Chapter 241: Convergence

TL: Etude

After circumventing the Alda armys formation, Derrick led his familys knights to a stop not far away.

They planned to rest briefly before returning to assist their allies near their formation. Although the Alda armys banners were neat and their troops seemed well-trained, they were ultimately all infantry. Against fast-moving cavalry, they were too passive.

Derrick couldnt bring himself to abandon his allies and flee.

Before they could catch their breath, a worrying scene unfolded: two detachments of Kent family cavalry charged fiercely at the Alda army from both sides.

Just when many began praying for their allies, something astonishing happened.

A sound like popping beans erupted, followed by a thick cloud of smoke. The Kent familys cavalry assaulting the formation were swiftly brought down.

It was incredible. The cavalry hadnt even thrown their javelins before being struck by some unseen force, causing them to fall from their horses. Clearly, whatever it was inflicted lethal damage, as most of the fallen didnt rise again.

Only a few lucky ones managed to throw their javelins, causing some casualties to the Alda army. However, the formation remained unshaken.

Derrick and his knights watched in shock as another attack by the Kent cavalry was easily repelled by their allies, leading to a standoff.

It wasnt until the cannons roared like thunder that they were snapped out of their stupor.

Quick! Converge with the Alda forces!

Derrick spurred his horse, leading his knights towards the formation.

Friends from Alda, I am Derrick Heller, son of Count Winifred Heller. May I know who is the highest-ranking officer here?

Hearing Derrick announce himself, Bryce adjusted his collar and responded loudly, I am Bryce Ald, Major of the Alda Infantry First Battalion, commanding this army in the name of Count Grayman.

Derrick dismounted and walked briskly towards Bryce. Soldiers parted to create a path for him.

The two men shook hands firmly.

Major Ald, thank you for rescuing us from the Kent family. On behalf of the Heller family, I extend our respect to the Grayman family and to you and your troops.

Assisting allies is a matter of course. On behalf of Count Grayman, I also extend our respect to the Heller family.

After exchanging courtesies, Bryce, who had served as Aldas military chief under the old Grayman, was well-known to Derrick. Normally, as a counts son, Derrick wouldnt pay much heed to a commoner like Bryce. However, having been saved by him today, Derrick found himself speaking more politely.

Are the weapons you used to defeat the cavalry those legendary fire crossbows and thunder hammers?

Despite his hesitation, Derrick couldnt help but ask. Such powerful weapons were surely a significant military secret. He had been struggling with whether to ask, fearing it might cause discomfort.

Fire crossbows? Thunder hammers? Those are imaginative names. Indeed, Viscount Heller, we relied on them to defeat the Kent cavalry.

Derrick inquired further, Could I perhaps touch one?

Bryce understood Derricks curiosity but showed a troubled expression. Firearms were Aldas armys greatest reliance.

Sorry, I shouldnt have been so abrupt. Gentlemen, let me lead the way to our camp!

Derrick quickly changed the subject.

That would be most appreciated!

Bryce ordered his troops to regroup and set off again, and the Alda armys speed of assembly once again amazed Derrick and his knights. At the sound of the bugle, each soldier quickly found their position as if they had practiced it many times. In less than 20 minutes, a neatly arranged marching column was formed.

As Bryce and his men neared the camp following Derrick, other lords armies in the coalition had just finished a battle with the Kent familys troops. It was a chaotic fight where neither side gained an advantage.

What a confusing battle we had today!

The officers complained to each other, and the troops morale was low.

The two groups of horsemen met halfway.

Derrick! Youre alive! I thought

Count Malkan exclaimed in surprise upon seeing Derrick.

Thank heavens, otherwise how would we explain to your father.

Although the words were of relief, the tone was full of sarcasm.

I broke through and retreated to the north!

Derrick, with a face full of shame, apologized, Sorry for the trouble I caused everyone!

Count Parker approached on horseback and said, Well properly review todays events when we get back. And who might this be?

He had already recognized the Grayman familys banner and turned to ask Bryce, who was leading the group.

Bryce stepped forward with a salute.

Bryce Ald, at the command of Count Grayman, leading this army to join you. I presume you are Count Price Parker? My lord sends his regards.

Yes, I am Price Parker. Your arrival is timely. Were about to face a major battle against the Kent family, and we need a fresh force like yours.

Count Parker was secretly pleased to see the disciplined and formidable appearance of the Alda troop, glad that he was right in inviting Grayman to join.

Thus, the two armies joined forces and returned to the village serving as their camp.

Upon reaching the camp, Bryce noticed that it used to be a village, but there were no villagers left; they had hidden in the lords castle before the coalition forces arrived.

Looking towards the west of the village, a castle came into view Fort Bidou. Although the castle was not large, it was situated atop a steep cliff, accessible only by a narrow road on the east side. Its formidable location explained why the coalition forces had not been able to take it. However, the castles escape routes were completely blocked by the coalition.

The village was reasonably large, but the coalition had around six to seven thousand troops, and the earlier arrivals had already taken all the houses. The Alda army had no choice but to camp on an open space north of the village.

Bryce ordered his two deputy battalion commanders to oversee the soldiers in setting up the camp and preparing food. They had missed lunch due to the fierce battle with the Kent family. The tension of the battle had temporarily made them forget their hunger, but now that the fighting was over, their hunger felt even more intense.

Meanwhile, he and Joyce were invited to attend a military conference to discuss future combat plans. The two quickly nibbled on some biscuits and headed towards the largest house in the center of the village, which used to belong to the village chief but was now being used as a meeting room by the coalition.

Welcome, gentlemen from Alda!

Upon entering, they were greeted by Derricks voice.

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