Chapter 389: Rose

Translator: Henyee Editor: Henyee

Little Six nodded and saved the videos. As he tapped on the keyboard, another picture popped up. He made a call via the computer. After the call was connected, he tapped on the keyboard again to block the other party from locating him and said, “I want to report that some people are taking drugs together in Colton Castle, and one of them is a famous star in China.”

Little Six hung up the call and called Tang Xi. The latter was about to go home after having dinner with Chu Ling, but Chu Ling told her that she had become the target of the local gang and advised her not to show up with the identity of Tang Xi but Xiao Rou. And then he sent her to a hotel. Tang Xi knew Chu Ling did all of this as asked by Qiao Liang. Although she was still angry with Qiao Liang, she was actually waiting for Qiao Liang to apologize to her. However, she entered the room of the hotel only to find no one was here. She scowled and sat on the sofa in a sulk. Seeing Little Six calling her, she wanted to hang up, but she really wanted to know what Qiao Liang was up to, so she picked up the call despite herself.

“Little Six?”

“Yes, it’s me, Miss Xiao.” Little Six paused and said seriously, “We’ve found out who set you up that night.”

Tang Xi’s face darkened. So she was sexually harassed because someone set her up? She clenched the cell phone and suddenly felt as if someone was staring at her. She got up, walked to the window and drew the curtains before she asked, “Who did that?”

“An actress of the Empire Entertainment called Xu Fang. Do you know her?”

Hearing this name, Tang Xi narrowed her eyes and gave a chilly smile, answering, “Sure, I know her very well!” She couldn’t be more familiar with Xu Fang whom every time she saw, she just wanted to strangle her to death! Unfortunately, she couldn’t do it for many reasons!

Little Six felt Tang Xi’s tone was strange, so he asked, “Miss Xiao, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Tang Xi smiled, sat down on the sofa and asked in a low voice, “How did you find out it was her?”

Little Six told her how they found out about the truth, and highlighted how much Qiao Liang did for her in an exaggerated way. After hearing his words, Tang Xi frowned. Her heart sank when she heard the family name of “Kloss”. She asked seriously, “So that man was from Ciffa Gang? And from the Kloss Family?”

“Yes, fortunately, Young Master is here this time. Otherwise, I can’t imagine what will happen!”

Tang Xi took a deep breath and asked, “Where is your Young Master?”

“Young Master is in the branch office, dealing with this issue. He said he would never let you be in danger.” Little Six took a look at Qiao Liang who took his coat and was going out. The former raised his eyebrows and continued, “Miss Xiao, I think Young Master couldn’t control his emotions because he loved you too much. Sometimes, he may seem to be unreasonable, but I can assure you that he loves you very much. Otherwise, he wouldn’t do those things.”

Tang Xi grunted in response. Thinking of the harsh words she said to Qiao Liang, she pulled her hair in chagrin, and asked, “I guess you called me not only to tell me this?”

“Well, we tracked Kloss Lov, and found that he took Xu Fang away. Then we hacked into the surveillance system of his home and found he and Xu Fang are taking a drug. So I’d like to ask, could you terminate the contract with Xu Fang in advance?

Tang Xi raised her eyebrows and said, “Terminate the contract with her? Our contract has long expired. It expired on the very day I took over the Empire Entertainment. But some executives of the company still wanted to renew the contract with her because of her commercial value. They haven’t finalized the terms, so we haven’t renewed the contract with her nor declared that the contract has expired. But since she did this to me, I won’t cooperate with her anymore. I’ll tell my assistant to declare that she is no longer an employee of our company on Microblog right away!

“Okay, please do it quickly and we’ll give her a big present too.” Little Six gave a wicked smile. Young Master and Miss Tang quarreled because of Kloss Lov and the latter harassed Miss Tang after being incited to so by Xu Fang. Now it was time for her to pay the price for what she had done!

After the call, Tang Xi wanted to call Qiao Liang, but didn’t know what to say. In the end, she threw her cell phone aside and went to take a shower before laying in bed, trying not to think of Qiao Liang...

Qiao Liang came out of the branch office, got into his car and drove along the road. After passing a flower shop, he suddenly braked, backed up the car and pulled over. He walked into the flower shop, looked around at the dazzling array of flowers and blinked in bewilderment. He had never sent Tang Xi any flowers, nor did she say that she liked flowers, but today...

“What kind of flowers should I buy?” Qiao Liang mumbled to himself.

Seeing this handsome guest standing in the shop for several minutes but still hadn’t managed to decide what to buy, the shop owner came over and asked gently, “Sir, may I help you?”

Qiao Liang frowned.

The shop owner immediately knew that this man didn’t know what flowers to buy, so she asked, “May I ask who you are buying the flowers for?”

“My girlfriend.” Qiao Liang answered.

“Oh, really? That’s great.” The shop owner smiled. “Do you want to propose to her? If you do, you can choose roses.”

“No, I want to apologize to her.” Qiao Liang looked at the shop owner and explained, “I said some harsh things to her and she was very angry at me. I want to give her some flowers to show my apology.”

“Well, then you...”

“Wait a minute.” Qiao Liang suddenly raised his hand and interrupted the shop owner. He pointed at a red bouquet of roses and said with a smile, “I’d like some roses. She is a beautiful girl just like a rose so I think she will like roses.”

The shop owner nodded and asked, “Then how many roses do you want?”

Qiao Liang frowned. How many roses did he want? He had already told her that he wanted a bouquet of roses.

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