Chapter 160: The Southern Sets Sail!

TL: Etude

November 11, 1990, in the Holy Calendar marked the day the ship Southern embarked on its journey.

The docks of Port Fran were bustling and crowded. Everyone who had heard about the new route being charted flocked to the docks to witness this grand adventure. It was a journey to the Horn Bay area, an unprecedented venture for many.

Onboard the Southern Ship, the soldiers were bustling about, making final preparations for the long voyage. The shipyard manager, Rubin, and the old shipwright, Benjamin, led their craftsmen in a thorough inspection of the ship.

Even the underage cadets were running around the deck, following orders to move this and that.

Young Allen and another companion struggled to carry a large barrel down the ladder into the hold.

After setting down the barrel, the two boys saluted the ships steward.

Mr. Steward, this is the last barrel of wine, they reported.

Six barrels of rum, four barrels of wine, four chickens, ten boxes of canned goods, biscuits, bread the steward counted the supplies, ticking them off in his notebook.

Good, all the food is prepared. You boys can take a break now.

Yes, sir!

After being busy for most of the day, Allen and his companion were relieved to finally have some downtime. The young cadets were thrilled about the journey south, as it meant seeing more of the world. Having been orphans, they had grown accustomed to considering the warship their home. Wherever the ship went, that was home.

Allen ran to the ships side to look out at the dock. He saw many familiar faces but was slightly disappointed not to see Dr. Wade and Sister Susan, who had gone to Lakeheart Town for some training and had not yet returned. 𝘧𝓻ℯ𝑒𝑤𝓮𝒷𝓷𝘰𝑣ℯ𝑙.𝓬𝓸𝓂

He suggested to the other cadets who had finished their tasks, Hey, everyone! The captain said this voyage might last over a month. Lets go to the dock and say goodbye to the townspeople. Theyve been so good to us lately.

Sure! Yeah!

His suggestion was quickly agreed upon, and the group disembarked, heading beyond the security area.

Please, follow me, gentlemen, Captain Quik beckoned to five individuals, clearly not navy personnel, as they boarded the Southern Ship.

Among these five were four business representatives, not only from Alda but also one from Bayldings Emden.

The fifth was a young, handsome man named Derrick, personally assigned by the lord to join the ship. He was a scholar set to accompany the Southern Ship to Horn Bay to bring his family to the Northwest Bay.

Captain Quik couldnt help but notice Derricks strikingly handsome features, thinking he could easily be a regular in the salons of the southern nobility if it werent for his slight beard.

Leading the group, Quik announced, For at least the next month, well be living aboard this ship. Let me give you a tour of the Southern Ship.

He leisurely showed them around, starting with the cargo hold, which doubled as a sleeping and resting area for the crew, with hammocks rolled up until needed.

Taking them to the rear of the hold, Quik said, This is where youll rest.

Unlike the rest, this area had thick canvas walls dividing it into five small rooms, each with a hammock and a chest for personal belongings.

Though each room was only about two square meters, it was a rare luxury aboard the Southern Ship, a special accommodation for these five passengers.

Quik walked to the very back of the ship and opened a door. This is the captains quarters, heh my living quarters.

The captains quarters were arguably the most luxurious part of the ship. Approximately four square meters in size, it featured a bright window at the rear of the ship. Besides a hammock and a storage box, there was a small table and a stool, equipped with an ink bottle, a quill, and other items likely used for logging the ships journey.

Additionally, there was a ladder in the captains quarters that led directly to the open deck above.

Now, lets see a very important part of the ship, Quik said, leading them to the front of the cargo hold.

There were two doors, one on each side. Opening the left door, they found a small compartment with a peculiar feature: a hole pointing downwards.

Someone quickly guessed, Captain, this wouldnt happen to be a toilet, would it?

Yes, Quik nodded. Congratulations, you guessed right. The hole leads directly to the sea, very convenient! Also, for those who are shy about bathing in front of others, this can be a private spot.

The passengers exchanged glances, a bit speechless, but none seemed too bothered. After all, they were accustomed to roughing it.

Derrick, the scholar, sighed in relief internally. A proper toilet on the ship was a small but significant comfort.

Quik then took them to the food storage area.

Gentlemen, we have enough food and drink stored for fifteen days. Well start with fresh vegetables, meats, eggs, and bread as they spoil first. Then, well move on to dried vegetables, cured meats, and biscuits. Oh, and just a heads up, if you find maggots in the biscuits, dont panic. Thats pretty normal at sea.

The thought of maggots made everyone a bit queasy.

Once we finish the rest, well rely on canned food. We also have four hens on deck for fresh eggs daily, Quik continued.

Clapping his hands, he said, Alright, everyone. Go and say your farewells to your loved ones on the dock. We set sail in about two hours.

Two hours later, close to noon, Austin stood on deck, addressing the entire crew of the Southern Ship, including Quik.

This mission must succeed at all costs! he declared. You carry the hopes of the Northwest Bay and our lord!

Upon your return, all participating officers and soldiers will be promoted one rank, along with additional rewards!

On behalf of everyone, rest assured, Commander, we will complete the mission! Quik responded on behalf of the crew.

Good. Then, I wont delay you any longer. Set sail immediately!

Yes, sir!

As Austin turned to leave, he glanced at the green-haired young master who gestured reassuringly. Satisfied, Austin crossed the gangplank back to the dock.

Quik swiftly assumed his role as captain.

Retract the gangplank!

Anchor up!

Lower the sails!

The Southern Ship sets sail!

With a strong wind that day, the ship quickly began moving, heading out of the harbor.

Bon voyage!

Return safely!

The crowd on the dock erupted in cheers, waving hats and handkerchiefs, sending their blessings to the departing ship. Rubin and old shipwright Benjamin were among the crowd, their eyes brimming with tears, waving at the Southern Ship as if seeing off their own child, their faces a mix of pride and worry.

Sailors idly standing on the ship waved back, some even breaking into tears. For most of them, this was their first time leaving home, and they were headed thousands of miles south.

Thus, under the strong sea breeze, the Southern Ship sailed into the depths of the ocean

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