Chapter 167: Hiring a Navigator

TL: Etude

The crew of the Southern sailed from the docks to the citys central square, marveling and enjoying the sights along the way.

Quik divided the crew into four groups. Gentlemen, I hereby announce free time. Everyone must stay with their group and no individual activities are allowed!

The sailors, eagerly awaiting this moment, cheered. Long live the great Quik!

Quik reminded them, Stick to the main roads and avoid narrow alleys to prevent getting lost. Well regroup here in two hours, then return to the ship to swap with the others so they too can come ashore.

Yes, Captain!

The Hope wasnt planning to stay long; their ultimate destination was the Horn Bay Alliance to meet with the Foster family before returning to Northwest Bay.

Were only stopping in Asta for a day. If you want fun and entertainment, wait until we reach the Horn Bay Alliance. You dont speak the local language, so just enjoy the scenery here and avoid conflicts with the locals!

Yes, Captain!

Quik gestured. Alright, disperse now.

He then turned to the cadets, You little devils, follow my group.

Ladi was in Quiks group, and having her as a translator made things much easier for them.

They wandered around the square, exploring various shops and stopping at street vendors stalls. Some even haggled over souvenirs through Ladis translations. Fortunately, Ordos currency was accepted here, though the items were quite expensive.

Apart from the diverse products, the central square had many attractions: wandering poets singing while playing instruments, circuses performing acrobatics and animal tricks, enchanting dancers moving like serpents, and thrilling boxing matches.

By the time they finished exploring the square, it was time to regroup.

Quik and his group arrived at the meeting point, only to find that the others hadnt returned.

Those rascals better not have wandered off to a brothel! Such indiscipline.

Ladi reminded him, Ahem Captain, please mind your language in front of the children.

Quik, clenching his fist, said, Ill deal with them properly when I get back.

After about half an hour, the other three groups gradually returned to the meeting point.

You fools! Where did you wander off to?

The angry captain scolded them harshly.

For the next month, youll be in charge of cleaning the deck and the toilets.

After announcing the punishment, Quik led the crew back to the Southern. The ones left behind on the ship were eagerly waiting. As soon as the captain returned, they joyously headed ashore under the first mates lead.

Ladi approached Quik and asked, Captain, when do we set sail for the Horn Bay Alliance?

I plan to rest here tonight and set sail early tomorrow morning.

I think its better to hire a navigator familiar with the Horn Bay waters. Someone who knows the coastal ports well can help you reach the alliances capital directly.

I had the same thought and was planning to look for one. Mr. Derrick, could you accompany me to solve the language issue?

Of course. However, professional navigators rarely accept such short-term hires, so I suggest you visit the local Adventurers Guild. There are many adventurers who specialize in maritime activities and are familiar with sea routes and coastal ports. They also take on such guiding missions.

Really? Thats great. Adventurers Guild? Ive heard of it.

Theres another matter Id like to discuss with you, said Derrick.

Please go ahead, Mr. Derrick.

This city is not far from my hometown. If possible, Id like to take a land route from here back home, and you can proceed to the Horn Bay Alliance.

Quik pondered for a moment.

Er alright, since you are a native of the Horn Bay. Do you need me to send some sailors with you? Lord Count has instructed us to assist in bringing your family back.

Ladi, with a smile, waved her hand dismissively, No need, Captain. This is my homeland, after all! Even if something unexpected happens on the way, Im quite confident in my own abilities. I may be a scholar, but Ive also been an adventurer for a few years.

Is that so? Its hard to tell. In that case, if you return before us, find an inn here and wait for us. Well come back to pick you and your family up after we finish our business.

However, Ladi suggested, Why dont I take my family to meet you in the capital of the Horn Bay Alliance instead? Theres no need for you to rush back. Your official duties shouldnt be delayed because of my personal matters. Those merchant representatives probably wouldnt mind staying there a few extra days to thoroughly explore the area.

Quik hesitated slightly but agreed to Ladis plan, Alright, well head straight to the Horn Bay Alliance tomorrow. If you need any help, send a message to the Foster family, and well come to assist immediately.

Thank you, and I wish you a smooth journey!

Same to you.

Soon after, Quik and Ladi arrived at the Adventurers Guild in Asta City, conveniently located not far from the docks.

The guilds hall was set up like a tavern, with adventurers gathered in groups, drinking and sharing their missions and experiences.

Near the entrance, there was a counter staffed by several good-looking young women, presumably receptionists.

Next to the counter stood a large wooden board plastered with mission notices, written on parchment. Despite the Foster familys trade of Alda products in the Horn Bay region, paper wasnt as profitable as porcelain and due to limited transportation, new types of paper hadnt yet become widespread in the Horn Bay.

They approached the counter, where the receptionist greeted them with a sweet smile.

Welcome, what can I do for you?

Ladi stepped forward to negotiate, We wish to post a mission to hire a temporary navigator to the capital of the Horn Bay Alliance. The navigator should also be fluent in Ordo and act as a translator.

The receptionist blushed slightly at Ladis charming appearance and shyly asked, How long will you need the hire for?

After consulting Quick, Ladi replied, Lets make it a week initially. Who knows how many days well spend in the Horn Bay Alliance. The Foster family should be able to assist us there.

Miss Receptionist, well hire for a week.

Alright, please wait a moment.

The receptionist efficiently drafted the contract.

The fee for this mission is one silver Tanis. Youll need to pay in advance, and the employer is responsible for the adventurers food and accommodation.

We only have Ordo currency, can we use that?

The receptionist quickly recalled the exchange rates of several currencies.

Of course, that will be two Ordo silver coins.

Ladi relayed the receptionists quote to Quick.

The captain of the Southern secretly marveled at the high labor costs in the Horn Bay, where a weeks wages equaled two months of hard work for a skilled craftsman in the Counts factory.

Nevertheless, he paid discreetly, representing Alda and the Counts prestige, and not wanting to appear inferior before the Horn Bay locals.

After Ladi verified the contract written in the Horn Bay language, Quick personally signed it.

The task was posted on the bulletin board and was accepted within an hour, being a relatively easy mission.

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