Chapter 147: Discussing Strategies

TL: Etude

Upon his return to Lakeheart Town, Paul immediately summoned those he considered absolutely trustworthy.

These included: the Chief Administrator of the Administration Council, Wakley Ford, the Head of the Department of Intelligence, Cecil, the Chief of Staff, Owen Schroeder, the Commander of the First Battalion of the Army, Bryce Alder, the Head of the Logistics Department, Ron, the Head of the Equipment Department, Kelly, and the old butler of the castle, Philip.

Ford, Cecil, and Bryce were veterans left by the old Grayman, deeply loyal to the Grayman family.

Schroeder, known for his rigid integrity, adhered to the knights code and swore his loyalty with honor.

Ron and Kelly, having served the Grayman family for generations, would follow Pauls orders unhesitatingly, even into the most dangerous situations.

As for Philip, having watched Paul grow up since he was a child, he was already considered part of the Grayman family.

Philip had even mentioned to Paul that he was saved by a wizard in his childhood, a story Paul had found hard to believe at the time.

Paul called these people to his office, instructing the guards to keep a strict watch at the door.

Also present in the office was the female advisor, Ladi.

Paul detailed to them the events that occurred on his way to Port Fran, explicitly stating that the person who attacked him was a wizard, whose incredible abilities he had witnessed firsthand, and mentioned the power behind this wizard the Arcane Society.

Before Pauls return to Lakeheart Town, everyone had already been informed through urgent messages about the Counts encounter with assassins on the road. The letter mentioned that the assailants were highly skilled in martial arts and that several guards had been sacrificed, but it did not mention anything about a wizard.

When Paul had arrived, Ford had already ordered the streets to be closed off to spare him the sight of the grieving families of the fallen soldiers.

Now, hearing from Paul about the reality of the legendary beings, everyone was so shocked that they were speechless.

Schroeder and Bryce, the two military men, were the first to regain composure: So, these individuals can still be killed by firearms.

Ford asked, You mentioned another wizard saved you. Where is he now? Has he left?

Paul replied with a grave expression, No, the wizard hasnt left. Therefore, what follows must be kept in strictest confidence!

He then gave a nod towards the female advisor, who was sitting quietly by the window.

Ladi stood up slowly, Gentlemen, I am the witch referred to by the Count.

The room fell into a profound silence

This lasted for almost a minute before someone finally spoke.

No Really?

Bryces eyes were as wide as a bulls, and every muscle on his face conveyed his utter disbelief.

Dont legends describe witches as old and ugly, with faces more wrinkled than an elephants skin

The old knight snapped out of his stupor and immediately pulled at his sleeve, realizing it was rude to speak in such a way in front of a lady, even if she was a witch from the legends.

Its unbelievable A living witch standing right before us!

Cecil, Ron, and Kelly swept their gaze over Ladi, as if searching for something that differentiated her from ordinary people.

The calmest were Ford and butler Philip.

Due to his childhood experience, Philip had always believed in the existence of wizards. On hearing Ladi reveal her hidden identity, he was only slightly surprised. 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

Ford, as the second most powerful person in the territory after Paul and the actual head of the Administration Council, displayed an unflappable demeanor. In Earths terms, it was akin to remaining unmoved even if Mount Tai collapses in front of him.

The old administrator spoke calmly, This at least proves one thing: not all wizards are evil as the legends suggest.

He stood up and nodded towards the female advisor, Miss Ladi, thank you for saving the Count and our soldiers lives.

Ladi quickly waved her hand, No need for formalities, Administrator Ford. Without Lord Grayman and the guards firearms, I wouldnt have been able to counter that male wizard in my condition.

Paul internally sighed in relief, seeing everyones reaction as relatively normal.

The reason I called only you few here is that you are the ones I trust the most. I hope you can keep Miss Ladis identity as a witch confidential, especially from the church. You all understand why.

Schroeder, with a solemn expression, raised his right hand with the index and middle fingers joined, and slowly recited, In Gods presence, I swear on my knightly honor that, unless directly ordered by Lord Grayman, I shall never reveal Miss Ladis identity to others.

This was a heavy oath, given on a knights honor.

The others also made similar solemn pledges, each using their most valued principles.

Paul internally chuckled at the seriousness of it all. He just wanted to emphasize confidentiality, but he trusted the people in front of him.

Alright, lets discuss the main issue. How do we deal with this Arcane Society? According to Miss Ladis estimation, they might be plotting something in the Northwest Bay.

Intelligence Chief Cecil said, My Lord, I will instruct my people to look out for signs in this regard. But Miss Advisor, could you assist us with this?

Of course, the female advisor responded immediately. I am still the advisor to Lord Grayman and the Administration Council. You can consult me about anything, anytime.

That would be much appreciated, Miss Advisor.

Schroeder then asked Ladi, Aside from firearms, are you witches impervious to weapons like swords? Ah, I apologize, Miss Ladi, I dont mean to offend.

Ladi nodded understandingly, answering the Chief of Staffs query, Its not an inherent trait of mages, but the effect of the magic they cast. The effectiveness depends on the casters mastery of that spell.

The wizard we encountered used a defensive spell called Stone Skin, which, as the name implies, hardens the skin like stone. But its rare to find a wizard who can use Stone Skin to such an extent that they become nearly invulnerable to blades.

Plus, his Giant Strength spell made him nearly invincible against a group not wearing heavy armor.

Schroeder breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that most wizards, if caught in close quarters, could still be killed without relying on firearms.

Bryce suggested, Lord Grayman, it seems we need to increase the production of firearms. Ideally, more than half of the soldiers in each battalion should be equipped with them. Better safe than sorry. If we encounter a large group of the rare wizards Miss Ladi mentioned, the losses could be devastating.

Cecil added, Considering the drugs previously seized from pirates by the navy and Miss Ladis description, they might use certain drugs to achieve effects similar to magic. The drugs the pirates used were manageable, but if those making them can enhance their effects to the level of Stone Skin and Giant Strength, it would be very bad for us. Is this possible, Miss Advisor?

Yes, its possible, the female advisor confirmed.

Indeed! Paul agreed with their suggestions. I also support increasing our firearm arsenal. What do you think, Administrator Ford?

Mr. Ford stood up, This is indeed a crucial matter, and I concur. The Administration Council will allocate funds for the expansion of the armory. Additionally, the internal guard units must also be uniformly equipped with firearms, as wizards could be among the common folk. Ensuring your and the residents safety is a priority.

Very well, lets proceed with that plan.

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