Chapter 136: Magic 1

TL: Etude


Paul, seated on horseback, sneezed and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe his nose, wrapping his coat tightly around himself. As November set in, the weather was growing increasingly colder.

I must open a dedicated passenger river transport service once the shipyard builds more boats. Ill call it the Public Transport Ship, he mused aloud.

These boats could ply the Weiss River, allowing anyone to board for just a copper or two and disembark at their destination.

On days like today, thered be no need to brave the cold outside. With a small stove lit inside the cabin, passengers could warm themselves while enjoying the riverside scenery. Wouldnt that be wonderful?

Paul enthusiastically shared his idea with those around him.

What a brilliant idea, sir! Victor, the captain of the guard, offered timely flattery.

Paul glanced at Ladi, the female advisor beside him, feeling a bit disappointed as she seemed completely disengaged from his discussion, remaining alert and watchful of their surroundings.

With a resigned gesture to the captain, Paul said, Ah, shes been like this since we left Lakeheart Town this morning.

Scratching his head, Victor commented, Well, sir, I think Miss Ladis high vigilance is correct, although its a bit unusual for a young lady.

When Paul decided to visit Port Fran, Ladi volunteered to accompany him, initially leading Paul to think she needed a break. However, her reasoning was quite peculiar:

Lord Count, I did a divination for you. You might encounter some troubles on the road! Its just a possibility, but better safe than sorry. Please let me accompany you; my skills from my adventurer days might be useful.

Divination? Was she serious? Despite her status as a scholar, she believed in such things. Yet, seeing her genuine concern for his safety, Paul agreed to her request.

Why didnt you just advise me against the trip then?

The divination showed that staying in Lakeheart Town wouldnt avoid the misfortune either.

Uh okay.

Ladi then donned her adventurer gear, including the bow that had slain a black-spotted tiger, and set off with Paul.

She strongly recommended bringing more guards, so Paul agreed, taking two platoons of internal security soldiers, commanded by Victor, to Port Fran.

As Paul internally lamented the ignorance of the era, even a scholar like Ladi wasnt exempt, he heard her shout, Somethings wrong, stop!

The group, startled, reined in their horses, halting the procession.

Pointing ahead, Ladi indicated a figure about 500 meters away, walking towards them along the road.

Paul complained, Hey, arent you being overly paranoid? That could just be a regular passerby.

Ive been watching him for ten minutes. Ive had a feeling he means us harm. Lord Count, please trust my intuition; its always been accurate.

Ten minutes? Weve only just seen him. Your eyesight is that good? Well, youve made me uneasy now. Victor, send someone to question him.

Yes, Lord Count.

As Victor prepared to dispatch someone, the figure ahead also noticed them, pausing briefly to look at their group before continuing directly towards them, showing no intention of stepping aside.

Pauls procession, flying the banner of the Grayman family with a prominent red flag bearing a flying dragon, was hard to miss. Anyone seeing the flag would surely not dare to block their way so brazenly.

The captain of the guard sensed the anomaly and shouted, Be alert!

The guards gripped their weapons tightly, and the sound of swords and knives being drawn echoed around them.

Paul looked ahead to see a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak, fluttering in the cold wind, his face obscured by a hood. ๐šr๐ž๐—ฒ๐š eb๐š—o๐ฏ

Damn! Could he really be here to cause trouble? With such a bold and daring demeanor, he does give off the vibe of a lone assassin! Paul thought to himself, He better not charge into our ranks like in the movies.

As the cloaked man approached, Victor yelled, Stranger, halt! You are before Lord Paul Grayman, Count of Alda. Stop immediately and state your business.

At about 50 meters from the group, the cloaked man stopped. A deep voice emanated from under his hood:

So, you are Paul Grayman? Ha! This is easier than expected. I didnt think Id encounter you en route, saving me a trip to Lakeheart Town.

Though not loud, his voice carried clearly to everyones ears.

Ladi, the female advisor, immediately stepped in front of Paul, her brows furrowed, staring intently at the newcomer. Lord Count, be prepared for some strange occurrences, she warned.

Confused but certain of the strangers malintent, Paul grew anxious, especially since the lone figure seemed to exert a pressuring aura despite being outnumbered.

Victor, infuriated, ordered, Guards, seize this insolent man!

The man had not only addressed the lord by name but also spoke arrogantly, treating the count like a mere object, showing utter disrespect to both Paul and his captain.

Three soldiers rushed forward. The cloaked man stood still as two soldiers grabbed his arms, and a third began to tie him up. As they tried to force his arms behind his back, the situation suddenly escalated.

With a swift motion, the cloaked man grabbed the necks of the two soldiers and smashed their heads together against his chest. Their skulls collided, caving in as brain matter splattered.

Dropping the lifeless bodies, the cloaked man shook his head, Tsk! My new clothes are dirty again! His tone was casual, as if he had just swatted two insignificant insects.

Licking the brain matter from his lips, he added chillingly, But, this feeling its been too long.

The remaining soldier, witnessing his comrades deaths, was too terrified to move, collapsing to the ground, trembling, and staring at the man as if he were a demon from hell.

First squad, protect the count! Second squad, with me! Victor barked orders, snapping to action.

One squad encircled Paul and Ladi, who was muttering something under her breath, swords and knives ready in all directions. The other squad, led by Victor, advanced towards the cloaked man.

The man, continuing towards Paul, began making strange gestures with his right hand while chanting incomprehensible words.

Stone Skin he uttered clearly.

At that moment, Ladi ceased her whispering, pausing briefly before saying softly, Full concentration

Paul felt something stirring at his chest. Looking down, he saw a stone pendant quivering, its once grey surface slowly darkening

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