

The only Living Armor he had met in his life was Bedivere, whom he had revived as a Dragon Knight in order to reunite him with his family.

"A name…" Lux pondered for a bit. Since the Living Armor had the voice of a girl, he definitely couldn't give it a man's name because that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

After a few minutes, Lux finally found a suitable name for his new subordinate, who would serve by his side till he drew his last breath.

"Calypso," Lux said. "From now on, your name will be Calypso."


< Calypso >

"My every impulse bends to what is right. I am not made of Iron, trust me.

My Soul, Your Beats."

Divine Living ArmorI think you should take a look at

Rating: Epic

Health: 28,000,000 / 28,000,000

Mana: 1,575,000 / 1,575,000

Strength: 10,000

Intelligence: 2,250

ƥ Vitality: 10,000

Agility: 8,600

Dexterity: 8,600

Skills: Divine Blades [Epic], Ray of Light [Epic], Extreme Speed [Epic], Blade Storm [Epic], Duel [Epic], Golden Barrage [Epic]

Passive Skills: Divine Aura [Epic], Levitation [Epic], Abyss Touch [Epic]

Unique Skill: Spear of Longinus

— Calypso will always be of the same Rank as Lux Von Kaizer, but her Monster Rating will always be a World Boss.

(A/N: Currently, Calypso is an Argonaut-Ranked World Boss.)


< Duel [Epic] >

— Taunts multiple targets, forcing them to attack Calypso all at once.


< Spear of Longinus >

— Calypso Transforms into the Spear of Longinus, allowing Lux to use her as a weapon.


< Extreme Speed [Epic] >

— Increases Calypso's speed in short bursts, allowing her to surpass the speed of sound.


< Golden Barrage [Epic] >

— Calypso can unleash countless rays of light at the same time, targeting a single or multiple enemies at once.


'Wow…,' After seeing Calypso's information, Lux was pleasantly surprised. All of her skills were of the Epic Rank, which were considered Top Tier among skills.

The strongest Epic Skill that Lux had was Deus Gigantia, allowing him to summon a giant Skeleton King, whose rank would always be a Rank higher than his.

This Skeleton King would also have a Rank of a World Boss, giving Lux the ability to summon a Dreadnaught-Ranked World Boss anytime, anywhere.

Naturally, Lux's Trump Card would become stronger the more powerful he became.

Once Lux reached the Saint Rank, he would be able to summon a Skeleton King who would step into the Ranks of a Supreme.

If he would be able to reach that rank, there would be very few individuals in both Elysium, and Solais, who would dare to antagonize him.

'My grandson has come a long way,' Vera thought after feeling a bit nostalgic. 'To think that the baby I fished out from the river would become someone so profound. I can't help but wonder if it was Fate who chose me to be the one to raise him.'

The silver-haired lady was very happy for her grandson's growth, but she also worried for his safety at the same time.

Although Lux was now a D-Ranker, the opponents he would face in the future would definitely be stronger than him.

Right now, the Divine Army of Light had openly declared that their dealings with her grandson weren't over.

Against an organization whose influence spanned a vast territory in Elysium and had a High-Council composed of many Saints, a D-Ranker simply couldn't hold a candle against them.

These facts made Vera feel anxious deep in her heart. If Saints really did move to hunt her grandson, how could he possibly protect himself from them?

Lux, who had no idea what her Grandma was thinking, was currently looking at his Soul Book and checking Calypso's information.

Gaap, who shared Vera's worries, was also thinking of the same thing. The Halfling wasn't afraid of facing the Divine Army of Light even if he were alone because he had many ways to protect himself.

However, Lux had just made his breakthrough and had become a newly minted D-Ranker.

Just like Vera, Gaap knew how wide the Divine Army's reach was. If they really wanted to find Lux, all they needed to do was spend a lot of resources, and they would be able to track his location.

Although the floating kingdom of Karshvar Draconis was high in the sky, it was not impossible for the Divine Army of Light to reach the Outer Reaches, and attack Lux's Guild Headquarters, which was just starting to build its foundation from the ground up.

'Fortunately, I made preparations in advance,' Gaap thought. 'Although I didn't expect that it would be used in this manner, it will certainly help Lux evade the eyes of those who wish him harm.'

The Halfling glanced at his Disciple, who had a faint smile on his face, while reading his Soul Book.

For the time being, he decided to accompany Lux on his adventures to ensure that the Divine Army wouldn't be able to kill his one, and only, Disciple so easily.

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