Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 422: Beating up God Zamas and even the immortal body can’t hold on….

Chapter 422: Beating up God Zamas and even the immortal body can’t hold on….


Intense pain emanated from his chest, and God Zamas’ face was filled with shock and disbelief.

He, a true god, was actually being overpowered by a mortal!

The power of mere mortals could actually suppress him? Suppress him, a true god?

“I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Lin Chen, today either you die, or I die!”

God Zamas roared, grabbing Lin Chen’s ki sword and pulling it out of his body.

The immortality kicked in, and his body began to restore.

However, what God Zamas didn’t realize was that the healing speed of his body seemed to be slower than before.


The air vibrated, and at some point, God Zamas had appeared before Lin Chen. Taking advantage of the fact that Lin Chen’s one hand was still holding a ki blade, he delivered a powerful punch.

But God Zamas’ scheme was directly destroyed by Lin Chen’s glare and aura blast.

Hit by Lin Chen’s aura, God Zamas’ head snapped back. By the time he stabilized his body, Lin Chen had already retracted his move, and his fists fiercely struck him.

“Zamasu! Experience the power of mortals!”

“Ah, ah, ah, ah!”

Painful roars spread throughout the Sacred World of the Kai.

God Zamas was like a sandbag, continuously being pummeled by Lin Chen, with agonizing cries echoing one after another.

God Zamas’ body kept shattering under Lin Chen’s fists, only to revive again thanks to his immortality.

Shatter, revive; the cycle continued.

And God Zamas’ cries of agony became more intense.

In fact, despite having immortality, God Zamas still felt the pain from each attack.

It was like a torture session. While it couldn’t harm God Zamas’ body, it constantly tormented his mind.

In the end, the storm of attacks ended with a punch from Lin Chen that erupted like a shooting star.

After receiving this final destructive blow, God Zamas’ entire body kept trembling and struggling. Then, his body began to disintegrate and crumble, as if a puppet made of sand was turning into shattered dust, floating in the air.

“Did we win?”

Seeing God Zamas’ body disappearing, those watching from the distance couldn’t help but feel a moment of relief.

However, to their disappointment, the already shattered God Zamas, after a brief moment, began to regenerate.

But this time, after God Zamas recovered, something changed in his body.

The part that had received Lin Chen’s fatal blow didn’t fully recover; instead, it turned into a purple tumor-like thing.

“What…what’s going on? What happened to my body?”

God Zamas stared dumbfounded at the deformed part of his body.

In the distance, even Vegito and others had the same question.

Chronoa, with her vast knowledge, explained, “I understand! It seems that God Zamas’ body can’t hold on any longer.”

“Can’t hold on?”

“Yes! Although God Zamas has immortality, don’t forget that only the original Zamasu possesses the immortal body.”

“But the powerful beings’ bodies he stole from various worlds are just ordinary bodies!”

“It’s likely that now, those ordinary bodies, under Lin Chen’s continuous attacks, are breaking down at the cellular level and cannot recover.”

“And Zamasu’s immortality is still trying to forcibly resurrect these body tissues, resulting in the mutation of the body.”

Upon hearing this, Broly asked, “Does Brother Links have a chance now?”

“Maybe, but without divine power, it’s still challenging for Lin Chen to completely eliminate Zamasu.”

“Lin Chen! Lin Chen! You’ve pushed me, a god, to this point. I will never forgive you!”

God Zamas unleashed a roar filled with boundless anger!

At the same time, his body emitted purple raging flames.

In these raging flames, Godly ki was noticeably weaker, and there was more of the power of mortals.

It seemed that after a torture-like beating, God Zamas was indeed struggling to maintain balance in his fused body.

Now, he was attempting to harness more of the power belonging to mortals.

After the roar, God Zamas crazily charged towards Lin Chen.

With a bit less divine aura but a bit more strength, God Zamas’ movements were noticeably faster than before.

The attacks were also more fierce.

But in terms of power, Super Saiyan 4 Full Power would definitely not lose to anyone!

Especially since Lin Chen had one more trick up his sleeve…

“Super Kaio-ken!”

The effect of Lin Chen’s Super Kaio-ken was different from Vegito’s 10x Kaio-ken just now.

His Super Kaio-ken was a system product, although it could only double the Power Level, it had absolutely no side effects.

And this one-time Power Level boost was a tremendous amplification for the Super Saiyan 4 Full Power transformation.

Under the red flaming aura of Kaio-ken, Lin Chen’s hair and eye color even inclined towards orange.

Around him, sparkling star lights flickered.

At this moment, relying solely on power, Lin Chen had actually reached the level of Divine Realm Level 2!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

God Zamas’ attacks were easily dodged by Lin Chen, none of them landing a hit. On the contrary, Lin Chen’s counterattacks continuously struck God Zamas.

Although each attack seemed to have no visible effect, like hitting cotton, with the cumulative attacks, the purple tumor-like areas on God Zamas’ body gradually began to increase.

His injured body had reached a point where it couldn’t recover anymore.

Seeing this change, Lin Chen once again increased his speed.

One deep sound after another echoed, and in an instant, countless clear fist imprints appeared on various parts of God Zamas’ body.

Wherever the fist imprints appeared, God Zamas’ body exploded, then, during the recovery, turned into purple tumors.

“Ahhhhh, damn it!”

God Zamas seemed to be enduring indescribable pain, continuously emitting eerie roars.

“Zamasu! It’s over!”

Lin Chen kicked God Zamas into mid-air and clenched his fists.

“Dragon Fist Explosion!”

A golden dragon roared, soaring into the sky. The colossal dragon head completely engulfed God Zamas in mid-air.

Then, when the dragon disappeared, the God Zamas, now transformed into a giant purple figure, stood still in the air.

“Haha… Hahaha!”

Perhaps realizing he hadn’t died, God Zamas burst into arrogant laughter.

But suddenly, his laughter froze.

Beams of light burst out from his body, followed by a deep explosion. God Zamas’ body exploded without warning, turning into colorful dots that scattered in the Sacred World of the Kai.

At that moment, Zamasu’s aura and trace completely disappeared from this world.

“We… we won!”

“We did it! Dad did it!”

Although they were quite far away, Taluo and the others could still clearly see the situation on Lin Chen’s side.

Seeing Zamasu meet his end, loud cheers erupted out.

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