Chapter 119: Helplessness

TL: Etude

The young boy, Allen, woke up from a deep sleep. His mouth slightly agape, he stared blankly at the ceiling beams, tears slowly streaming down from the corners of his eyes.


Despite the passage of time, he was still unwilling to face the reality of his only relatives passing. Compared to the immense mental agony, the increasingly numerous scars on his body felt almost inconsequential.

About half a month earlier, Allens village had been attacked by pirates. He, along with some other villagers, was captured and enslaved. Unfortunately, Allens mother was killed by the pirates while trying to prevent them from taking her son away.

Knocked unconscious, the boy, along with other unfortunate souls turned into slaves, were loaded onto a pirate ship and taken to a secret base a small island.

Many of the stronger and older captives were forced to row on galleys, while a few children, including Allen, were used as servants for the pirate leaders.

Every day, the boy missed his deceased mother, burning with deep-seated hatred towards the pirates for her death to protect him. He loathed his own weakness and his cowardice at that time.

He had attempted to escape, but each try ended in failure. Once, he managed to reach the seashore, only to realize that the island was far from the mainland, making escape an even more daunting task.

The scars on his body were remnants of the beatings he received each time his escape attempts were discovered.

Facing enslavement by the pirates, he resisted and refused to obey, which only led to more humiliation and torture.

If it werent for your pretty face, I wouldve thrown you into the sea to feed the fishes long ago, Allens pirate master had said to him after a particularly brutal beating.

While Allen was lost in his thoughts on the bed, the door opened, and in came a familiar face Tom, a child from a neighboring family in his village. Many children from the village, including Payne, whom Allen always clashed with, were also captured by the pirates.

Allen did you have a nightmare again? Tom noticed the tear stains on Allens face and asked.

Uh, I dreamt of Mom again.

Hearing this, Toms face also showed a hint of sorrow. Although his own parents werent killed by the pirates like Allens mother, he doubted he would ever see them again. After several beatings, he had resigned himself to his fate as a slave.

Suppressing his own urge to cry, he went over and embraced his friend.

Another person entered the room, an old servant who had been enslaved for many years. Seeing the two boys in such a state, he knew they were missing their families again.

Sigh, the old servant sighed and reminded them, Allen, its your turn to deliver food today. Hurry up, or those people will get angry again if youre late.

Allen got out of bed, went to the pirate bases kitchen to pick up a large food container, and reluctantly headed towards a yard.

In the yard were rows of small rooms, each imprisoning a young woman. At his age, Allen did not understand why the pirates kept these young women here without making them work. He had once asked the old servant, who replied that he would understand when he was older, adding sadly, Its a real tragedy.

Under the watchful eyes of the guarding pirates, Allen distributed food from the container into each room.

The last room housed a girl not much older than him, cute but expressionless, unlike what one would expect from someone of her lively age.

Allen placed the food on a small table inside her room. The girl nodded slightly at him, her face still void of any emotion.

As the boy was about to leave, a commotion erupted outside.

Ha ha, finally its our turn to relax. This time Im going to try out something younger, a voice boomed excitedly.

Youre quite early this morning, a guards voice said.

Ive been standing guard all night and havent slept yet.

A pirate barged in loudly, spotting Allen, who hadnt yet left. Recognizing the brand on the boys body as that of a slave, he impatiently waved his hand and said, Get lost, dont ruin my mood.

Mood? What does he intend to do?

Allen noticed a look of fear appear on the girls expressionless face, instinctively sensing that the pirate intended to harm her.

What are you going to do?

The pirate was a bit surprised, then put on a fierce expression: What I do is none of your business. Alright, Ill tell you. Im going to brutally ravish this little lady. What, you want to watch?

Dont hurt her!

Thinking the pirate intended to beat the girl, Allen mustered his courage, spread his arms, and stood in front of the pirate, his small frame starkly contrasting with the pirates brawn.

The pirate looked incredulous. This little slave who came to deliver food dared to speak to him like this. Didnt he know his place and what this place was?

He sneered, Oh, look at this little hero. Are we playing the hero saves the damsel game?

The pirates menacing aura made the boy tremble uncontrollably, but he still didnt back down, standing defiantly in front of the pirate.

A large hand grabbed his clothes, lifting him up like a small chicken.

Looks like youre a newbie. Let me teach you the rules here.

Let me go! Allen tried to pry the pirates hand off but to no avail; it was like an iron vice. He shouted helplessly, Bullying people is wrong!

Bullying? Ha ha ha! The pirate laughed wildly, You need to understand, this is a pirates den. The strong can do whatever they want to the weak.

He swung his arm, slamming Allens head against the wall.

Allen felt a sharp pain in his head and a strong sense of dizziness as everything around him swayed.

The pirate taunted, What? You still want to stop me?

You you are wrong to do this.

A fist as large as a casserole pot struck Allens face, causing his nose to bleed profusely.

Annoyed, the pirate would have killed the boy if slaves werent considered public property of the group.

He was about to continue punishing the defiant slave when a small hand touched him. It was the girl.

She shook her head at the pirate, her face showing a plea for mercy.

Humph! Fine, I have other things to do. I wont waste my time on this kid.

Allen, dizzy and disoriented, was dragged out of the room and thrown outside like a rag doll. The pirate then kicked him in the head, knocking him unconscious.

When he woke up, he was lying in the bed in the same room, his head throbbing painfully, nearly causing him to faint again.

Thank you!

A voice reached his ears. He turned to see the girl sitting beside him, seemingly unharmed by the pirate.

No need to thank me!

Allen replied. As a fellow slave to the pirates, he sympathized with the people imprisoned here. While others could move around the base, the women here seemed unable to even leave the yard.

He got out of bed, feeling stable enough to walk, and bid farewell.

What could he change now? Apart from expressing his dissatisfaction in the same powerless way, he couldnt change anything.


TL: damn

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