Chapter 227: Alliance

TL: Etude

Upon their return to their territory, Paul and Malron briefed the upper echelons of the Administration Council and the military about their experiences in the Lanaka domain.

The news that the Parker family was secretly forming an alliance against Count Kent caught everyone by surprise.

So, what do you think we should do? Paul asked the gathering. Should we join this secret alliance, inform Count Kent, or remain neutral? While neither side has commenced hostilities, we still have a chance to choose. fre𝚎w𝐞bn𝗼v𝗲π₯.πšŒπ—Όπš–

Paul wouldnt rashly side with the secret alliance just because of his grievances with the Kent family. What if he chose the wrong side and lost?

The sound of a fist pounding the table echoed through the room.

Of course, we should join the alliance and give the Kents a good thrashing, Bryce exclaimed, pounding his fist on the table to emphasize his point. Have you forgotten how they treated us last year? Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

We were weak before and struggled against the Kent family, forced to act as if their disrespectful behavior never happened. But now, with so many lords opposing them, why not seize this opportunity to retaliate for the humiliations theyve inflicted on us?

Bryce! Mind your manners in front of the Count, Schroeder interjected, trying to temper the impulsive speech of the first battalion commander.

Marltz Kent is now the Dukes heir. If that letter is true, then the Duke is under his control. He can command the other vassals of the Ferdinand family, not just the Kents, Schroeder reasoned.

Unconvinced, Bryce countered, But if we make that letter public, who would support him?

Schroeder shook his head. A single letter is hardly convincing. Even I doubt its authenticity. Its quite possible that Count Parker, already desiring to topple the Kent family, collaborated with Viscount Henry, who was discontented about not becoming the Dukes heir. They could have forged the letter, making it hastily written to avoid getting caught out by the inaccuracies.

Hmm Thats a possibility, Bryce conceded, unable to argue further.

Which side do the two Counts prefer? asked Ford, the steward, stroking his beard and breaking his silence.

Me and Malron lean towards joining the alliance against the Kent family, if if the force gathered by Count Parker is substantial enough, Paul replied.

Nodding, Ford added, Morally speaking, the Kent family has long been unrestrained in their actions in the Northwest Bay, and everyone has suffered under their tyranny. Eliminating or weakening them would certainly be welcomed. Moreover, there are accusations of holding the Duke hostage and plotting treason against the kingdomwhether true or not doesnt matter. When everyone needs it to be true, it becomes absolutely true. Either accusation is a serious crime. And, according to the letter, Count Kent is also suspected of dabbling in witchcraft

Paul noticed a slight shiver from Ladi, the female advisor taking notes at the meeting.

Ford continued, From a practical standpoint, the Kent family poses a threat to us. They are powerful, exerting significant military pressure, and last year, they indeed threatened us, almost leading to open conflict. Not only that, in the surrounding territories, the Kents impose the highest taxes on our goods, almost tantamount to robbery, and this family controls several crucial transport hubs.

Therefore I suggest you seize this opportunity, concluded the old steward, swaying Paul further towards joining the alliance against the Kent family.

The others also expressed agreement with Fords views. Hansel, in particular, was sensitive to Count Kents suspected plans of rebellion. The kingdom was focusing on quelling the southern rebels, and he had just received news from the capital that the suppression forces were about to head south. The emergence of another rebel force at the kingdoms rear was a major concern.

Since weve set our general direction, its time to start preparing. We need to revise and implement the contingency plans we had for the Kent familys threat last year, strengthen our armaments, and shift our production focus to military matters, was the resolution made at the meeting.

After Paul and others left, Count Parker continued to contact nobles from various regions. Lords exchanged letters, sharing their views on the Kent family. Gradually, a faction opposing the Kent family began to form in the northwestern domains.

A month after initially inviting Paul and Malron, Count Parker felt it was time to act. After extensive testing and screening, he identified a group of steadfast faction members who would certainly join his alliance if he took the lead.

It was time to gather everyone to discuss the specifics.

Lakeheart Town received another invitation from the neighboring domain.

Paul and Malron set off again, arriving at Count Parkers castle on the agreed date.

Entering the hall, Paul was taken aback by the number of people already gathered many were prominent lords from the Northwest Bay.

Most of the lords present were direct vassals of the royal family or their subordinates, with only a few from the Ferdinand Duke lineage.

Ladies and gentlemen! Lets start discussing the main issue, announced Count Parker as the meeting began.

The primary reason for our gathering today is to address the issue of Marltz Kents alleged hostage-taking of Duke Ferdinand and his plotting against the kingdom. As subjects of His Majesty the King, we cannot turn a blind eye to such matters. We must extinguish this fire before it spreads, especially with the southern rebellion unresolved. Now is the time to demonstrate our loyalty and ensure stability in the kingdoms rear.

A chorus of agreement filled the hall, with a few people standing up to express their loyalty to the royal house.

Count Parker continued loudly, Of course, theres another secondary reason to unite against the oppression of the Kent family. Im sure many of you are aware of Marltz Kents notorious deeds, and most of us have even suffered under his tyranny. He was excessive as a count, and becoming a duke would only worsen his actions.

Paul thought to himself, Isnt this the main reason everyones here?

As expected, as soon as the old count finished speaking, the hall erupted with numerous lords who had grievances against the Kent family. They began to vehemently recount Marltz Kents misdeeds, turning the meeting into a session of shared grievances.

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