Chapter 1604: Untitled

Shen Fanxing nodded and took out her phone to show everyone one of the popular videos from a few days ago.

Madam Chen’s arrogant manner of bullying the servants left the reporters speechless.

Everyone felt appeased by Shen Fanxing’s actions.

But what was wrong with the video?

In the end, when Shen Fanxing came downstairs and lifted Madam Chen’s chin with the rolled-up document in her hand, she heard the reporter shout, “Stop!”

Shen Fanxing smiled and pressed the pause button.

“CEO Shen, what are you holding in your hand?”

Everyone stared at Shen Fanxing’s hand in confusion.

When she entered the house, Shen Fanxing was empty-handed. Now, she had something in her hand.

Thinking of what had just happened, everyone seemed to have some guesses.

Could it be…

Shen Fanxing raised an eyebrow and replied, “It’s just some documents. You don’t have to know.”

“Then why did you go upstairs in the video?”

Shen Fanxing’s face darkened. “Do I have to report to you every time I go to the toilet?”

The reporter sneered and said, “CEO Shen, you entered the Bo residence empty-handed. From the video, I know that you didn’t inform my family when you entered the Bo residence that day. It can be said that you forced your way in. Since that’s the case, it’s not good for you to take away someone’s belongings… right?”

Shen Fanxing smiled and remained silent.

The reporter continued,

“You just came out of the Bo residence. You didn’t return home or to the company. Instead, you held a press conference immediately and announced the contents of the blueprint. If I’m not wrong, CEO Shen, the design draft that you announced back then, which is the design on Miss Pei’s clothes, is actually what you took out from the Bo family.”

Everyone exclaimed in surprise when they heard that. They looked at the screen again. The roll on Mother Chen’s chin and the design plan she revealed later were all simple pieces of paper.

Since they were so consistent, the conclusion was…

The design in Shen Fanxing’s hands didn’t look good…

“I’ve stayed in the Bo residence before. Isn’t it natural for me to get something?”

The reporter sneered and gave him a look of disdain.

“CEO Shen, since you’re so open-minded, why don’t you answer us openly? Whose embroidery design did you announce to the public, which is the embroidery on Miss Pei’s costume?”

Everyone’s gaze landed on Shen Fanxing. Even if Shen Fanxing didn’t say anything, they already knew the answer.

All she wanted now was for Shen Fanxing to admit it.

They were certain that it was different from Shen Fanxing admitting it.

Shen Fanxing pursed her lips and the smile on her face faded.

Seeing this, Pei Yaochi realized that something was amiss.

“CEO Shen, as far as I know, the eldest wife of the Bo family is from a southern embroidery family, right?”

Seeing that Shen Fanxing was silent, the reporter had no choice but to reveal the truth.

“Even if Young Master Bo is close to you and has a good relationship with Madam Bo, using her design without her permission is theft or plagiarism? Or rather, you stole someone else’s design and took it for yourself?”

Stealing, plagiarism, and stealing other people’s designs. These words were nothing compared to design.

The surroundings were in a mess and it was especially noisy.

The reporters looked at Shen Fanxing smugly.

As the saying went, a tall tree attracts the wind. If one was popular, there would be many scandals. If one led a good life, they would definitely attract a group of lemons. They would watch you at all times and stab you whenever they saw a gap. They would definitely pull you down from a high place and crush you.

Even though his life wasn’t good, at least he felt better.

Shen Fanxing had long understood Shen Qianrou’s personality. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been so meticulous in preparing for everything.

As long as she understood human nature and everyone’s temper, it would be easy for her to gain control.

Most people couldn’t bear to see others being better than them.

Faced with the reporter’s current mood, Shen Fanxing felt that he wasn’t just smug because he had taken someone else’s money.

“This reporter friend, you have to have evidence when you speak.”

Shen Fanxing replied calmly. Although the embroidery design was indeed as he had said,


Who asked her to have a motive?

“Since I dare to say that, there must be evidence. Other than the video you just played, the old servant who was chased out is also a good witness…”

Shen Fanxing continued, “Can her eyes fly? She’s on the first floor. How can her eyes follow me to the second floor?”

The reporter sneered, “I knew that CEO Shen has a glib tongue. Not many people can out-talk you, but I have evidence… Chairman Bo of the Bo Consortium can be a witness!”

A glint flashed across Shen Fanxing’s eyes.


When everyone heard that Chairman Bo was the witness, they exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, even Chairman Bo had stepped forward.

Back then, there were surveillance cameras on the second floor of the Bo residence. They clearly saw you entering the room of the Bo family’s First Madam. When you came out, you had those documents in your hand.

After Chairman Bo’s confirmation, more than half of Madam’s design drafts were missing.

I have a video as evidence and even a recording of Chairman Bo testifying.”

As the reporter spoke, he raised his phone to indicate that everything was on it.

Shen Fanxing smiled faintly and allowed the reporter to rush onto the stage. Under the watchful eyes of the reporters, she projected the video evidence to the public.

In the video, Shen Fanxing’s actions were exactly as the reporter had described.

There was even a video of Bo Yuelin.

In the video, Bo Yuelin was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. There was no longer the usual gentle smile on his face, but he was expressionless and calm.

“Miss Shen, you have to know your limits. Although Jinchuan has spoiled you, it doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want anywhere.”

It wasn’t polite to barge into the Bo residence, and it wasn’t your right to manage the servants at home. Moreover, you didn’t even inform me before taking away Sister-in-law’s design that she had treasured for many years and using it for business. It’s even more unbelievable.”

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