Chapter 179: Magic Duel 1

TL: Etude

Then you must die!

Upon hearing these words, Ladi and Helen immediately became fully alert.

Including their leader, the pursuers were six in total, indicating that four of them had been taken down by the Eton guards.

With a wave of his hand, the leader directed the remaining five to spread out, subtly forming an encirclement around the two women.

Almost simultaneously, both parties began to chant their spells.

After about ten seconds, the pursuers completed their chants, each stretching out a hand, ready to cast their magic. Each hand flickered with electric light, as if fearsome thunderbolts were about to burst forth.

It looks like were in for a tough fight today; they are all mages.

Despite the imminent threat, the Duchesss voice betrayed no hint of panic or fear.

Hehe, when was the last time I fought alongside you as a mage, Senior Helen?

Oh dear, I cant quite remember. Its been several years, hasnt it?

The leader of the pursuers watched them with narrowed eyes.

Hmph! Chatting leisurely at the brink of death! Ill give you one last chance. Submit to the Arcane Society now, or I wont spare you just because youre women!

Ladi replied firmly, Minions of the Arcane Society! I still have a score to settle with you!

During her last trip to Port Fran with Paul, she was unable to use many of her moves due to a physical condition. As a result, she was easily subdued by a mage from the Arcane Society specializing in self-enhancement. If not for the counts guards armed with firearms, they would have been defeated.

This had always irked the prideful Ladi. Facing these mages from the Arcane Society, she saw an opportunity to clear her resentment.

The leader of the pursuers laughed loudly.

So youve had dealings with our organization before? And it seems youve suffered a defeat? Knowing our strength, yet still failing to see the reality, women really are brainless, even as mages!

Ladi raised her hand, Enough talk!

The leader quickly dodged as a small crossbow bolt shot from not far away, embedding deeply into a tree trunk behind him.

He broke into a cold sweat, angrily saying, Foolish women, youll pay for this in hell! Attack!

At the leaders command, the six unleashed lightning from their hands.

The powerful currents surged towards the two women near the carriage, illuminating the area as bright as day.

But to the leaders utter shock, something unbelievable happened he suddenly felt as if his chest was struck by a massive hammer, a powerful force paralyzing his entire body, rendering him immobile.

The blinding light prevented him from seeing what had happened, but he felt as though he was on the brink of death.

As the light faded, two of the pursuing mages collapsed, while the remaining four staggered, barely able to stand, the air filled with the scent of scorched flesh.

Damn it! What happened?

The leader looked towards his targets. The two women stood unharmed, casually observing their sorry state.

Hehe! π˜§π“‡π˜¦π˜¦π”€β„―π˜£π“ƒπ“Έπ“Ώβ„―π˜­.𝑐𝓸𝓂

Helen let out a mocking laugh.

Whats the matter? Havent heard of Spell Reversal? It seems this Arcane Society of yours isnt so impressive after all!

Ladi added, Or is it youre just not high enough in your organization to know such spells?


The leader of the pursuers struggled to stand up straight, his eyes bulging with rage, the whites filled with dense blood vessels.

His subordinates were in dire straits. Of the two who had fallen, one seemed to have passed out or possibly even died, while the other lay on the ground groaning continuously.

With a wave of his hand, he shouted to his men, Pull yourselves together! However, this gesture only intensified his own pain.

The words of the two women had deeply wounded his pride. Damn it! I am an elite among elites Its just that they happen to know a couple of obscure spells!

Alright then Take your potions!

Hearing the leaders command, the mages, as if remembering something, each took out a pill and swallowed it.

Seeing this, Ladi tensed up, recalling what Navy Commander Austin had said about pirates becoming agile and incredibly strong after consuming a mysterious drug, likely provided by the crazed mage claiming to be from the Arcane Society.

She wondered if the mages had consumed the same drug and what effects it might have. If it was anything like the pirates, they were in trouble, as she and Senior Helen were not adept at close combat.

After ingesting the drug, the mages bodies underwent a remarkable transformation, bulking up noticeably as Ladi had feared.

Their pained expressions vanished, and they seemed unharmed. The mage who had been lying on the ground quickly stood up.

You two bitches! You have truly angered me now! the leader of the pursuers bellowed furiously.

Although he appeared to have lost his mind to others, his mind was constantly calculating.

Spell Reversal? From what had just happened, it seemed to rebound the casters attacks. Using the same attacks as before would be foolish!

Damn it, why do they know such a wicked spell that Ive never even heard of? Why didnt the instructors in the organization teach me? Are they keeping secrets?

What to do now? Their offensive spells were limited to fireballs or lightning. Were they really helpless against these two women?

Wait a minute! They were just two women, fragile and delicate!

And here were five strong men!

Could Spell Reversal work against physical attacks?

With this thought, the leader of the pursuers pulled out a dagger and threw it forcefully at the two women!

Ladi stood still while Helen slightly tilted her head, the dagger landing behind them.

The leaders heart leaped with joy; physical attacks couldnt be reversed.

Brothers, their spells cant deflect physical attacks. Close in on them, use daggers or fists to finish them off.

Hearing the leaders reminder, three of his men drew daggers, while another rolled up his sleeves, revealing muscular, vein-lined arms. They slowly approached Ladi and Helen.

The leader himself was rubbing his hands together and chuckling menacingly, walking towards the two women. He was determined to brutally assault them, using all sorts of means.

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