Stealing Spree

Chapter 2163: Reporting again

Minutes later, after finishing our adjustments with her lesson that she would also do for us tomorrow, I accompanied Ryouko-san outside the Administration Building. It’s just our way of prolonging our time together. And after exchanging a few words that would probably be problematic if heard by other people, we parted ways.

With the remaining time for lunch break, she now had to head to the Gymnasium to prepare for her upcoming class. And while I would have loved to stay with her longer, I still have something else to do.

The soft breeze played with her hair as she gave me one last, lovely smile before she turned around and adopted her usual stern demeanor, walking as confidently and disciplined as before.

Watching her retreating figure for a moment, I sighed softly to myself.

Not gonna lie, I’m already missing her. I wish we could have more time for ourselves and not just these few minutes every day.

Let’s see. Should I ask Hayashi-sensei to give us a task again where we had to spend a whole day together?

As if something convenient like that exists! Besides, that would mean leaving my other girls for a day too. What a dilemma...

Anyway, I soon turned around and returned to the building. Retracing my steps, my feet quickly brought me to the nearby stairs that would lead me to the Director’s Office.

However, before I could take the first step on the staircase, I noticed Orimura-sensei lingering close to the door of the Faculty Room.

She had accompanied Ryouko-san and me during our walk but stopped at the Faculty Room when we passed by it, acting like she wasn’t trying to follow or keep an eye on me.

It was amusing in a way, no? The effort she put into maintaining her aloof facade while clearly showing signs of impatience was quite adorable of her. And upon knowing her intimately, it’s something that the woman could certainly do.

Well, there’s only one reason why she’s still watching over me at this point.

I still haven’t informed her about her new role of being the advisor for our Potato Clubhouse. When I told her about how she was supposed to accompany me there, her curiosity had clearly been piqued. Hence the impatience.

And on top of that, we still had that little matter to address. Her so-called sessions of ’correcting’ my path which I now considered her thinly-veiled excuse to be alone with me.

I mean, that’s how it is now, right? No matter what happens she’ll continue to fail in her attempts.

A smirk tugged at my lips as I thought back to our previous sessions. Everything was still vivid in my memory.

Honestly, I was kind of wondering what she had in store for me today. Would it be another round of stern lectures, delivered with that serious look on her face while believing she can still "fix" me? Or would it be something more intimate like the last few times?

Whichever the case, I wasn’t really that concerned. I have my own plans, and my goal remains the same; to gradually erode the wall she’d built around herself, enter it, and turn her lectures into something else entirely.

At this point, I was probably halfway there already. Despite her stubbornness seemingly on another level entirely and her attempts to maintain an air of professionalism, I had dealt more than enough damage to crack her armor.

Where Ryouko-san had been more open about her feelings over time, Orimura-sensei clung to her role as a teacher, believing that her authority gave her the right to ’guide’ me. But I wasn’t concerned. I liked the challenge. In fact, the more difficult she made it, the more determined I became.

Also, I’d be blind if still didn’t notice how her gaze now lingered on me for too long when she thought I wasn’t looking. It happened just a few minutes ago.

And just like earlier, I could not help but recall the memory of our last session. Didn’t her resolve falter in the end which led her to give in to me and our desires for each other?

However, despite that, she still returned to her usual strict self the next day. That’s kind of amazing, really.

In any case, no matter how amazing I found that side of her, I had no intention of bending over with her ’correction’. Instead, I would continue turning the tables on her so that by the end of this, she wouldn’t be able to deny her feelings any longer. It wasn’t enough for me to simply engage her with this because this was a repayment for the favor I owed her. I wanted her to be completely honest with herself. To admit the truth she was so desperately trying to suppress.

Nonetheless, I’d probably still enjoy every moment I spend with her. Like most of my girls, she’s slowly getting rooted in my heart that I wouldn’t call it a simple attraction anymore - otherwise, I would’ve stopped her from repeating her ’mistake’ last time.

Before continuing up the stairs, I waved at her, a faint smile lingering on my lips.

As for her response, Orimura-sensei once again clicked her tongue and acted like she was unconcerned by turning her back on me and disappearing within the Faculty Room.

Shaking my head, I put my focus back up ahead and went on my way. For sure, she’d be here when I descended later.

"You’re finally here, you brat! Why does it feel like you’re becoming complacent about taking your time? Look at the time!"

As I stepped into the Director’s Office, I was met with Hayashi-sensei’s beautiful frown. There’s a vein popped up on her forehead as she sat behind her desk with her arms crossed against her voluptuous mountains.

I put on a silly smile and scratched my head before replying, "I’m sorry. I got held up with my duty as a Student Assistant."

"Student Assistant? Hah! Not only are you working tirelessly by taking more girls, but you also put yourself in those positions. Tell me, do you not want to breathe anymore?" Although she sounded like she was berating me for my decisions, I couldn’t help but notice the underlying concern beneath her voice.

Somehow, that made this trip all the more worthwhile.

"Well, I can breathe in between, no? I appreciate the concern though, sensei. Shall I give you a massage again? A compensation for being late."

"What? No! I don’t need it today!" She hurriedly rejected but her face betrayed her words. I could notice her eyes flashing an expectant gaze which she immediately shut down before pursing her lips and pointing at me, "Just come and sit down already. I’ll be over. Let me hear what you’re going to say."

Inwardly, I couldn’t help but rate this act of hers a 3 out of 5. She’s not being very convincing, no? However, I knew I couldn’t just blurt out that she was lying about not wanting a massage.

I get it. She’s still not used to being in close contact with me. And obviously, because I bore a resemblance to my father, part of her behavior around me was still influenced by her previous affection for him.

It’s actually quite impressive that she could keep meeting like this without turning the situation into an awkward mess.

Maybe this was also her own attempt to move on from my father. I mean, if she keeps getting infuriated by me who had his face, wouldn’t she be able to let go of him quickly?

Alright. That’s an optimistic way to view this.

Anyway, I followed her words and took my usual seat. Moments later, Hayashi-sensei soon joined me. And this time, she didn’t make it hard for us anymore as she took the seat next to


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