Stealing Spree

Chapter 2215: Strange Incident

With Komoe's help, I went over the clubs that had requested inspections.

It was a bit odd when you think about it. Why would any club willingly ask the Student Council to snoop around their clubrooms? It's not unheard of, but it's definitely rare. Most clubs prefer to avoid extra scrutiny, so this was unusual.

Curious, I dug into their reasons. Surprisingly, they all had the same concern: missing or misplaced equipment.

Apparently, several clubs had noticed items vanishing from their storerooms or being moved around without explanation. Some thought it might be the result of miscommunication between members, but the frequency of these incidents made them suspect otherwise. They wanted the council's help to get to the bottom of it.

As I sifted through the reports with Komoe, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. This kind of situation usually pointed to one of two things: either there was some prankster messing around or there was something more serious going on. Like theft.

But the missing pieces of equipment were huge enough to not be easily carried out of a clubroom.

There might be another reason for this.

"How intriguing." I couldn't help but murmur before turning my gaze to Komoe sitting next to me.

"Ruki... Will you go?"

"Mhm. I'm set to go on patrol. We can pass by some of these clubs."

"Oh! We? You'll let me tag along?"

"Why not? You're my assistant."

Pleased, Komoe almost jumped into my arms but she held herself back.

Even though we were alone in this room, she was trying her best to behave. Or rather, she was probably thinking that she shouldn't be too clingy or I would be annoyed at her.

Well, I'm just glad to see her getting better. I will pamper her anytime she asks for it. "Alright. Let's go over this again." I said after patting her head, bringing us back to topic, "Seems like we're dealing with a potential culprit hopping between clubs."

Komoe agreed, her head bobbing with enthusiasm, "That's what it looks like, Ruki. But there's no real pattern. It's happening across different clubs at different times."

"I'm not sure about different times since not everyone will specifically come back to their clubroom to check if something's missing in their clubroom. Nonetheless, it's still something we need to consider as a possibility."

I set the reports aside for a moment and leaned back in my chair. While it was easy to jump to conclusions, I had long learned not to rush.

Something about this situation felt off. And I was saying this as someone who did a lot of covert things before.

There should be a motive for stealing or moving them.

"What if it's not just about theft?" Komoe offered, her eyes lighting up as she considered a new angle.

I raised an eyebrow, letting her try her hand at deduction, "Go on."

"I'm not confident with this but... If it's not random theft, then maybe someone's trying to cause chaos-disrupting club activities on purpose."

"Sabotage?" I tapped my chin thoughtfully. And somehow, something clicked in my head. "Possible. But who do you think will benefit from that?"

Although I could already think of a possible reason, I wanted to give this girl a chance to show her ability.

Komoe shrugged. "Maybe a rival club? Or someone with a grudge? It could even be a student who doesn't like how the council's been running things."

Heh. I like how she's close to my deduction.

"A rival club can be crossed out. These are different clubs with different functions." I said, crossing out one of the possible motives she thought of.

There are endless motives but we need evidence to jump to a conclusion.

Of course, it was already like my signature to trust my gut feeling.

"Alright, let's start by interviewing the club presidents who sent the letter for inspection. Get their full stories and see if there are any common threads between the incidents. After that, we'll inspect the clubrooms ourselves. If someone is deliberately causing trouble, they'll have left something behind. Can you get them for me, Komoe?"

Komoe nodded, quickly jotting down a list of clubs she had to visit.

"Okay! I'll ask the Broadcast Club to call for them."

"Good, you know what you're doing." I praised her which made the girl giggle in satisfaction.

"I'll be back!" Upon saying that, Komoe stood up but before she could take her first step, the girl looked at me as though she was waiting for something.

Understanding what she was hinting at, I couldn't help but shake my head while smiling.

After that, I reached my hand out to her which she shyly clasped.

"Come here," I said as I pulled her back down. But instead of putting her back in the seat next to me, she landed on my lap.


"Ssh... Think of this as me infusing my energy with you."


And with that, I embraced the girl tightly before my lips found its way to hers. Komoe welcomed me wholeheartedly and we shared another passionate kiss that painted her face crimson.

Really, this felt like I was doing a crime or a neglect of duty. But who cares, right? Who would judge me for wanting to pamper my girl? Even if it's not Komoe, I'd do the same. An opportunity like this shouldn't be missed.

"Oh right. Ryouko-san will visit here shortly. She'll tell me about the next problem student."

"A problem student like me?"

"Let me correct you. You're not a problem student anymore." I flicked her forehead, making her wince and pout. "This one probably has a different issue."

"Will they also end up getting close to you?"

"It depends. But it won't always be like that. There are boys on that list, you know? You probably know by now how much I loathed dealing with them."

"... You're right." She awkwardly smiled.

She's not foreign to it anymore, of course. Ever since returning to school, she's always observing me so even without telling her everything, she'd know my stance to other boys.

"What if it's a girl?" she asked

"Then... there's a possibility," I replied, holding back a question that would drag the conversation on longer.

Would she be jealous if it happened? Most likely. And that's the same for the other girls.

But well, like I said, jumping to a conclusion wouldn't do us well here.

And I know Komoe also understands it as she bit her lip, determination flashing in her eyes. It's like she channeled her doubt and converted it to that. Rather than think negatively, she uses it to spur herself to improve. To be more pleasing to my eyes.

After that, I escorted her to the door and kissed her again to fuel her enthusiasm. My kisses are so extraordinary it has that effect on my girls. Likewise, I feel like I can do anything as long as I have them at my side.

Soon, I returned to my seat, looking over the letters again to read between the lines while waiting for Ryouko-san.

Five minutes later, the PA system echoed across the building as the Broadcast Club called for the names of the clubs and their presidents.

At the same time, the door to this office opened, revealing Ryouko-san who was still dressed in her tracksuit since she came straight here from the gymnasium where the Basketball Club was practicing.

Clutched in her arm was the same folder as before that contained the file regarding the problematic students.

"Looks like you're busy today, Ruki-kun," She said, smiling as she approached my desk. "How is it? Are you getting the hang of being the Disciplinary Officer?"

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