Chapter109,Part1: 1 - Fun Vacation ④?

Chapter 109 Fun Vacation ④?

Part 1

“Whatwhat? What is happening?”

Liz’s eyes were shining. I nonchalantly tried to escape reality by sipping the delicious tea Sytry made.

It has been ten minutes but there were no signs of the lightning or the warning concerto coming to an end.

Tino’s cheeks which were red until a while ago lost its color. Her cheeks were clenching a little bit but she turned her eyes to the window without throwing any reproachful look at me.

A bright lightning flashes and I gulped down my black tea.

It is well known that Zebrudia‘s national security is better when you compare it to other countries. When a town was large enough, the Knight Order would be deployed by the country or the local lord to protect the town from Monsters, Phantoms and criminals.

Zebrudia’s Knight Order are excellent. Of course, the qualities vary slightly depending on the location but it wasn’t uncommon for ex-Hunters to join one, so they can solve most of the troubles. When they can’t manage it, a help request may be posted in the Explorer Association but that happens rarely.


So then, what could this alert siren be about?

This house was located in a residential area outside of the main road. In the first place, unlike a small village, it was hard to believe that the alert siren would ring in a fairly large town, like Elan. As it is an alert siren that resound until this place, we can speculate that it is an incident that could endanger the general citizen.

I heavily sighed and I crossed my legs for the time being.

“Sytry, do you have any snacks?”

“Ah…… Yes! There are the chocolates that Cry-san seems to like.”

Sytry who had been released from Liz brought chocolates with a shiny colorful wrapping in a small bowl. It may come from some industrial country.

I desperately pushed the alert siren sound out of my head and peeled off the chocolate paper. Tino timidly asked me.

“Master…… Is this fine?”

The alert siren? That had nothing to do with me.

I haven’t received any request and I have the right to decide whether I will or won’t accept it even if I do receive one.

In the first place, Hunter’s main job is to explore Shrines and the town’s security was the Knight Order’s job. That is why we pay taxes. It isn’t because I am a Level 8 that I will jump in front of anything and everything.

Well, if you are a first-class Hunter, then it would be for the best to take the initiative to cooperate when you hear the alert siren but I can’t do it as I don’t have any power.

Even though I thought about all that, I beckoned Tino who was fidgeting as maybe she had a mindset of a first-class Hunter.

I presented the chocolate I had just opened up to Tino who was approaching and smiled at her to reassure her.

“It will be fine. If it is only this much, it is within my expectation. And didn’t I promise you that you won’t have to fight this time?”

I was used to being involved in an incident. It wasn’t the first time that I heard the alert siren.

And I know. At times like this, it is the best to stay still. If you stay still, someone else will resolve the problem.

Liz leaned forward and said with a sweet voice.

“Eeeeh!? We won’t rush out?”

“We won’t go. Well Liz, did you forget our purpose?”


Liz stared in wonder and seriously tilted her head. Even though I had explained to her so many times, it seemed that it had already gone outside of her head. Her tendency to love festivities was extraordinary.

“It is a vacation. Va, ca, tion!”

You can’t stumble on the very first step. Furthermore, if we rush out, then wouldn’t people know that I was here.

If someone asked me directly to do something about it, then I would have to think about it as 《Footprint’s》 Clan Master. And that must be avoided at all cost.

“Sytryyy, no one knows that we are here right?”

“Of course. We haven’t shown our face to this branch Explorer Association. But as we went through the entrance examination, if they check through it they will know that we are here but it will be unlikely that they will find this hideout.”

Fantastic. As expected of Sytry, she wasn’t a goof like me. This time, for sure, there isn’t any worry about getting Tino involved in something.

All I had to do now was to wait for the storm to pass. It would become troublesome if I went outside and met someone who knew my face.

It would be troublesome if I was caught trying to leave the town in a hurry. So confinement it is then.

And when it comes to confinement, then I don’t feel like I will lose against anyone from 《Footprint》. I quickly made my decision.

“We won’t leave this house until the turmoil has subsided. Do we have any emergency rations?”

“For food related resources, we won’t have a problem even for a month. And even for other resources as well ――”

One month, huh. That will be enough.

Or rather, we even have too much. Seriously, what was Sytry’s assumption to plan all this…… Was she planning on a battle of attrition or what?

“Listen, Tino. At times like this ―― The most important is to stay calm. Didn’t I tell you? You won’t participate in any battle. It will be fine, the alert siren will stop soon, here, sit down.”

“I, I see…… Even this, everything is dancing under Master’s palm…… Right?”

For Tino, when there is a turmoil like that, she won’t unreasonably rush out as if she can’t help it.

At my words, Tino showed her trust in this useless me and sat down on the sofa.

However, the main problem wasn’t the straightforward Tino.

“Un, un, you are right. Liz, you also sit down. You absolutely can’t go outside, ok?”

It’s Liz. The problem is Liz, she can’t help but rush out even when there is a turmoil, it’s inevitably Liz. It’s Liz, the one who immediately forgot what I just said.

If I don’t hold her down for the whole time then trouble will appear like a snowball rolling down a mountain.

“Eeeeh…… Cry-chan so meannn.”

Somehow Liz sat down next to me like I told her ―― And grabbed my wrist.

I reconfirmed my determination to do everything I can to pass this vacation without any incident while Liz was letting a happy voice and combing her hair she had let down.

And then when I returned, I will brag about how great this vacation was to the other Clan Members.

At that time, Tino will probably come to believe my words a little bit more.


TL notes:

Thx for reading!

Sometimes I wonder if he isn’t purposely raising flags to have more incident coming to him XD

And that mentality to just leave it to others to do the job, I like it!

Tchao à plus!

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