Chapter 101: Conspiracy

TL: Etude 𝔣𝖗𝔢𝖊𝔴𝖊𝔟𝔫𝔬𝖛𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝔬𝔪

After rescuing Marltz Kent, Barnett made several more visits to Bayland Castle. He revealed to Count Kent that one of the ultimate goals of the Arcane Society was to enable wizards to walk openly under the sun.

To achieve this, they must eliminate the Church, a massive entity well-known for its hatred of wizards and magic. By manipulating public opinion, the Church had linked wizards to demons from ancient legends, instilling deep fear of wizards among the ignorant masses.

Thus, toppling the Church was imperative. However, the Churchs roots were deep and widespread across the continent, making the Arcane Societys power seem as insignificant as an ants compared to an elephants.

A direct confrontation with the Church would be suicidal. The Societys leaders, therefore, devised a vast and meticulous plan.

The last time Barnett visited was half a year ago, before Jars had started the rebellion in the south. During this meeting, Barnett finally revealed part of their plan to Count Kent: to incite civil unrest in the Kingdom of Ordo.

Count Kent racked his brain but couldnt understand the connection between stirring unrest in the Kingdom of Ordo and overthrowing the Church. He voiced his confusion.

Barnett looked at him warningly and said, If you could truly join the Arcane Society, you would naturally understand some things. Until then, I can only tell you not to ask questions about matters you shouldnt inquire into. Knowing too much can be dangerous.

The Count was frightened again, his respect and fear for him growing even more.

Barnetts expression then softened, and he asked, Marltz, are you still determined to become a wizard?

The Count quickly nodded, Of course, teacher. It was your magic that saved me from certain death and brought me back from hell. I am utterly awed by the greatness of magic. Although it might sound ridiculous at my age, I still beseech you to help me realize this wish.

Barnett nodded in satisfaction and said, Now, theres a shortcut in front of you.

Upon hearing this, Count Kent was overwhelmed with an inexplicable emotion.

He immediately knelt before his teacher, asking eagerly, What is this shortcut? Please guide me.

The Count resembled a dog waiting for its master to throw a bone, his eyes complex with not just eagerness but also anxiety and madness.

Barnett slightly curled his lips, extending his hand to stroke Marltz Kents head, much like a pet owner would.

If you can achieve great things for the Arcane Society, even if you lack the talent for learning magic, you will surely be accepted by the Society.

There are many extraordinary individuals in the Society who can certainly find better methods than my life-sustaining techniques to help you on the path of a wizard.

So, are you willing to do some things for us?

The Count, stimulated by these words, nodded vigorously, Please instruct me, teacher. I am willing to contribute my insignificant strength and beg you not to disdain it.

Barnett laughed wildly, realizing that the lord before him was completely submissive.

With no more reservations, he confidently said, Marltz, from now on, you will accumulate power for me in the northwest and must gain the trust of your liege, the Duke of the Northwest, at all costs.

Big changes are about to occur in the south soon. When that happens, Ill come to you again. Then, using the Duke of the Northwests trust in you, Ill get close to him. I have ways to make him utterly subservient to me, and well use his power to stir things up in the northwest.

Until then, keep your actions as usual, dont let anyone notice anything different. Remember! Dont make any rash moves before I return.

With these words, Barnett left Bayland Castle.

Indeed, a month later, news of Duke Jars rebellion in the south arrived. Reports of the Dukes conquests kept coming, but strangely, the kingdom was delayed in sending troops to quell the rebellion due to an inexplicable fire.

Count Kent knew this was due to the Arcane Societys manipulation. He was ecstatic, realizing the organization behind his teacher wielded such immense power. His resolve to pursue the path of a wizard strengthened.

He eagerly awaited Barnetts return, meanwhile consolidating the trust of Duke Ferdinand of the Northwest. Following his teachers command, he even sent his son to lead troops to the south when the royal court issued a call to arms, all to avoid suspicion.

Half a year passed in this manner. Just when he was growing impatient and contemplating taking out his frustration on the Grayman family, Barnett returned.

Yes, the Arcane Society is ready to make a move in the northwest, Barnett confirmed to Marltz Kent.

Count Kent exclaimed excitedly, The moment Ive long awaited has finally arrived.

But he then said, However, teacher, it wouldnt be too late to conquer the northern territories first. With more land and people under our control, our power will be even stronger. The lord there has slighted me, and he must pay the price.

No! Barnett flatly refused.

Attacking a weaker opponent just because you were slighted will draw a lot of negative attention, and it will be very disadvantageous for your succession to the Duke of the Northwest.

Count Kent was about to argue when he stopped, realizing something significant in Barnetts words.

Succession to the Dukes position?

He asked incredulously, his speech faltering.

Humph! What do you say? Arent you interested?

No, no, no! Teacher, I am willing, I am willing! Count Kent nodded vigorously, like a person pounding garlic.

Barnett continued, Ive told you before, if you can create an opportunity for me to approach the Duke when hes off guard, I can make him completely obedient to me.

However, the method will be intense and must not be witnessed by others, and it has significant side effects. The Duke in that state wont live long. We must use this time to have him pass the title to you, bringing the military power of the northwest directly under our control.

Count Kent readily agreed, No problem, Ill find a way.

Barnett nodded in satisfaction, Before that, try not to stir up trouble. I dont want a chorus of opposition when you inherit the title.

The Count respectfully said, I will follow your instructions, my teacher.

Amazing, absolutely amazing! While maintaining a calm exterior, Count Kents heart was racing. Was this the legendary power of a wizard, to make a commanding Duke bow in submission? His desire to wield such power himself grew even more intense.

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