Chapter 384.2: Infiltration ②

The line moves more smoothly than expected and it is soon my turn.

The door silently slides open and I step inside.

Inside the pillar is a room with walls and floor made from a strange, shiny white metal. Along the wall, several more of the mechanized soldiers who had been there outside lined up. They are over two meters tall. They aren’t even looking in my direction, but they are incredibly intimidating up close.

The room is divided into two sections by a counter and a glass, with a metal gate in the middle. At first glance, it looks like the reception desk of the Explorer Association. It is a simpler structure than I had imagined.

The people who entered earlier are nowhere to be seen. On the other side of the gate stand two men in black uniforms.

Could they be residents of Code? The cards attached to their chest have their name and four stars on them.

It may seem obvious, but the residents of Code are just normal people, huuuh.

As I am thinking about this, one of the two speaks with a surly look on his face and a monotonous voice.

“We will now begin the immigration inspection. Please hold your card in your hand and proceed.” (Staff Member)

“………… Yes.” (Cry)

I am starting to get a little nervous.

I take a deep breath, pull out the card I received from the Explorer Association, and pass through the gate. The metal gate has strange decorations on the inside.

Is this technology from an Advanced Physical Civilization? Are they checking something? Is this the place where they determine the authenticity of the cards? Is it a Relic?

Nothing in particular happens and I pass through the gate.

――Then the person who has just given me instructions earlier frowns and says.

“Stop……………… Go through the gate again.” (Staff Member)

“Eh? Okay.” (Cry)

Is something wrong? Following the instructions, I go through the gate again, but the confused look on his face doesn’t change.

Did I, do something?

The staff member whispers while covering his ear, then looks at me with wide eyes and says.

“………… There is one thing I want to confirm. Are you confident in your fighting skills?” (Staff Member)

What is this sudden question…………

“…… Not really.” (Cry)

“I see…… I guess so. I don’t know what your intentions are in coming here with that ability………………………… Well, you do have a passcard.” (Staff Member)

That ability……? Could it be that this gate also has the function of checking people’s abilities?

I wish the Explorer Association had that function too. If they could quantify people’s abilities, I am sure there would be no more tragedies like mine, where people inadvertently became High-level despite not having any ability. Come to think of it, there was also something like an ability evaluation when I wore 『Over Greed (Evolving Devil Mask)』.

It may be that every civilization thinks about similar things.

“Just to be sure…… Do you have ill intent towards Code?” (Staff Member)

“Um…… None.” (Cry)

The staff member once again covers his ears and mutters softly. Maybe he is talking to someone far away. This is the civilization that gave birth to the smartphone, so they should be able to do that much.

The staff member immediately looks up and looks at me, and just like before, he speaks in the same flat voice――Or to put it bluntly, a voice that sounds somewhat annoyed.

“………… Copy that. Verification complete, authenticity check passed. Go ahead and proceed with the procedure. Welcome to Code.” (Staff Member)


Code, Immigration Bureau. In the room examining the information sent from the gate, the officials discuss about the young man who has just entered the country.

“I can’t believe it, an overall rating of 4 is frightening. How on earth did a guy like that get a pass card? Even though it was a mass recruitment, they should have gathered people with outstanding abilities, right?” (Staff Member 1)

“As if I know. He has a real pass card so it can’t be helped. If we reject him and it turns out that he had permission from above, who would take responsibility?” (Staff Member 2)

The gate that one goes through to enter Code has several functions.

The ability to numerically display the abilities of those who pass through is one of the few features still available in the current Code. Although the logic behind it is unclear, the evaluation is based on a close examination of everything from physical prowess such as muscle strength and instantaneous force to the five senses, Magic power, and even latent abilities, and it leaves no room for doubt.

However, the information sent by the gate when the young man passed through was such that even the staff member, who had been managing a fair number of immigration cases up until then, could not help but doubt the gate’s performance.

It is rare for someone to go through the gate twice.

“I have never seen anything like a 4. Even low-class people with no talent can get around 10 or so………… Potential and willpower are also included in the evaluation criteria, so it is not like you can get such a low number, right?” (Staff Member 1)

“He is just below the low-class people. If you like, you can say that it is abnormal, but that is why I checked to see if he has any ill will and also ran an authentication check. The results are all green, that man has no ill will towards Code. The scan didn’t detect any dangerous objects. There are no problems with the procedures. If it was 0, it might have been a malfunction……” (Staff Member 2) “………… Well, okay. He is not strong, he is weak, huh……” (Staff Member 1)

Currently, immigration officials should be wary of Hunters infiltrating.

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This time, the maximum number of Hunters expected to infiltrate is three. Using such a valuable slot to send such a weak man into the group is unthinkable if you think about it logically.

Even if that man is the infiltrator, he will not be able to do anything even if he gets inside.

While some weapons, such as long-range cannons, cannot be used inside Code, the mechanized soldiers can still be mobilized. And even if they cannot be mobilized, Code’s residents can easily suppress him.

Then, at that moment, a staff member communicating from one of the gates speaks up.

“It is here. Overall rating, over 10,000.” (Staff Member 3)

“10,000!? Is it even possible to get five figures!?” (Staff Member 1)

“Who knows. But I am sure this guy is a Hunter. Let him in, let’s use the mechanized soldiers. We will capture him as ordered.” (Staff Member 2)

A sudden tension fills the room due to the sudden anomaly they have. At that moment, the young man with an overall rating of 4 has completely disappeared from the staff members’ minds.

Thanks for reading! Of course Code couldn’t read Cry’s true power or maybe it wasn’t 4 but 4*10^10...0 and the screen couldn’t show all the zero after the 4. Moreover there is no ill will because it is a foregone conclusion that Cry is going to destroy Code. Now he sucessfully infiltrated Code without anyone knowing his true powaaaa and became random mob A! Sasuga Cry-sama!

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