Chapter 225: Torture

TL: Etude

The barbed whip viciously lashed against the back of the man being punished.

His back was already a torn mess of clothing, revealing the mangled flesh and blood underneath.

The cotton padding of his clothes had mixed with the torn flesh, indistinguishable from each other, as fresh blood stained his entire back a terrifying red.

Despite this, the executor of the punishment did not cease, as if the man kneeling on the ground had committed some grave offense against him.

Worthless! Worthless! Is this how you repay the Kent family for their support?

Marltz Kents son, Jace Kent, was furiously whipping a military officer, cursing and venting his anger as he did so.

The kneeling officer only moaned in pain when he couldnt bear it any longer, but he never begged for mercy, knowing that it would only lead to more severe consequences.

Cant even keep watch over a single person, what good are your eyes? What good is your brain?

Jace continued his tirade, his arm showing no sign of weakening.

Enough, if you continue, hell truly die.

A deep voice came from behind, causing Jace to stop and turn around, only to find that Count Kent, his father, was standing behind him.

His father, increasingly elusive, startled Jace, who prided himself on his vigilance from his military experience. He wondered when and how his father had silently appeared behind him.

Father, I was just disciplining this waste. Hmph, when I was leading troops in the south, such trash would have been


Count Kent raised his hand to interrupt his son, turning his gaze to the officer, barely clinging to life. As soon as Jace ceased, the officer collapsed onto the ground.

I ask you, do you truly know nothing of Henry Ferdinands escape?

The officer gasped for breath, struggling to sit up while still kneeling.

Lord Kent I truly didnt know. Before I went to sleep, I checked the dungeon, and there was nothing amiss. The Viscount had already lain down to sleep. But the next day he was gone, and the guards said


Count Kent waved him off, having heard these excuses during the previous interrogations. He did not wish to hear them again.

Henry Ferdinand had escaped without a trace, and the guards on duty had noticed nothing unusual. The lock on Henrys cell had been changed, with the only key in the jailers possession. There were no signs of the lock being tampered with, suggesting the jailer might have released Henry.

But the beaten jailer before him was his own plant, someone whose background he knew well, making any connection with Henry highly improbable.

A dreadful thought suddenly crossed Count Kents mind: Could Henry Ferdinand have escaped using some mysterious power? Or was Henry himself a mage?

Ever since his dealings with Barnett and learning about magic and the Arcane Society, Marltz Kent tended to attribute any unexplainable phenomena to mystical forces.

Count Kent turned and asked, Andy, my friend, do you think this man is telling the truth or lies?

Jace only then noticed the young boy named Andy following behind his father. Like Barnett, Andy also came from that mysterious organization, and his father had already informed him about many things.

The little mage standing behind Marltz was trembling slightly, frightened by Jaces brutal method of punishment.

Hearing the counts question, Andy hurriedly looked up, nervously responding, Im not very familiar with detecting lies, but but I think hes probably telling the truth.

I see

Count Kent turned to his son, Jace, you handle these people.

A sinister glint flashed in the eyes of the counts son, Yes, Father.

These people?

Andy looked around, puzzled, but the sight he saw made him feel nauseous.

In the adjacent cell, a pile of people lay in disarray on the ground. Like the officer who had been punished, they were battered and bruised, some with limbs twisted into unnatural shapes, others missing limbs entirely.

These were the jailers of the dungeon, though they had been tortured mercilessly, there was no sound of moaning, perhaps due to a complete lack of strength, or because they had become numb to pain and mental anguish. Only the faint rise and fall of their chests indicated they were still alive.

The little mage couldnt help it and vomited.

Seeing his reaction, Count Kent frowned. Really, the Arcane Societyor Barnett, why did they send such a naive child to assist him?

Through their time together, he had come to understand the character of this young mage. Aside from his knowledge of mystical magic, he was in all other aspects just a normal child. Initially, Kent thought the boy was pretending to be childlike to disguise his identity. How could someone who is a mage be so naive? It was later that he realized his judgment was mistaken.

Count Kent felt somewhat underestimated, wondering if the Arcane Society didnt take him or Northwest Bay seriously. Were they sending a child, expecting him to be a nanny?

The only consolation was that Andy was obedient and somewhat listened to him. If a stubborn and capricious child had come instead, he really wouldnt know what to do, especially since the child was a mage, a member of the Arcane Society.

Little friend Andy, your mental resilience is too weak. We are people destined for great deeds, and being frightened by such scenes wont do.

He patted the little mages shoulder.

But why treat them like this? Its just an escaped prisoner. And they didnt neglect their duties; the prisoner escaped in a way we dont understand. 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

Andy looked at Count Kent, fear evident in his eyes. The man before him was terrifying. How could a normal person commit such brutal acts? Was his decision to assist him right or wrong?

No! The counts previously feigned gentleness vanished, startling Andy.

The count said fiercely, I only care about results! They were responsible for guarding the dungeon and were supposed to ensure that prisoners didnt escape. Now that the prisoner has escaped, any explanation or reason is worthless. They must be punished. Their current state proves they are useless in their positions, and useless people only continue to waste food.

With that, the count walked away.

Humph! Accompanied by Jaces chuckle, a cold wind blew, making the little mage shiver.

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