Chapter 199: Year End 2

TL: Etude

Lord, this year we have integrated a total of 13,000 hectares of arable land, including 10,000 hectares in Alda and 3,000 hectares in Baylding. Next year, we plan to accelerate the process and aim to integrate the remaining 60,000 hectares in both areas within two to three years.

In the castles great hall, the Minister of Agriculture, Hansel, was reporting his departments achievements.

The so-called integration of arable land involves consolidating small, scattered plots owned by local gentry and landlords into larger, more manageable farms, operated by a single entity.

Alternatively, small plots owned by tenant farmers are combined and managed intensively by newly established agricultural associations. These associations also gather funds from households for public affairs, such as building infrastructure.

By creating large farms, landlords are encouraged to invest in significant irrigation and infrastructure projects, without the fear of benefiting their neighbors at their expense.

Is it that slow?

Paul slammed the table, surprised that what he thought would take half a year would actually take several more years.

Clearly, the lord was not pleased with the progress of the Agriculture Department.

Uh Lord Grayman, please let me explain

Hansel, looking embarrassed, began to explain the difficulties to Paul.

The work is challenging! Both landlords and farmers fear being shortchanged during land exchanges, yet they all try to gain an advantage. We often encounter landlords scheming against each other, farmers fighting, and even large-scale brawls between entire villages.

And were short-staffed. We can only handle land exchanges one village at a time. We hope to get more administrative officers next year.

Paul, frustrated, exclaimed, Why cant these people see the bigger picture? Its just a matter of a few meters more or less, isnt it?

Hoho, Lord, even a few inches less feels like a life-and-death matter to them. Besides, the varying quality of land across regions adds significant challenges to the valuation process.

Alright then, just step up your efforts and try to finish by next year!

Hansel mopped his brow with a handkerchief.

Well do our best

Paul then asked, How is the promotion of new farming techniques going?

Thats going quite well. Agricultural associations across regions have introduced crop rotation to the villages and towns. Landlords have responded positively and plan to start experimenting next year. However, tenant farmers arent as enthusiastic since they have smaller plots and need to grow food crops to feed their families.

No need to force these smallholders. Once food production increases and they can afford to buy food from the market, theyll naturally be more willing to experiment.

Yes, Lord.

Hansel continued, Thanks to the widespread adoption of the harvester, theres now surplus labor available for developing new arable land. Next year, we estimate an increase of about one-sixth in arable land area, including both Alda and Baylding.

Paul nodded in satisfaction, Thats good. But make sure the new farmlands also follow the large farm model.

Of course, Lord, well strictly monitor that.

After the crucial agricultural reports were concluded, Paul proceeded to hear updates on commerce, finance, immigration, and military matters.

Overall, the situation was satisfactory to him.

Since the implementation of various commercial support measures, a total of twenty-three factories had been established in Alda and Baylding, producing canned goods, paper, porcelain, and salt.

These products from both regions had begun to penetrate markets in the northwestern territories and had even reached areas near Crystal Shine. Paul believed that once the southern trade routes were fully opened, trade would grow even faster, and without heavy tariffs, profits would be significantly higher.

Increased profits would attract more investors to build factories.

Thanks to the establishment of various private factories and the sale of new types of goods, this year the Administration Councils tax revenue reached 23,000 silver coins, while the Grayman familys income reached 25,000 silver coins, totaling nearly 50,000 silver coins.

After deducting various expenses, there was still a surplus of 10,000 silver coins.

Spend it! Spend it all! Next year, I want the surplus to be no more than 2,000 silver coins!

Pauls statement, advocating for the circulation of money as wealth rather than hoarding it, left everyone from the Administration Council speechless.

I just had an idea. Next year, lets invest more in education. Theres a severe lack of talent in our territory, and investing in education is always beneficial.

This idea was met with approval, especially from Miss Dias, the female advisor, who was particularly concerned about Weiss Academy.

Regarding immigration, the Administration Council had so far accepted 1,563 refugees, mostly strong young men and women. The very old or very young rarely survived the journey to Northwest Bay.

Most of these people were placed in the newly opened factories.

More refugees will arrive tomorrow, Hansel informed everyone.

The news of Aldas open policy for immigrants has spread far and wide, attracting refugees to us. Besides those from the southern rebellion areas, people affected by orc raids in the northeast are also coming here.

After the Administration Council completed their reports, the military, led by Schroeder, began reporting on military matters.

The size of the army hadnt expanded much, but there had been significant progress in weaponry and equipment.

For the army, with the successful development of flintlock rifles, small-scale production had begun, and the First Battalion was tasked with testing the equipment.

The navy, meanwhile, was a major spender of the military budget. This year, the navy took delivery of three new sailing warships. According to Austins 666 plan, three more were being constructed.

However, the naval commander was not satisfied with these ships. Due to the rush to equip them, many of the wood materials werent adequately dried, shortening the lifespan of these warships.

He proposed that the next batch of ships must be built according to standard procedures, with wood properly dried, to ensure quality warships.

Austin, my next plan is to develop civilian merchant ships for traders heading south. But as you know, the shipyards capacity is limited.

Pauls remark left the naval commander extremely frustrated.

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