Chapter 126: After the Battle

TL: Etude

Ever since the pirates assembled a fleet of over ten ships for their last venture, the island had become much quieter.

Of course, this was a good thing for Allen and his companions. With fewer pirates around, there were fewer people to boss them around and make them do this and that.

Just as they were enjoying this rare moment of leisure, they began to notice that the atmosphere on the island was slowly becoming strange.

Some of the pirates left behind on the island started to act extremely nervous, as if the sky was falling.

Have you heard? The pirates suffered a defeat! Pine whispered to them during lunch, always the one with the inside scoop.

Allen and Tom perked up at this news. If the pirates had been defeated, there might be a chance for them to see daylight again.

Tell us more.

The fleet that left a few days ago was led by the pirate chief Gaden himself. Its been three days now, and not a single ship has returned.

You mean they were all wiped out?

What else could it be? They must have provoked the Alda Navy and got wiped out in one fell swoop.

Tom, filled with hope, asked, Will the Alda people come to rescue us?

Its unlikely theyll come just for us. Were not citizens of Alda. But everyone says the pirates have hoarded a great deal of treasure here. The Alda Navy probably wont pass up the opportunity to seize it, and its possible they might rescue us in the process.

Oh, Lord of Light, please let the Alda Navy come here.

The three of them prayed to the divine, hoping for a rescue. With their current capabilities, all they could do was wait patiently for someone to come to their aid.

After defeating Gadens pirate fleet, the Alda Navy had to undergo repairs and regroup. The naval battle was a resounding success: except for one pirate ship that escaped, the other nine were captured, with over 300 pirates killed and nearly 200 captured.

However, the navys own losses were substantial. Except for the ship Hope, which didnt engage in close combat, the other ships lost over 50 men, and almost every surviving sailor was injured. Such a tremendous loss shocked the naval high command. For the relatively small Alda Navy, these losses were difficult to bear.

The direct cause of the heavy casualties was a mysterious drug mentioned in the prisoners confessions. After taking it, the pirates gained combat abilities far beyond normal humans. If not for the navys firearms and cannons, and the fact that the pirates had to board the ships via narrow planks, the outcome of the battle might have been different.

The performance of the pirate chief Gaden, especially after he consumed a large amount of the drug during the final stages of the battle, left a deep impression on all the officers and soldiers. What kind of wicked drug was this, turning a normal person into a monster in an instant?

However, when asked about the specifics of the drug, such as how it was made or where it came from, all the prisoners knew very little.

The only information obtained was that this drug was acquired by the pirate chief Gaden from a mysterious individual. It was either delivered directly to the pirates base or picked up by Gadens men at a designated location on land.

A gag order was placed on all the naval personnel involved in the battle. Apart from announcing the victory, no details of the battle were to be leaked or discussed in front of outsiders.

Based on the intelligence gathered on Gadens pirate group, it was deduced that their force was almost entirely wiped out in this battle. The remaining few, even if each displayed the exaggerated combat prowess seen in the previous battle, posed little threat to the navy.

Of course, it was still necessary to remain vigilant. Who knew if Gaden, slippery as a mudfish, might be hiding his true strength?

Through interrogating the prisoners, the navy also learned about the various secret bases of the Mudfish Pirate Group. The base on an unnamed island was Gadens longest-operated and largest stronghold, his main base.

The naval headquarters quickly formulated a plan to completely eradicate Gadens pirate group. The plan was to be executed as soon as the fleet was ready after repairs.

The ship Hope, a single-masted schooner, played a significant role in the battle. Although it did not engage in close combat, it single-handedly held off four pirate ships, sinking one and capturing two.

Moreover, the Hope sustained the least damage, with only a few crew members sustaining arrow wounds when the enemy ships approached.

Because of the minimal damage it suffered, the Hope was tasked with a new mission: to scout and monitor the pirate base on the unnamed island.

The naval battle was recorded as the Double Ten Naval Battle. A detailed report on the battle was urgently dispatched to Lakeheart Town, emphasizing two points: the mysterious drug and the exceptional performance of the Hope, urging the construction of more similar ships.

Inside the Mudfish Pirate Groups base, chaos reigned. The top leaders were in a state of panic, and the lower-ranking pirates were rife with rumors.

With the leader Gaden and his fleet missing past the expected return date, it was clear that something had gone wrong.

There were rumors that Gaden had surrendered to Alda, that the entire fleet had been destroyed, and even that Gaden had learned of Edwards whereabouts and had gone to join him with his trusted men. The rumors were varied and numerous.

Soon, news arrived from the mainland: the navy had achieved a great victory near Port Fran. It was now blatantly obvious that their fleet had been disastrously defeated, and Gaden was either dead or captured by the navy.

After confirming such dire news, worse things followed. A patrol spotted a mysterious and strange ship near the island, leading to speculations that it was a reconnaissance ship sent by the Blue Stripe Dogs to gauge their strength. It seemed their secret base might have been exposed.

Damn Gaden, Ive been pirating with him for so many years, and I didnt know he had such a cozy hideout.

Quik, a former pirate chief, peered through his telescope at the unnamed island. The island had a natural harbor, and inside was a well-equipped dock. Farther inland, smoke could be seen rising from settlements.

This former pirate chief grumbled, Why didnt I find such a place first? That two-faced bastard beat me to it.

Following the captured pirates directions, Hope and another schooner arrived in the area the previous evening and located the pirate base on the unnamed island. While approaching, they spotted a ship patrolling the island, which quickly retreated to the harbor.

After circling the island, they found no large pirate fleet in the harbor, just a few small schooners. The Hope stayed to watch the island, while the other schooner returned to base to report.

The navys plan was to take turns monitoring the island to prevent the pirates from escaping, and then launch an all-out attack once the entire fleet was ready.

The Hope was first in line for surveillance duty. Throughout the night, the officers aboard used telescopes to closely observe the situation on the island.

The gunnery officer asked, Captain, are we just going to dryly watch over them?

Quik knew this man was itching for action. Ever since he commanded the ships guns to sink an enemy vessel and kill numerous enemies during the battle at Port Fran, he had been eagerly anticipating the next naval battle, even going so far as to caress each cannon before sleeping.

I knew you couldnt stay still, Pete, Henry, approach the harbor. Lets see if we can fire a few shots at them!

Quik loudly ordered the sail handlers and helmsman, evidently not the only restless one.

The first mate expressed concern, What if we spook them and they come out for a desperate fight? We only have one ship!

You mean with those little boats at the dock? Wouldnt that be perfect?

Uh alright then.

The gunnery officer was thrilled, Brothers, heat up the cannonballs, lets give them a taste of some hot shots!

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