Chapter 236: A Turn of Fate

TL: Etude

Were almost there, nearly there!

Derrick Hellers heart surged with excitement as he saw the column of smoke rising in the distance.

The enemy camp was in complete chaos due to a fire, with people running around like headless flies, desperately searching for water to douse the flames.

All we need to do is charge into this mess and wreak havoc, like a lion leaping into a flock of sheep. Today will be the day I make a name for myself.

Not long ago, while patrolling his camp, Derrick noticed something amiss in the enemys direction. His scouts, tasked with close monitoring, soon reported that the Kent familys camp had caught fire.

Eager to capitalize on this opportunity, Derrick immediately thought of launching a surprise attack. Though such tactics were not very knightly, he saw no point in moralizing against the despicable Kents.

When his subordinates suggested consulting with the other lords currently in a meeting, Derrick dismissed the idea outright.

Those old-fashioned fools would just talk for half a day before deciding to attack. By then, the enemy would have put out the fire! And they would probably continue to wait for Grayman and Ganard, who knows where.

Derrick quickly returned to his camp and assembled all his troops from Portry, including 100 knights, 300 knight attendants, and over 1,000 militiamen.

Let the cavalry charge into the enemy camp to amplify the chaos! Infantry to follow!

Derrick swiftly issued orders to his troops. Educated as a noble from a young age and well-versed in military history, he was familiar with many examples of victory against the odds. Today was a godsend, and he was confident of replicating those historic miracles.

He didnt forget to send out scouts to reconnoiter the surroundings of the enemy camp, especially the small woods to the south, which seemed a likely place for ambush.

But, driven by his battle hunger, Derrick didnt wait for the scouts return before leading his knights in an assault. War is a gamble, after all!

The Kent familys camp lacked elaborate defenses, appearing to be just a temporary site. Several rows of caltrops were casually placed around the perimeter.

A few knights took the lead, using their lances to clear the caltrops from their path, creating a gap for the larger force galloping behind them to charge through.

As Derrick anticipated, their attack compounded the enemys troubles, who were already struggling with the fire.


The Heller family knights and attendants wielded their weapons fiercely, cutting down enemy soldiers.

After rampaging through the camp for nearly 20 minutes, the Kents forces started to regroup. Knights and officers donned their armor and led their men in a counterattack.

With casualties mounting among his less than two hundred cavalry, composed of knights and attendants, Derrick started to regain his composure amidst the enemys increasing resistance.

Why havent the infantry caught up yet?

Just as the counterattack intensified, Derrick, initially flushed with the thrill of battle, suddenly remembered the infantry that should have been following the cavalry.

Surrender, Viscount Heller!

A loud shout suddenly came from the west, his original direction.

Turning, Derrick saw Jace, the son of Count Kent.

Its you who should surrender, you fool of the Kent family!

Upon Derricks refusal, Jace sneered, Hmph! You wont see reason until its too late! Look, whats this?

He raised his arm and threw an object towards Derrick, which rolled to the base of his horse.

Upon seeing it, Derrick realized the gravity of the situation. It was a helmet, belonging to one of his knights, whom he had appointed to command the infantry.

Was he already dead? Or had he been captured?

Where did the Kent familys army behind them come from? Were they already ambushed in that forest, or were they newly arrived reinforcements?

It didnt matter now. What mattered was that they were quickly becoming surrounded. Enemy forces were converging from all sides.

Break through!

Derrick loudly commanded his troops, who were scattered in individual battles, to regroup into a tight formation.

The north side has fewer enemies, break through there! Protect the Viscount at all costs!

The Heller familys chief knight took the lead, charging into the enemy crowd with a flail, followed closely by Derrick and the other knights.

The Kent familys troops positioned to the north of the camp, mostly conscripted infantry, couldnt withstand the combined assault of the numerous knights. Many were trampled underfoot, others broke ranks and fled.

These conscripted soldiers are useless, Jace grumbled, lashing his whip through the air.

He ordered a knight beside him, Derrick is trapped here, and his allies wont just sit back. Organize the infantry and bring a cavalry squadron to block them.

Then he led his own cavalry to pursue Derricks forces.

See! I told you it was a trap!

The allied lords had just gathered their troops when scouts reported that a large detachment of heavy cavalry from a southern path had scattered the Heller familys infantry.

It might not necessarily be a trap. Its more likely that Kents reinforcements arrived from the south, coincidentally encountering the Heller infantry.

Regardless, we must move now or the Heller lad is done for!

He should surrender if he must. At least we can ransom him back. 𝘧𝘳ℯ𝓮𝘸𝓮𝑏𝓷𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝘤ℴ𝘮

I hope so, or how will we face Count Heller?

Hmph! He brought this upon himself; we cant be blamed.

The lords, fraught with anxiety, left 1,000 men to watch Fort Bidou and led the remaining 5,000 towards the enemy camp.

Midway, they encountered the Heller familys routed infantry, with enemy cavalry in hot pursuit. Seeing the lords reinforcements, the scattered soldiers rapidly converged towards them, seeing a glimmer of hope.

Listen up, Heller soldiers! Do not charge into our ranks, or you will be shown no mercy! commanded Viscount Johnston, leading the vanguard.

However, some of the fleeing soldiers continued running towards them, crying out for help.

In the urgent situation, Viscount Johnston decisively ordered, Archers, loose your arrows!

A volley of arrows flew, felling many of the approaching soldiers, while the rest scattered in terror.

The pursuing enemy cavalry, seeing the strength of the allied forces, also retreated.

The allied forces continued to advance, soon encountering the main body of enemy infantry, positioned by Jace to block the allies from rescuing Derrick.

Without wasting words, the battle commenced

Derricks situation was extremely critical. Having broken out of the encirclement, he and his knights headed north, looking for an opportunity to turn west towards the allied camp.

But the pursuers clung to them like shadows. With enemy forces on both their left and right rears, any turn they made risked being cut off. Left with no choice, Derrick continued northward.

Damn it! Am I to be humiliated, surrendering and waiting to be ransomed?

No! Never! Kent family, wait for my revenge!

He swore vengeance in his heart.

But after the previous battle and the prolonged sprint, his horse was exhausted, noticeably slowing down.

Damn it! Damn it Huh? Whats that?

Just as Derrick was overwhelmed with despair, a cloud of dust rose on the road ahead.

The Dragon Banner? Is that the Grayman familys army?

A military force appeared directly in front of them.

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