Chapter 171: Banquet

TL: Etude

The Foster familys steward led the group to a reception room and instructed several servants to serve drinks and snacks.

Please wait here, and I will inform the young master Queller Foster. He will come to see you shortly.

Then the steward excused himself and left the reception room.

The nobility of the south really is extraordinary! Look at their residence, look at their servants.

Yes, look at these utensils. Like ours, theyre made of glass, but somehow these glasses exude artistic flair.

Wow, you understand art?

Why cant I understand art?

A merchant representative picked up the glass in front of him.

Look! Isnt this made of porcelain? Count Grayman really managed to sell the products from his factories to the Horn Bay.

Im so envious. How did the Count get connected to the Foster family?

Quik took a sip of the drink served to him.

Ugh! What is this? Why is it so bitter?

Ha! The Captain has never had it before, has he? This is called tea. Its not something you can grow in the north; not just anyone can enjoy it!

Its so bitter and hard to drink. Arent they just buying trouble with their money?

Captain Quik doesnt understand, does he? This tea

While everyone was talking, a voice from the doorway announced, Young Master Queller has arrived.

Upon hearing that the host had come, everyone stood up in unison and looked toward the doorway.


Queller Foster strode into the reception room, and he gave each person a hug as he arrived.

Everyone relaxed, having worried that the master would put on airs as a great noble. Now it seemed that this young master was quite approachable.

Starting with Quik, the guests introduced themselves one by one.

Please have a seat! Please have a seat!

After calling everyone to sit down, Queller opened the conversation.

When Paul previously wrote that he was sending a ship south to pioneer a new trade route, I was quite startled. He told me when I was in the northwest bay that he wanted to build a ship fully rigged with sails. I thought it would take at least a year or two to succeed. I didnt expect it to be finished so quickly.

Quik expressed his thanks on behalf of Paul. Many thanks to you and your family for recruiting so many excellent shipwrights for us, especially Mr. Benjamin, who has been indispensable to us in Alda.

Ha ha!

The joy in the face of the second son of the Foster family was evident; he was genuinely happy.

That is as it should be! Paul is my friend, and he even saved my life. Its the least I could do.

He then asked in detail about the events that had transpired in Alda in recent months.

Quik explained the eradication of the pirates in detail, but due to reasons of confidentiality, he only touched lightly upon the performance of the Hope battleship as well as the guns and canons in the battle, even though holding back these details was quite uncomfortable for him.

The merchant representatives discussed the development of many new industries in Aldaporcelain, paper-making, salt production, and canned foodall of which had greatly increased production. They also expressed a keen hope for collaboration with the Foster family.

Young Master Foster narrowed his eyes. It seems Paul has taught you the manufacturing techniques. He never revealed a word about these techniques to us at the time.

The merchant representatives looked at each other awkwardly, at a loss for how to respond.

Quik grew nervous; for a moment, he thought of the worst-case scenario: The Fosters would detain them. With the Foster familys influence in the Horn Bay, theyd have no chance of escape.

But then they saw Queller Foster wave his hand and smile, saying, Ha ha, forget it. I can understand why Paul did that.

The guests finally relaxed.

Queller called over a servant, instructed him in a whisper, and the servant hurried out.

You must all be hungry, right? Allow me to take good care of you.

Everyone stood up to express their thanks.

Soon, a large squad of servants carrying platters came in, arranging dishes on the tables. Besides knives and forks, a stack of napkins was placed in front of each person.

Wow~ This is fancy!

Captain Quik marveled internally. He sneaked a glance to either side of him, and, trying to look the part, he tied on a napkin while the merchant representatives did so skillfully.

Though the Horn Bay is hilly and the crop yield isnt high, due to the warm and moist climate, theres great variety in the crops. And Fort Ness, as a major trade city, brings together ingredients from all over the world.

To the guests from the northwest bay, it was like a table set with rare delicacies from the mountains and seas; everyone enjoyed the feast to their hearts content.

While eating and chatting with the Foster familys second son, Quik suddenly felt thirsty and picked up the glass of water in front of him, taking a big gulp.

Ptui! A laugh came from behinda servant.

Although the sound was not loud, everyone heard it.

Those from the northwest bay didnt understand the cause and wondered if the servants standing by were quietly telling each other jokes.

Quik picked up the glass of water in front of him and finished it in one go.

He said with a smile, Oh dear, at my house we dont have as many rules for the servants as others do. My apologies, my apologies. Dont let me stop you; keep eating.

A merchant representative praised, Young Master Foster is truly kind and generous.

The other merchants joined in the flattery.

In the Kingdom of Ordo, the nobles wouldnt even deign to give them merchants a second glanceexcept for Count Grayman. Now, having come to the Horn Bay, they were treated with such courtesy, and moreover, the host was a powerful and prestigious family.

Naturally, the merchants were excited.

The Horn Bay had lived up to its reputation, truly a paradise for merchants. More than one pondered the idea of relocating to the Horn Bay to live.

However, it was just a thought; their roots were in the northwest bay, their homes and connections were all there. In this place, where they were unfamiliar with everything and even struggled with the language, most likely the kindness was out of regard for Count Graymans face.

Alas, one must always compromise with reality.

During the meal, the merchants expressed their desire to survey the business landscape in Fort Ness.

Queller assured them, No problem! Whatever you need, just ask me. Ill prepare translators and guides for you.

Seeing the young master so helpful, the merchant representatives thanked him profusely.

After dinner, it was no longer early, and the guests from the northwest bay stood up to take their leave. Quik wanted to return to the ship, while the merchant representatives were thinking of finding an inn to sleep comfortably for a few nights.

Queller looked displeased. Now youre looking down on me. Are you saying that the Foster family is so poor that we dont even have a few guest rooms?

The guests laughed wryly, explaining that they did not want to trouble their host too much.

But at the invitation of Young Master Queller, the merchants still stayed.

Only the captain of the Southern insisted on returning to the ship to be with his sailors.

Young Master Queller admired him privately, no longer insisting on their stay, and personally saw him out to the front gate, arranging a carriage to take him to the dock.

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