Stealing Spree

Chapter 2213: Slipping into Duty

The remaining period after PE was once again given to us as self-study. Those tired from the activity slumped over their desks, dozing off, but they were only a small fraction of the class. The majority, including me and my girls, made better use of the time.

Naturally, we didn't openly flirt in a way that would cause an uproar, but I visited their seats one by one, lingering a little too long at times. The girls, knowing exactly what I was up to, would pull me away playfully before it drew too much attention.

I ended up spending a good amount of time with Aya, reading a chapter of a light novel together. We huddled close. Using my coat draped over our heads like a makeshift tent to create the illusion of isolation from the bustling classroom, the two of us dived into the story.

Of course, it was of an isekai genre again with a title so long, I'd rather not name it. But in short, it was called DanBun. Or Dancing Bunny.

The protagonist fell into otherworld, watching some bunny girl video on yo*tube. When he came to, he found himself in the kingdom of the Dancing Bunnies.

Yep. I'm not kidding. That's the setting.

Was he summoned? Apparently, not. It was only because of the video he watched. It was magical. However, its main function was to entice humans into becoming a fan of the bunny girl. The reason he fell into the other world was because of the security weakening.

I know it's hard to follow but hear me out here.

It gets interesting.

Or maybe not?

Anyway, on the last page of the first chapter, the protagonist somehow got himself involved in a conspiracy. And as the only non-bunny human in that world, he was persecuted without a trial.

When he was about to be executed by dancing nonstop for a whole month, the same bunny girl responsible for his falling into that world appeared to save the day.

She spoke of some forgotten prophecy that didn't point at the protagonist.

It just so happened that she needed people to gather so she used the execution as a chance.

As for the prophecy... it was in the next chapter.

Imagine my frustration when Satsuki pulled me away from the book. Aya giggled as I pleaded to let me read more but Satsuki was heartless.

So, I turned my frustration into eagerness to tease her, which proved to be quite fulfilling. By the time I was done with her, Satsuki's usual cool and sharp demeanor had melted into a flustered mess, her head buried in her arms on the desk.

She cursed at me under her breath, clearly building up her resolve for the next time we'd be alone. I smiled, already looking forward to it.

Anyway, that's just a little snippet of what I've done but that wasn't all I did during the self- study period. I actually managed to study too, with Mio by my side, patiently guiding me through some lessons.

Soon the bell rang for the end of classes.

Just like any other day, I took my time escorting the girls to their clubs - those who weren't on Cleaning Duty. I started with those whose destinations were outside the Club Building like Satsuki, Marika and Misaki.

Once they were settled, I visited a few others who I regularly visited before making my way to the Literature Club to pick up copies of everyone's scenarios for our Cultural Festival booth. I planned to read them whenever I had some downtime, especially while doing my duty as the Disciplinary Officer.

"Rumi, once I finish this, let's work on writing my scenario. What do you think?" I asked, waving the stack of papers.

"...Why are you asking me?" She replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, I promised to do this with you. You didn't forget, right?"

"Psh. How can I when you keep reminding me of it?"

"Just teasing you... You know I'm also serious about this. About succeeding the club for you. I won't disappoint you."

She rolled her eyes, "I know, you won't. You're shameless but you always keep your word. Now go and do your duty to the council. If you hang around any longer, we might just lock you in here with us."

"Is that a threat or an offer? Surely that's not going to happen, right?"


Rumi smirked, stepping aside to reveal Kana, Rae, and Hana behind her, all flashing the same mischievous smiles, ready to pounce.

Mhm... They're also developing their ability to tease me huh? Before long, I would be the one at their mercy.

"Alright... I'll leave but can I pamper you all for a while? I mean, bend your rules of not flirting for a moment."

"... You're unbelievable." Rumi rolled her eyes but she didn't reject me.

I took that as my cue, pulling her into a kiss, which quickly turned passionate. Then, I turned my attention to the others, giving them the same treatment.

By the time I left the room, my lips were swollen, and I could feel the strain in my pants. Yep. That's the effect they always had on me.

Upon entering the Student Council Room, I was instantly met with Shizu drowned out in paperwork on her table.

I could see Watanabe, Masato-senpai, and Komoe at the round table, similarly busy with something.

In particular, Komoe, my supposed assistant, looked disheveled. Her glasses were askew, her hair a mess. She clearly hadn't prepared herself for today.

After greeting the couple which they returned with a nod - except Watanabe had this meaningful smile as she had something to report to me - I walked over to Komoe first,

checking on her.

"What's wrong?" I asked, leaning over to examine the paper she was holding.

Looks like it was a written request by one of the Club Presidents.

"Uhm... Ruki.” Although pleased at my presence, that wasn't enough to alleviate her troubled look. I leaned down, my body almost covering her from behind as I looked into the letter.

"What am I looking at here?"

"... It's a request for us to check on their clubroom."

"I see. So, they're asking for an inspection?"

"y-yeah. Shizu-senpai, uhm, the President told me to try and get a feel on how to deal with this. She said that this should now be dealt with by your office."

Upon saying that, she glanced at Shizu who momentarily lifted her head to stare at me. With her eyes flickering like she had been waiting for my arrival, my lovely Shizu put on a meaningful smile before saying, "Numbskull, if you have a question, come and help me out here."

Understanding that she also needed my presence. I could only put on a smile before nodding.

"Alright. Just a moment." I said and then turned to Komoe before whispering, "I'll be back. Let's work on that later."

Komoe nodded and let out a little sigh of relief as if a burden had been taken off of her shoulder.

I patted her head and then moved to Shizu who surprisingly already had a chair ready for me next to her.

Without questioning it, I sat down, joining her.

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