Chapter 211: Scrap Iron

TL: Etude


Guy Burns was startled by a firm pat on his back, and the gloomy expression on his face immediately vanished.

It turned out that Paul, seeing him look so disheartened, decided to cheer him up. After all, there was much work ahead that would require Burns expertise.

Hey! What are you thinking about? You look as if youve stepped in dog poop.

Burns face flushed red.

Uh Im just regretting that I cant see as far ahead as you, Lord.

Humph, you cant fool me! Youre blaming me for not letting you work on the steam engine, arent you?

Burns frantically waved his hands, No, no, Lord, how could I dare blame you.

Paul stroked his chin, pretending to be deep in thought.

Well then, Burns, you can allocate a portion of the resources and manpower from the machinery factory to explore the use of steam.

Yes, Lord, I will make sure to wait, did I hear you right?

Burns was astonished. Had the Count changed his mind?

You heard right. However, my condition is that this should not affect the normal tasks of the machinery factory. I hired you to work, not to indulge your personal interests.

Burns snapped to attention and saluted Paul in a military style he had learned from the army.

Lord Grayman, rest assured, I will not let this affect other research and production tasks.

Paul put on a serious face and said, I hope so. Ill be keeping an eye on you and will frequently check the machinery factorys expenditure on various projects.

Although Paul had warned him, Burns gloomy expression was nowhere to be seen anymore, and his steps were lighter. As he walked away, he even hummed a tune.

Even though Paul didnt currently need a steam engine, preliminary research and technical accumulation were still necessary. This would ensure that when the time came, they could immediately utilize it. If his plans went smoothly, the era of steam would inevitably arrive.

Of course, he definitely wouldnt invest too much resource and attention in this area.

Additionally, he harbored an idea to let the natives of this world independently breakthrough in certain fields without his intervention.

After all, the development of a society couldnt rely on just one or two foresighted individuals.

However, such a process would undoubtedly be long and winding.

Watching Guy Burns walk away cheerfully, Paul smirked to himself.

Ha, Burns, Burns, it took eighty-four years for the steam engine on Earth to evolve from invention to practical use, not including the time spent inventing it. Im curious to see how capable you are. Just crafting a single cylinder might be enough to trouble you.

Paul resolved that until he genuinely needed it, he would not interfere with the development of the steam engine.

The group continued their journey with laughter, taking a boat back to Lakeheart Town.

In the following days, the ironworks continued building new blast furnaces, while Paul quietly waited for the swords that blacksmith Herman was crafting for him.

However, Paul received frustrating news that made his blood boil. Herman personally came to the lords manor, looking utterly dejected, to report: the iron produced from the new blast furnace it was utterly unusable.

The iron from our blast furnace is it just scrap iron?

The lords eyes widened in disbelief, his face a picture of incredulity.

I need to see the ironworks for myself!

His roar echoed throughout the castle, followed by the sound of his office door slamming shut.

In the rebel camp south of Thorn Fortress, four people sat around a table.

Seated in the place of honor was Samar, the commander of these rebels, with his mage advisor, Scott, to his right.

The other two, dressed as merchants, sat opposite Scott. One was a middle-aged man with a handlebar mustache, and the other, even younger than Scott, wore an earring and had an ever-present, subtle smile, giving him a slightly frivolous air.

The Duke Jars is very displeased with your previous actions. Had you captured Thorn Fortress, it might have been different. But instead, you suffered significant losses and diminished our military spirit, the middle-aged man said sternly, conveying the Dukes reprimand to Samar.

Samar hung his head, offering no defense.

I was too eager for glory, I apologize for betraying the Dukes trust.

The middle-aged man sighed.

Ah, General Samar, remember your mission. Your task is merely to keep an eye on Thorn Fortress. When the Duke arrives with the main forces, he will take it. 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

Ill remember this and wont act rashly again.

Scott suddenly interjected, Please tell Duke Jars that its not General Samars fault. It was I who was eager for battle and persuaded him to attack Thorn Fortress. I underestimated the fortresss defenses, and they even had the long-lost Greek Fire.

The other three were surprised by his willingness to take responsibility, especially Samar, who was moved. Scott, the headstrong young mage, was daring enough to admit his faults.

The young man with the earring smiled at Scott, who returned an annoyed look.

Samar stood up, Regardless, as the commander of this army, I bear the greatest responsibility. The final decision was mine.

Were not here to discuss whos most at fault, but to remind you that the royal army will soon head south, likely starting from Crystal Shine at the onset of spring next year.

Scotts face showed a trace of sarcasm, It seems that even after you burned their granaries, you couldnt hold back Her Highness for long.

The middle-aged man snorted, How much longer did you expect to delay them? Its been nearly half a year. The kingdom still controls most of the Kingdom of Ordo, and a shortage of food wont affect them for long.

Samar asked with concern, How long until the Dukes main forces move north?

There are still a few tough nuts to crack in the south. Their defeat is inevitable, but the timing is uncertain.

So, if the royal army arrives before then, were on our own?

Yes, but

The young man with the earring interjected, A group of mages will be coming to support you.

At this, Scott stood up abruptly, With more mages, everything will be manageable.

The young man shook his head, Scott, youre getting arrogant again, forgetting the lessons of the past?

Nonsense, I know what Im doing.

Mr. Scott! the middle-aged man said with slight irritation, I know you possess great power, but the kingdoms regular army is not to be underestimated. I hope you understand that.

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