Chapter 189: Iron Ambition 4

TL: Etude

Guy Burns did not immediately respond to Paul. He pondered in silence, seemingly unsure of where to begin.

After a long pause, he finally spoke, Lord Count, have you ever closely observed windmills and watermills?

Windmills? Watermills? Oh, arent those quite common? Our bellows are driven by a watermill.

Yes, they are very common, and everyone thinks so.

A flash of excitement suddenly appeared on Burns face.

However, I believe they are both extremely great inventions. Unfortunately, the inventors didnt even leave their names in history. When I shared my views about these common devices with my colleagues

They laughed at you?

Yes, they laughed. Lord Count, what do you think of us mechanicians?

Paul thought for a moment before sharing his view, A group full of whimsy and dexterity.

Burns, however, laughed at himself.

Whimsy and dexterity? Indeed, we often have strange ideas in our heads and then tinker with things that seem magical to others. But

Burns paused, I think the profession of mechanicians is heading in the wrong direction.

Why do you say that?

Do you know? Now we judge each others superiority not by the usefulness of what we make, but by the complexity and intricacy of the structures.

Fancy but impractical?

Exactly. Small, fine, complex things are admired, while big, coarse, simple things are discarded.

Too focused on the odd aspect.

You hit the nail on the head. What angers me more is that the entire industry is striving to please the upper class. They rack their brains to create intricate toys, just to get an invitation to a noble banquet. Theyd rather use their knowledge to make these useless trinkets than spend a little time considering what the masses really need.

Windmills? Watermills?

Yes, its things like windmills and watermills that can bring convenience to ordinary people. Though simple in structure, they can drive millstones, irrigate fields, and are much more useful than a music box that can play three tunes. Nobles and the wealthy have plenty of servants to work for them, but the lower classes only have their own hands. If the things we make can make their life-sustaining work easier, how meaningful would that be!

You mean to say, knowledge and technology should benefit the majority, not become playthings in the hands of a few!

Exactly, thats what I mean, and this is what I have longed for.

Burns suddenly felt a kinship with Paul. He slapped his thigh, almost bouncing out of his seat with excitement.

Paul suddenly felt immense respect for the man before him. Burns aspirations were very close to the universal values of the Industrial Party from his previous life letting people all over the world enjoy the fruits of industrial development.

He shouted, Bernard, bring the wine!

The chief secretary quickly served two glasses of wine to them.

Mr. Burns.

Paul raised his glass to Burns, I toast to you!

Burns, flattered and overwhelmed, hastily picked up his own glass, Lord, you flatter me

Not knowing what else to say, Burns simply followed Pauls lead and drained his glass in one go.

Immediately, Bernard refilled the empty glasses of the two men.

Paul patted Burns on the shoulder and said, Your philosophy aligns perfectly with mine.

The reason I want to build an iron factory and increase iron production is to make ironware accessible to most people. You know, many farmers in my territory are still using wooden plows and hoes. I dont know how they endure it.

Lord, ever since I saw your harvester, I knew you would agree with my views.

The two clinked glasses again, and Bernard continued to pour the wine.

So, let me guess, is this also why you teach the children of the poor?

Yes, after I teach them knowledge, they can make and improve tools based on their own needs. Not those ornamental, playthings, but real, practical tools that solve real problems.

And I believe knowledge should not be hoarded. Many in our profession would rather take their skills to the grave than share them with others. I respect their personal wishes, but I absolutely disagree with this approach.

Well said, lets drink to that!

After a few drinks, both were slightly inebriated. Paul grasped Burns hand.

People with enlightened ideas like yours shouldnt waste their talent not taking a management position would be a pity. The position of factory manager at Lakeheart Towns mechanical factory, the person in charge of managing the affairs of the mechanical factory, is still vacant. Are you interested?

Ah? Burns was surprised and immediately demurred, No no, Lord Count, this is too much for me. Im only good at working with technology, tinkering with machinery, and such.

I will arrange enough administrative officers to work under you. All you need to do is make major decisions and continue doing what you love in your spare time.


As a factory manager, you will be able to allocate more resources.

Lord Count, I will not let you down.

Heh heh, now you have the power to look into other things being developed in the factory, which will surely interest you.

To be honest, I cant wait.

But, you just said knowledge should not be hoarded. Although I agree with this statement, at this stage, if certain technologies are leaked, it could endanger my territory. So, secrecy must be maintained where necessary, otherwise, Ill have to send Cecil to visit you.

Burns felt a chill. Cecil seemed to be in charge of intelligence management for the count, including capturing spies.

He swore, Lord Count, I already know the confidentiality rules by heart before joining the factory. You are now my employer and lord, and I will naturally live up to my salary and fulfill my duties.

Paul was very satisfied.


Just then, the kettle on the fireplace boiled, its lid jostling up and down from the steam.

Burns noticed a playful smile on Pauls face.

The count pointed to the kettle and said, Burns, do you see how the kettle boils?

Hmm? Oh!

You might want to watch it more when youre free. You might discover something. Oh but its still early.

Er Yes!

Burns was a bit confused, not quite understanding what Paul was trying to convey.

Paul stared at the kettle lid for a while, then suddenly turned.

Alright, Burns, I wont keep you any longer. Go back to work.

Yes, I shall take my leave then.

After the mechanician left the office, the secretary Bernard heard the count sigh.

Ah, still have to take it one step at a time.

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