Chapter 234: Target — Fort Bidou!

TL: Etude

Raise your guns!




As the company commanders order to fire was issued, a loud crackling sound erupted, and a dense cloud of white smoke rose from the drill ground.

Josh, choking on the thick smoke, hurriedly retreated to the third row with his squadmates, clumsily pulling out paper cartridge ammunition to reload.

After a series of maneuvers, he pulled out the ramrod, inserted it into the barrel to tamp down the ammunition, and then stood at attention with his rifle, waiting for the next firing command.

Idiot! You forgot to pull out the ramrod again! Do you want to shoot it out too?

A frustrated scold came from beside him. Sergeant Makarov, the squad leader, stood in the same row, having been the first to reload his ammunition. As an experienced soldier, he habitually checked the loading steps of others in his squad and immediately noticed that Josh had forgotten to remove his ramrod.

Sorry, Sergeant!

Josh smacked his forehead in annoyance, pulling out the ramrod under the stern gaze of Makarov, and waited tensely for the company commanders firing command.

Joshs company was arranged for shooting training in the morning. Under the officers command, he repeatedly went through the mechanical motions. At first, when he got his hands on the musket, he was excited. Sergeant Makarov had said that this weapon could open a big hole in the enemys body with just a fingers movement, even if the enemy was wearing armor.

What a wonder!

The first time he fired and saw the hole in the wooden board in front of him, Josh couldnt help but admire it.

However, after a few rounds of training, the initial excitement had vanished, leaving only careful caution to avoid any mistakes.

Advance firing! Forward march!

Just as the company commander was about to proceed to the next exercise, a messenger ran onto the drill ground, whistling and shouting: First Battalion, assemble! First Battalion, assemble!

The company on the drill ground immediately stopped their current training and quickly formed up to move to the assembly area. Other personnel who had not participated in the training also rushed to the scene upon hearing the command.

Sergeant, are we going to the front lines to fight?

Remembering the discussions he had overheard in the cafeteria at breakfast, Josh quietly asked Makarov.

Maybe we are, maybe were not, but whatever the command is, we have to follow it, the sergeant replied.

Everyone in the army knew that Alda was now caught in the struggle between two factions in the Northwestern Gulf, and they would inevitably be sent to the battlefield sooner or later. Since February, the sudden increase in training intensity in the army had undoubtedly confirmed this.

Two battalions were assembled: the First Infantry Battalion and the Second Infantry Battalion, with over a thousand men neatly standing on the drill ground. Soldiers from the artillery company and the transport company were also present.

Several officers walked onto the reviewing stand, and Josh recognized the first two as Colonel Bryce, the commander of the First Battalion, and Major Joyce, the commander of the Third Battalion.

Soldiers! The day to test the results of your training has finally arrived!

Colonel Bryce seemed very excited, his voice surprisingly loud.

As you might have guessed, we are about to be thrown into a fierce battle. The foolish enemy has come knocking on our door!

Indeed, were they going to war? The soldiers murmured among themselves.

First, we must identify our enemy. Yes, its the Kent family who humiliated us last year! This treacherous family severely shamed Alda and Baylding last year. However, in our broad-minded and neighborly nature, we forgave them. But to our dismay, this year, their patriarch, Marltz Kent, audaciously usurped the title of Duke and even dared to instigate a rebellion against the kingdom. This is an unforgivable crime!

We have already formed a strong alliance with the territories of Lanaka, Stanlo, and Portry, swearing to eliminate the Kent family and their followers! I am proud to announce that the brave First and Third Battalions have been chosen as the first troops to be dispatched, with the loyal artillery and transport companies as our solid support.

We shall serve as the sharp sword in the hand of our lord, striking fiercely at the heart of the enemy! Let those dregs left over from the creation of the world by the Heavenly Father know that we are not to be trifled with. Let them tremble in fear at the mere mention of our names, like maggots in the sewer exposed to sunlight!

Colonel Bryce gesticulated wildly as he addressed the soldiers, his words filled with passion.

Now, I command all departing troops to immediately begin preparations. Pack your marching gear, weapons, and ammunition. We leave first thing tomorrow morning!

The entire day was spent in intense preparations by the two selected infantry battalions.

The next morning, the expeditionary force assembled again on the drill ground before departing southward towards Fort Bidou.

The townspeople lined the streets to send off the troops, with slogans like Teach the people of Emden a lesson and Long live Alda echoing through the streets.

Propagandists from the Administration Council, armed with loudspeakers, shouted throughout the town.

If we cant take Fort Bidou, our trade routes will be cut off, and youll all be out of work!

The people of Emden will enslave us if they invade, plundering our wealth and dishonoring our sisters.

The propaganda, primitive but effective, targeted the townspeople, who were largely cut off from information and had just learned a few characters in literacy campaigns.

Thanks to the opening of various factories over the past year, many townspeople who had become workers saw significant increases in their incomes and improvements in their quality of life. The thought of a certain count possibly destroying everything they had was unbearable to them.

Thus, the entire town was united in thought.

Colonel Bryce was the supreme commander of this operation. Despite his passionate appearance on the drill ground yesterday, he felt somewhat apprehensive until the last moment before departure.

This was his first time commanding an entire army independently. It wasnt that he doubted his abilities; Aldas army was well-trained and armed with advanced weapons. If they performed as well in battle as they did in training, they would surely be able to hold their own. Paul had been striving to build an army that could stand unbeatable even under mediocre command.

What worried him was his status a knight without formal recognition. Would he be mocked by other lords and knights? Had Alda and Baylding, two esteemed Countdoms, really run out of capable people?

Bryce had recommended Chief of Staff Schroeder as the commander for this expedition in the meeting, as he was a true knight, but Paul had refused, insisting that Schroeder was needed to oversee the overall situation from the staff headquarters.

Go ahead, Bryce! Everyone has a first time, the Count had said to him.

Bryce was deeply grateful for Pauls trust in him and felt the weight of his responsibility. This was the first official appearance of Aldas new army in front of the other territories. Their previous operations against pirates and quelling the Baylding rebellion had not attracted much attention in the Northwestern Gulf.

The enthusiasm of the townspeople also infected Bryce.

This battle at Fort Bidou is a great opportunity to showcase ourselves!

His heart no longer wavered. Although the decision in the military meeting was to assist allies as much as possible while preserving our own forces, Bryce decided to make an impressive performance. He wanted to declare the rebirth of Alda to the other lords, to make a name for Grayman, and to ensure that they could no longer look down on this exiled family.

Mounted on his horse, the Colonel pointed south with his whip: Our target Fort Bidou!

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