Chapter 367.1: Mask God ⑥

Kellers abilities are omnipotent.

Outer Sense is an organ that interferes with everything and physically moves all existence, and at the same time, it is also a sensory organ that receives information. Its power, which can spread freely and even interfere with dreams, is a form of omniscience and omnipotence, and in my prime, I, Keller could recognize targets hundreds of kilometers away and destroy them with pinpoint accuracy.

Once I had become able to use my abilities to a certain degree, there was nothing I couldnt do.

However, even from my perspective, the current situation is incomprehensible.

No, I understood. Even after looking at him again like this, Cry Andrich is incompetence itself He had barely absorbed any Mana Materials and had no power to harm me. His words are frivolous and devoid of any strong will, and his thoughtful expression conveys no meaning whatsoever. That man had no plan and all my Outer Sense could detect from him was only a warm resignation.

That is why I dont understand it. How could something so unexpected happen in front of such an extremely foolish hero?

The moment my attack was released, lightning struck, and from within itSomething emerged.

It was a Phantom. A Phantom not created by the Temple of Origin.

However, this Phantom exuded a scent similar to those of my kins.

A Divine aura A kin from a different god, huh Interesting. (Keller)

I once won every battle, eventually killing a god myself and becoming known as a god.

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Strength is the most important aspect within the group of the masked god, with me at the top. Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei) are strong, but they are still far from me. It has been a while since I have fought a kin from a different god, but a gods kin will be a good warm-up for my return to this world.

It is unclear why it appeared here, but if I want to claim supremacy in this world, my biggest obstacle will surely be another god.

I manipulate my divine organ and clear the dust.

Standing there is a kin of a godA fox incarnation and a man supporting it.

I did not hold back. The attack I unleashed using all of my available current ability was enough to kill way over 10,000 weak humans. Even if the opponent is a gods kin, it is a blow that can easily kill it if it receives it defenselessly.

Wh-at Was that (Imouto Kitsune)

The fox incarnation utters a stunned noise.

The fox incarnation is in *boroboro* tatters. Its face and body are scraped, revealing blood.

But it is far from disappearing.

My blow only scrapes off the surface and the damaged surface quickly heals and returns to normal.

A fox mask and a white kimono. Moreover, a white tail extends from its rear.

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I am fully aware of what had happened.

It was a barrier. The powerful barrier that Cry had deployed reduced the damage.

As usual, I cannot sense any power coming from him, so he probably has a Relic that can create a barrier. I had already seen that ability in action when I crushed the great tree house where Cry had been peeking out.

It is impossible to escape the analysis of Outer Sense.

A barrier that protects an extremely small area. The area is probably just Cry Andrich himself and anything he touches.

The only reason why the fox incarnation took a small amount of damage was because the fox incarnation was not within the range of the Barrier for the brief moment the attack hit. After receiving the attack, it took a step back, and at that exact moment, it touched Cry, entering the protective range of the barrier, so the remaining attacks did not go through.

The strength of the barrier was incredible. It was likely strong enough to block even a single blow from a god at the cost of its limited duration and range. But either way, it is not something he can use so many times.

I gather the scattered forces that I have been using to stop Cry Andrichs allies.

I dont know what kind of relationship the fox incarnation has with that man, but if it stands in my way, I will just destroy it.

The place is filled with the tense atmosphere characteristic of a battlefield. The surrounding buildings have already been blown away by the aftermath of Kellers blow. Apart from the Imouto Kitsune and me, the only one who is still in decent shape is Mimic-kun. Keller doesnt seem shaken even when his attack was blocked. He looks at me (And the Imouto Kitsune standing in front of me) and says in a dark voice.

I should have chosen to be hostile from the beginning. If I hadnt offered a contract, I wouldnt had to deal with these troublesome issues. There is no need for incompetents. For you, death is the best way to show your loyalty to this Keller. (Keller)

That is a bit of a stretch. Well, there is no doubt about the fact that I am incompetent, but death is the only way to show your loyalty, you say What did I do?

Aaaaaah, so it is my fault because I didnt do anything!!

The Imouto Kitsune is silent. It is no wonder since she has been suddenly attacked as soon as she landed on the ground.

I think she *girigiri* barely got within range of the Barrier Ring because she touched me at the exact moment she was being attackedBut well, I think it is also your fault for coming so suddenly.

The Imouto Kitsune stands unsteadily on her two legs when she lets my hand that was supporting her go. Keller looks at the Imouto Kitsune and snorts.

Using a divine beast How, amusing. It is the most, amusing thing, you have ever done. Cry Andrich. (Keller)

What is he talking about This god. What do you mean by using her?

Rather, you saw it, didnt you. This girl fell with the lightning, you know? And the lightning struck me. If I didnt have my Barrier Rings I would have died. What kind of stunt is that!

However, at those wordsThe Imouto Kitsune, who has been silent up until then, reacts.

Wha? Use Us? Kikkikan-san used Us? (Imouto Kitsune)

She has a grumpy voice. And her voice is filled with power. The supple tail that extends from her behind swells out.

There areTwo tails. A big tail and a small tail. Flames *potsupotsu* begin to appear around the Imouto Kitsune.

I feel like she only had one tail the last time I saw her, but I wonder if she grew another one

The Imouto Kitsune glares at Keller and says as if spitting.

You attacked me out of the blue, how rude I only came to retrieve, my smartphone from the, very, very rude Kikkikan-san, who keeps contacting me!!! (Imouto Kitsune)

!? No wayyy I thought we were friends, so I was just casually sending you messages (Cry)

Well, it is not like I know any contact other than the Imouto Kitsune and the Ani Kitsune.

It is true that I am a little sorry about the last phone call, you know. But I had no ill will, you know If you ask me why I would do something like that without any ill will, I can only apologize profusely.

The Imouto Kitsune*bafubafu* slaps the ground with her long tail and cries out loud.

Youre rude, but I wont do anything that benefits Kikkikan-san any more than this. (Imouto Kitsune)

No wayyy, I did put up a barrier for you tho (Cry)

It wasnt in time at all! The surface ended up like this. (Imouto Kitsune)

When the Imouto Kitsune turns towards me, the surface of her body melts into a gooey mess. It is pretty gruesome. Seriously But you really can do a lot of things, you know.

The Imouto Kitsune says as she quickly changes her face back to normal.

Ill go back as soon as I retrieve my smartphone! Kikkikan-san, wheres the smartphone? (Imouto Kitsune)

Over there. (Cry)

!? (Imouto Kitsune)

I point towards Keller. Unfortunately, Keller still has my phone. I dont want her to take it, but putting that aside, even if I asked for it back, he probably wouldnt give it back.

The Imouto Kitsune is stunned for a moment, but then she quickly turns to face Keller.

Two Phantoms with fearsome abilities. However, even though they are Phantoms born in a Treasure Shrine of the same rank, one is the Phantom of a god, and the other is the kin of a Phantom of a god. As expected, it seems like there is a difference in their powers.

Imouto Kitsune stretches out her hand and says quietly.

Give it back. God of humans. For now, I mean you no harm. (Imouto Kitsune)

Keller lifts the smartphone he is holding and stares at it. And then, for some reason, he lets out a stifled laugh.

Kukuh This is Very poorly made. It shows the extent of your power. It is just right for a useless person. (Keller)

Haaah!? (Imouto Kitsune)

Keller puts the object he is holding back in his pocket and speaks in a tone that does not hide his contempt.

If there is something you desire, then take it by force. Didnt you gain some power, you damn Ayakashi1. (Keller)

So ruuude! The rudest after Kikkikan-san!! (Imouto Kitsune)

What did I do to make her think I am so rude But if the Imouto Kitsune doesnt win here, there is no future for me. I quickly flatter the Imouto Kitsune.

If you win, I will give you some Inari Sushi, so do your best! (Cry)

Thats what Im talking about when I say rude!! (Imouto Kitsune)

The Imouto Kitsunes larger tail suddenly stretches out. And with erratic, whip-like movements it approaches Keller.

Just as the attack is about to hit, Keller leaps high into the air. Failing to catch its target, the tail smashes into the ground with ease and spins in the direction Keller has dodged. At the same time, the floating flames are shot towards Keller. This is actually the first time I am seeing the Imouto Kitsune fight.

So you, werent just someone who is a fan of Aburaage, huh. (Cry)

!? Kuuuuh!! (Imouto Kitsune)

The tail persistently tracks Keller as he flies through the air. It is a very useful tail. Maybe Lucias tail can do the same thing?

However, Keller has completely predicted the tail that is approaching at high speed. Not a single one of the relentless blows from the tails approaching from behind him and from all directions, and not even a single one of the flying flames hit him.

Keller lands on the ground. Her tails swing down above his head but is stopped just in time as if something has blocked it. The Imouto Kitsunes shoulders *bikuri* shake violently.

Thanks for reading! We are in the endgame now, Imouto Kistune VS Keller (And Cry provoking both of them) Who will win!? Please put your bet and have Cry defy all expectations!

Ayakashi: it means a synonym of Youkai which means spirit/ghost.

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