Chapter 204: Return Home 2

TL: Etude

Mrs. Sertias candid revelation left Captain Quik utterly astonished.

Uh I had no idea, he admitted, unsure of what to say next. It now made sense why Mrs. Sertia had mentioned her past as a sailor on the seas, though in a very different capacity than he had assumed.

And may I ask which pirate crew you were with? he inquired. Although it felt somewhat impolite to probe into a womans past, curiosity compelled Captain Quik to ask.

Mrs. Sertia, unfazed and without any sign of discomfort, responded: The Red Fang Pirate Crew. Have you heard of it, Captain?

Oh! The Red Fang Pirate Crew! Thats a legendary group that even I used to hear about all the time during my pirate days. Even the great pirate Edward, who once dominated the Northwestern Gulf, came from there before he went solo. I heard that the crews leader, Red Fang Gerard, disbanded the crew to go on an adventure and then disappeared without a trace.

Captain Quiks eyes sparkled with admiration and longing.

Suddenly, something clicked in his mind. Wait a minute! Red Fang Gerard? Ladi Sertia Gerard?

During his stay in Horn Bay, he had learned that the female advisors maiden name was Gerard. Now, realizing that she shared a surname with the famous pirate leader, and that Mrs. Sertia, in front of him, was Ladis mother and a former member of the Red Fang Pirate Crew, he was in shock.

Could it be is it possible that you are?

Ha ha, you guessed right, Mrs. Sertia said with a laugh, covering her mouth. Red Fang Gerard was my husband, and Ladi is our daughter.

This this is unbelievable!

After my husband disbanded the pirate crew, we settled down in the independent territory of Messiah in Horn Bay. But unfortunately, he went missing during one of his solo adventures.

At this point, a hint of sadness crept onto Mrs. Sertias face.

Ladi was still young then. I raised her by myself. One of the reasons she became an adventurer was to gather information about her fathers whereabouts. But after so many years without a clue, I guess she has given up on that idea.

Captain Quik expressed his condolences, Im sorry for your loss, Mrs. Sertia.

Mrs. Sertias sadness faded quickly. Thank you, Captain. Ive gotten used to it over the years.

Eh? I thought only one naval ship left today. Why are there two returning?

Idiot! Thats the Southern! The Southern is back!

Ah? The Southern? I thought we lost it since we hadnt heard anything for so long

As they approached Port Fran, people at the dock recognized the ship returning with the Hope as the Southern, the ship that had ventured south to open a new trade route one and a half months ago.

This news quickly spread through the dock area, which wasnt very large, and people gathered to witness the return of the Southern.

The Southern retracted its sails and slowly approached its berth. Sailors threw ropes down from the ship, and the dockworkers pulled the ropes, slowly guiding the Southern into its berth and securing it to the posts.

Once the Southern was anchored, a gangplank was placed between the ship and the dock.

A loud voice boomed from the ship:

People of the Northwestern Gulf, your Southern has returned! Your Quik is back!

Captain Quik was the first to step onto the shore via the gangplank, arms wide open, shouting to the gathered crowd, who responded with cheers and applause.

Congratulations on your return home, Captain Quik! someone familiar greeted him with a warm embrace.

Other members of the naval ship followed, stepping onto the dock one by one. Friends and acquaintances swarmed them, inundating them with questions and greetings, creating a lively atmosphere on the dock.

Quickly, some astute individuals ran to inform the Navy Headquarters, City Hall, and the shipyard about their return.

Navy Commander Austin, Mayor Theodore, Shipyard Manager Rubin, and the old shipwright Benjamin, among other officials and artisans, arrived at the dock.

Our heroes! Mayor Theodore greeted Captain Quik and the accompanying naval officers, four merchant representatives, with heartfelt hugs, eliciting cheers from the surrounding crowd.

You are the furthest travelers in the history of Alda! Mayor Theodore exclaimed, thrilled by the expeditions historic achievement under his tenure.

And you accomplished this great expedition on a full-sail vessel, traversing the seas.

Rubin and Benjamin were nearly in tears with joy. Their hard work had paid off. The successful return of Captain Quik and his crew proved the seaworthiness and reliability of their ships over thousands of miles.

Among the crowd, only Commander Austin remained comparatively composed. He offered a few words of encouragement to Captain Quik and his crew, announcing a days leave for everyone aboard the Southern.

He then noticed the female advisor, Ladi, and a few people with her, and approached to inquire:

Miss Ladi, I didnt expect your identity to be discovered. Are these your family members?

Ladi, slightly embarrassed, replied: Yes, its been quite a hassle for the Navy. Let me introduce them. Mom, this is Lord Austin of Aldas Navy. Commander Austin, this is my mother, Cierra Sertia, and this is my my foster sister, Lisa.

Commander Austin politely greeted the ladies: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Sertia, Miss Lisa.

Both women quickly returned the greeting: Its an honor, Commander.

Mayor Theodore patted Commander Austins shoulder.

Lets go to the City Hall and celebrate our heroes! Arthur, inform the chefs weve arranged with to gather at the City Hall. I want the celebration banquet to start within three hours.

One of his officers immediately responded, Yes, Mayor! and ran off swiftly.

Commander Austin reminded Theodore: Mayor, dont forget to notify the merchants. After all, the purpose of sending the Southern to Horn Bay was to expand our trade activities.

Of course! How could I forget them? I sent someone to notify them before coming here.

Knowing that Ladi had brought her family aboard the ship, Mayor Theodore also extended an invitation to Ladis family and offered to arrange their return to Lakeheart Town the next day.

Thus, everyone, surrounding the officers and sailors of the Southern, moved towards the City Hall to celebrate.

Meanwhile, Mayor Theodore did not forget to send a messenger on horseback to Lakeheart Town, ensuring that the news of the Southerns return reached the lord as quickly as possible.

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