Chapter 193: Please Support Me on Kofi!

TL: Etude

The praying mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. Such is the cruelty of the world.

Count Kent instructed his servants to bring the young mage, Andy, to him. Shortly after, the little mage, who had just returned from his journey, stood before him.

Andy, my young friend, tomorrow we shall visit the local Duke and then embark on our next plan of action. Though the Duke is likely to heed our words under the instruction of Master Barnett, to prevent any mishaps, we still need you to exert some influence on him.

Yes, Count. Please give your instructions at the time, and I will do my best.

Um Andy, dont you want to ask what we need the Duke for?

Huh? What do we need him for?

Count Kent was at a loss for words. Had it not been for the escort, he thought, this kid would have probably been kidnapped and sold by human traffickers along the way.

We need him to secure his ducal title. This is not for my sake, but for the Arcane Society and the community of mages. Only by holding a power as significant as a Duke can we provide substantial support to the Arcane Society, have the strength to wrestle with the churchs lackeys in the northwest, and stab them in the back while the kingdoms higher-ups are distracted in the south, ultimately establishing a government that venerates mages. Do you understand all this?

Uh I think I got some of it!

Watching the still somewhat bewildered young mage, Andy, Marltz wasnt sure how much he had comprehended.

Well, as long as the kid does as hes told, Marltz thought, proceeding to detail the plan for the next day.

Isnt there a better way?

If the Duke listens to me, you wont need to intervene. Now, go rest. We need to be at our best for tomorrows visit to the Dukes castle.

The night passed without incident

The next day, after having breakfast with the young mage, Count Kent traveled by carriage to the Dukes castle.

Unlike the castles of other lords in Northwest Bay, Duke Ferdinands castle was more artistically designed and ornamental, making the other lords castles seem like mere defensive fortresses in comparison. 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒𝔀𝓮𝘣𝘯𝘰𝘷𝑒𝓵.𝒸𝑜𝘮

Living here must be very comfortable.

The guards at the entrance led them into the castle. Count Kent had already informed them of his visit the previous day.

Is everything normal with the Duke? the Count asked the leading guard, squinting his eyes.

Yes, Lord Kent. The Duke is as usual. He will surely be delighted to see you.

The guard replied with a smile and a knowing look.

As a cautious man, Marltz Kent naturally had several preparations in place. He couldnt fully trust the bug in the Dukes head. Thus, he had developed several of his own informants within the Dukes castle, ensuring that nothing within its walls could escape his notice.

However, there might also be other peoples informants inside, perhaps belonging to the Dukes brothers.

After all, everyone was aware of the Dukes health condition, and seeking new support was an instinct for these people.

Upon reaching the hall, the guard said, Please wait here.

Marltz and Andy waited quietly in the hall for a few minutes before the same guard returned and informed them, The Duke invites you to his study for the meeting.

Thus, the two proceeded to the Dukes study, where they met the current Duke of the Northwest, Lord Ferdinand.

Count Kent was somewhat surprised to see the Duke. Compared to their last meeting, the Duke had become alarmingly thin, his eyes dull and lifeless.

Even though he regularly received updates on the Dukes health, seeing him in person still gave Kent a jolt: Was the brain worms impact on the human body this severe? It seemed that its erosion was an accelerating process. In their previous meetings, the Dukes health hadnt deteriorated this rapidly. Kent felt relieved that he had decided to act swiftly on his next plan. Looking at Duke Ferdinand now, it seemed he could pass away at any moment.

No wonder his younger brother was so eager to win Kent over.

Your Grace!

Kent knelt on one knee to perform the vassals salute to Duke Ferdinand, while Andy stood still by his side. Previously, the castles servants and guards had mistaken Andy as Kents page, so he didnt attract much attention.

You who are you? Oh! Marltz Kent, my Marltz Right, I asked for you to be brought here!

The Dukes hands flailed, unbecoming of a lord of his stature. Upon seeing Andy standing next to Count Kent, the Dukes eyes suddenly lit up, his demeanor revitalized, a stark contrast to his previously languid state.

It was as if as if a dog had seen its long-lost master.

Ive come to discuss a matter with you

Count Kent eyed the suddenly spirited Duke of the Northwest, but before he could finish his sentence, a thought struck him.

Your Grace, you saw how I exerted myself to greet you. Shouldnt you offer me a gesture of equivalent courtesy?

Marltz Kent, with a sly smile, spoke to the Duke.


Duke Ferdinand looked incredulous.

I mean, shouldnt you also offer me a half-kneel in return?

This was a bold test. Since implanting the brain worm, Count Kent had always used suggestions and guidance to make the Duke comply. This time, he decided to be more forceful, testing the extent of his control over the Duke in a somewhat humiliating way.

After all, he had a mage capable of directly manipulating the brain worm at his side.

You what did you say?


With a thud, the Duke actually knelt down, both knees on the ground, murmuring to himself, Ive knelt down, Ive knelt down

A triumphant smile appeared on Count Kents face.

The young mage, Andy, shook his head. Count, dont torment him any further. Hes already pitiable.

Count Kent was surprised; he had thought all members of the Arcane Society were as heartless as Master Barnett.

Well, its better not to contradict him, considering hes part of the Arcane Society. Despite his young age, he might become my senior No, he definitely will be, as I intend to join the Arcane Society and wield its powerful and mysterious magical forces.

While smirking, Kent pulled out a piece of parchment filled with dense text.

Your Grace, come sign here. Then, read it aloud at your birthday banquet.

Duke Ferdinand took the parchment but discarded it after a mere glance.

He burst into tears, No I cant do this!

Sign it!

Count Kent grabbed his hand, trying to force him to sign, but the Duke, seemingly mustering unexpected strength, resisted.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Count Kent shook his head, resigned, and turned to Andy, Young friend, I must ask for your assistance.

Andy seemed hesitant, taking a step forward but then stopping.


Count Kent whispered, For the glory of the Arcane Society, for the future of mages!


With a sigh, the young mage began to quietly chant a spell.

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