After leaving Queen Rhiannon's Room, Lux found James seated on a lounge chair, surrounded by Succubi.

A few of them were massaging his feet, legs, and arms, as well as feeding him grapes with flushed looks on their faces.

Some of the bolder ones tried their luck and reached out to touch his tralala, but the Old Man politely covered his ding ding dong, preventing the Succubi from groping it.

"James, you're such a tease," a Cute Succubus said with a smile. "How about you let me give little James a massage? Trust me, I will make you feel like you're in heaven."

The Old Man chuckled after hearing the cute lady's words.

"I've been to Heaven in the past," James replied. "It's not as nice a place as everyone thinks it is."

"Oh? Then what is Heaven like?" a Succubus with long blonde hair and red eyes asked. "I've never been there."

"It's a rowdy place, much like an overnight bazaar," James answered. "Fights break out every now and then between the different factions, and these fights sometimes extend to their followers in the mortal realm. It's a messy business, but it's a fun place nevertheless.

"Ah, your Goddess is also up there. I know that it's hard to believe, but one of her beloved daughters had become my grandson's wife. They even have cute kids, so take a look."

James took out a large portrait from his storage ring, showing a family of seven.

A red-headed Half-Elf stood at the center, and he was being kissed by two beautiful Succubi twins on his left and right cheek.

Their daughters were clinging onto him, making him smile from ear to ear.

"Awwwww! They're so adorable!"

"They are definitely living the Succubi Life."

"I want that kind of life as well!"

"Our Queen will give birth to a cute daughter soon. I will be the little one's Big Sister!"

"Oi! I have already told our Queen that I will be her daughter's Big Sister. Get in line, b*tch!"

"Hahaha! Don't fight. I am going to be her Succubus Godmother, so it is best if we get along well."

"Hello? Since when do Succubi become Godmothers?"

Since there was nothing else to talk about, it would be best if he left the 13th Floor and resumed his search for Aurora.

There was also the matter with Daniel, who was somewhere in the Abyss. Lux believed that there was a high chance that he would encounter the Pseudo-God, who nearly killed him in their first clash during the Abyssal Invasion.

"All done?" James asked as Lux landed beside him.

"Yes," Lux replied. "Thank you for waiting."

The Old Man chuckled before lightly patting the neck of his steed. Sleipnir neighed once before galloping towards the Portal that would lead them to the 14th Layer of the Abyss.

This was going to be a long journey filled with danger, and Lux had prepared himself to carve a bloody path forward in order to be reunited with Aurora who had sacrificed herself to save the lives of everyone in Agartha.


Somewhere in the Abyss…

Countless red cocoons, made of flesh and blood, glowed and pulsated like a beating heart.

Among these cocoons, one stood out among the rest.

It was bigger than others, and it pulsated with a golden light.

Over a Dozen Abyssal Lords looked at this golden cocoon with expectant looks on their faces. From time to time, powerful Abyssal Creatures would appear in the Abyssal Nests.

These unborn powerhouses were sought out by the Abyssal Lords, hoping that they would be able to make them their subordinates.

All of them were waiting for the Golden Cocoon to hatch, and based on their experience it should be hatching very soon.

Depending on what kind of creature would be born from it, one of the Abyssal Lords closest to its origin would take that creature under their wing.

For example, if a Minotaur-Type Abyssal Creature were to appear, the Demigod that was closest to a Minotaur would gain the right to make it its subordinate.

This was done to prevent the Demigods from fighting against each other, which could potentially kill all the unborn Abyssal Creatures in the nest who had great potential.

"Based on its aura, I have every reason to believe that the moment this creature is born, its Rank will be that of a Peak Calamity-Ranked Monster," one of the Demigods stated. "Someone is going to be lucky in a few days and get a powerhouse as a subordinate."

The other Demigods nodded their heads in agreement. Since they were unable to discern what kind of Abyssal Creature would be born from the cocoon, the only thing they could do was wait.

Amongst the Demigods who were waiting in the distance, a handsome man with short blonde hair and red eyes smirked.

Although he couldn't see the image of the creature in the cocoon, he could tell that this creature was closest to his Origin compared to the rest of the Demigods around him.

Because of this, he couldn't help but smile in anticipation, thinking that soon, another powerhouse would be joining his faction, which would complete his collection.

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