Chapter 191: Plotting

TL: Etude

Barnett was overjoyed upon learning that the young boy mage before him could control brain parasites and thus manipulate Duke Ferdinand.

He suddenly remembered something and asked anxiously, Andy, my young friend, its not that Im overly suspicious, but we must be cautious in this matter. Do you have any other way to prove your connection with Master Barnett?

Didnt I just use magic a moment ago? Andy asked softly, obviously hesitant to reveal his true identity.

Is is that enough?

He rolled up his sleeve, revealing a strange pattern on his arm.

Thats enough! Thats enough!

Count Kent had seen this pattern on Barnetts bald head and was told explicitly that it was the Arcane Societys symbol.

However, looking at the boys naive and innocent demeanor, Kent wondered how the Arcane Society could trust such a child to come alone, without even verifying his identity. The people who escorted him seemed to have just left him there. Were they not worried, or was this child just an insignificant character?

Well then, Andy, besides controlling brain parasites and releasing flames, what other abilities do you have? Kent asked.

Andy tilted his cute little head in thought for a moment.

I can also detect if someone is lying or harbors ill will, he replied.

That powerful? Count Kent was inwardly alarmed. In front of this child, was he not virtually transparent?

But then Andy added, However, it only works if the person is unprepared. If they can control their thoughts a bit, I cant do it.

Kent breathed a sigh of relief internally, as such a level was nothing for an old fox like him.

But the boy was too honest, revealing his own trump cards and weaknesses so readily.

Still, as a member of the Arcane Society, Andy could be useful to him, so Kent decided to treat him with courtesy.

Marltz Kent warmly patted Andys shoulder.

Youve had a long journey, my young friend. Let me treat you well, he said, and called a servant to order a lavish lunch from the kitchen.

Andys eyes lit up at the mention of delicious food, evidently still a child at heart, despite being a genuine mage.

As they walked towards the dining room, Kent ordered his son Jace and nephew Emerson to join them for lunch. Both were aware of the Arcane Society and Kents plans with Barnett and had shown their support.

In the dining room, while waiting for lunch, Kent tried to pry information about the Arcane Society from Andy. He had thought it would be easy to get information from a child, but to his surprise, Andy was tight-lipped, stopping short whenever the conversation neared anything crucial. No matter how subtly Kent probed, he couldnt get any useful information.

Realizing he was still an outsider to them, Kent felt extreme disappointment, which only intensified his desire to gain magical power and recognition from the mages.

I must perfectly execute Master Barnetts plan, Kent thought to himself.

So, how did Master Barnett instruct you to help me? Kent wondered, considering the hierarchy now that Barnett was not present. He couldnt bear the thought of submitting to a mere child, even if he was a mage.

He once ordered me that if he wasnt around, I should follow your instructionsprovided it doesnt harm the interests of the Arcane Society. Master Barnett said youre aware of his plan in the northwest.

Kent was delighted internally, feeling valued by his teacher.

Very well, Im merely executing the teachers instructions, haha.

As they were talking, the servants arrived with a variety of tempting dishes.

Jace and Emerson also entered the dining room, both surprised to see a child seated there.

Come, come, let me introduce you, Count Kent stood up, placing his hand on Andys shoulder. This is our young friend Andy, from over there, here to assist us on behalf of Master Barnett.

Over there naturally referred to the Arcane Society, which was how Count Kent and his younger relatives referred to the organization in their conversations.

So, this child is a mage? That seemed rather far-fetched.

Andy, my young friend, this is my son Jace and my distant nephew Emerson. Rest assured, these two are completely trustworthy.

Andy stood up and bowed to them, and Jace and Emerson, somewhat awkwardly, returned the gesture with stiff smiles.

Everyone sat down to enjoy the feast.

The servants brought two glasses filled with a bright red beverage and placed them in front of Count Kent.

Seeing the two cups of bright red liquid, Andys face showed signs of unease.

Oh, Andy, did that scare you? Count Kent said with a bit of amusement upon noticing the expression on Andys face.

Whats in there is merely let me think ah, pigs blood today. This is a health secret taught to me by Master Barnett. Thanks to it, I feel like Ive been growing younger lately.

Indeed, Count Kent appeared energetic and vibrant. 𝗳r𝚎e𝘄𝐞b𝚗𝗼ve𝚕.co𝗺

However, the unease on Andys face didnt diminish as he continued to stare at the two cups.

As the atmosphere in the dining room grew a bit awkward, the young mage spoke up.

Count, since theres nothing wrong with your body now, you should stop drinking this stuff as soon as possible.

Why should I stop?

Well, its very bad, very bad. Its a kind of more obscure practice. It might have good effects on the body in the short term, but over time Ive only read about it in books, but I still advise you to be cautious. Better not to continue drinking it.

Hearing the young mages words, Count Kent suddenly felt uneasy and put down the cup he had lifted.

Ha-ha, thank you for the reminder, young Andy. Lets eat, everyone.

He gestured for everyone to eat, and they began dining with their cutlery.

In a few days, Ill take young Andy to meet the Duke.

Count Kents sudden statement surprised both Jace and Emerson.

Is it starting already?

Yes, we cant delay any longer. Although Master Barnett is currently unavailable, I think there wont be any major problems with young Andys help.

Father, do you need me to accompany you?

No, you and Emerson just take good care of the house.

The lunch lasted nearly half an hour. The young mage, apparently unaccustomed to such lavish meals, focused entirely on the food, paying little attention to what the Count was saying at the table. This made Count Kent feel more at ease about him.

However, what puzzled the Count was that the delicacies, which usually tantalized his palate, tasted like wax today, flavorless and disappointing.

You should personally escort young Andy to his room for a rest.

Yes, Father (Uncle).

Thank you for your hospitality, Count.

The three of them stood up and left the dining room, leaving Count Kent alone.

After sitting motionlessly for a while, Count Kent finally stood up, as if making a decision, and walked towards the door.

However, just as he reached the doorway, he suddenly rushed back to the dining table in a frenzy.

The two glasses filled with red liquid were still on the table. The Count grabbed one and began to frantically gulp it down

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