Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 413: Light of Annihilation and Zamasu’s realization

Chapter 413: Light of Annihilation and Zamasu’s realization

Originally, when Lin Chen’s Power of Destruction destroyed Fused Zamasu’s body, Super Shenron’s bestowed immortality and Power of Destruction unexpectedly counteracted each other.

As Lin Chen had speculated before, Zamasu’s immortality was different from Majin Buu’s.

The latter was actually the result of the Power of Creation, while Zamasu’s immortality originated from Super Shenron’s Power of Miracles.

The Power of Miracles directly granted Zamasu the effect of not dying in the realm of causality, regardless of how severe the injuries were or how many pieces his body was divided into; it would regenerate under the influence of Super Shenron’s power.

It was a collision of laws, and relying solely on the Power of Destruction was no longer sufficient to kill Zamasu.

“Hahaha! I’m not dead! I’m not dead!”

Fused Zamasu, who unexpectedly didn’t die, showed a face full of surprise. Another Fused Zamasu quickly flew over to inspect.

After confirming that everything was fine, this Fused Zamasu exclaimed excitedly, “So, Super Shenron’s immortality is this powerful! Even the Power of Destruction can’t kill us!”

“If we had known this earlier, we wouldn’t have feared those Gods of Destruction at all! Hahaha!”

Gods of Destruction with the Power of Destruction had always been considered by Zamasu as the biggest obstacles in Project Zero Mortals.

Because Zamasu had always believed that, even though he had been granted immortality by the divine dragon, whether this immortality could withstand the Power of Destruction still remained a big question.

Furthermore, Zamasu couldn’t really find a God of Destruction to let him experiment by destroying himself.

So, until just now, Zamasu had no idea that Super Shenron’s immortality was so powerful.

And since even the Power of Destruction couldn’t kill him, what reason did he have to be afraid?

“In this world, there is nothing left to fear!”

The expressions of the two Fused Zamasu became arrogant at the same time.

On the other side, Trunks, seeing Lin Chen’s technique fail, was also somewhat surprised.

“Father, what do we do? Teacher’s technique is also ineffective!”

Vegeta glanced at him and said, “Why panic? His Majesty Links has more than just this one technique. Trunks, don’t forget how many years it’s been since you last saw His Majesty. Never underestimate him!”

Trunks paused at his words and asked, “Does the teacher have other more powerful techniques?”

“Your teacher has even beaten the bodyguard of the Multiverse’s most powerful god.” Vegeta smiled.

Vegeta had absolute confidence in Lin Chen.

And Lin Chen had no intention of disappointing him.


The two Zamasu simultaneously gripped the air, and two white sickle, each extending hundreds of meters, appeared in their hands.

The two Fused Zamasu swung the Sickle of Sorrow and attacked Lin Chen.

“Ding! Congratulations host for activating the Intermediate Martial Arts Talent. Comprehending the technique: Sickle of Sorrow.”

The system prompt that he hadn’t heard in a long time sounded again, and Lin Chen reached out to grab.

“Sickle of Sorrow!”

A dark purple-black energy sickle, enveloped in silver-white aura, appeared in Lin Chen’s hand.

Although its length was only a few dozen meters, the aura it emitted was even more terrifying than Zamasu’s sickle.

The two Fused Zamasus were stunned for a moment before they began to wield their Sickle of Sorrow, attacking.

The two hundred-meters-long Sickle of Sorrow transformed into crescent blades, slashing through everything with a formidable force.

However, Lin Chen silently waved his hand, and the Sickle of Sorrow in his hand directly collided with the two Sickle of Sorrow, producing ripples.

At the point where these three Sickle of Sorrow collided, space unexpectedly split open, and chaotic power emerged from the rift.

Immediately after, the three of them moved simultaneously.

The three Sickle of Sorrow continued to collide, cutting the battlefield’s space into chaotic fragments.

“Come over here! This planet can’t withstand it anymore!”

Chronoa suddenly shouted, and upon hearing her words, Goku and the others immediately realized that because of the rifts cut by the three of them, the matter on the planet under their feet was being rapidly sucked into those rifts. Cracks appeared on the ground, and rocks and minerals were being sucked into the rifts.

Except for Frieza, Goku and the others quickly approached Chronoa, and an energy barrier isolated them from the outside.

Frieza, confident in surviving in the space, ignored Chronoa’s goodwill.

At this point, the battle had already reached a climax.

Under the continuous collision of Lin Chen’s Sickle of Sorrow and the two Fused Zamasu’s Sickle of Sorrow, this planet was finally unable to bear it.

Magma, stretching up to a hundred meters, spewed out from the surface, and violent volcanic eruptions continued to occur.

Meanwhile, at this moment, Lin Chen seized an opportunity, and a Sickle of Sorrow cut both Fused Zamasu into two halves simultaneously.

Following that, Lin Chen threw away the Sickle of Sorrow, and in his hands, five-colored lights lit up.

Swish, the five-colored lights continued to expand, turning into two five-colored energy spheres.

Looking at these two five-colored energy spheres, the two Fused Zamasus were momentarily frozen in surprise.

“What kind of technique is this? I can actually sense five different Power of Laws?”

Zamasu, being a Supreme Kai, knew the colors when Power of Laws were used.

Power of Destruction was purple, Power of Creation was white, Power of Miracles was golden, then Power of Time was silver, and Power of Space was gray.

Now, Lin Chen’s hands were filled with five different colors. Could it be that this move of his actually contained five Power of Laws?

What a joke. How could a mere human comprehend so many Power of Laws?

The two Fused Zamasus dismissed it with disdain as their bodies began to rapidly regenerate.

And just at this moment, Lin Chen’s hands finally came together.

“Zamasu, see how you like this move? Light of Annihilation!”


The next moment, the energy formed by the fusion of the five Power of Laws surged out from Lin Chen’s hands.

In an instant, it engulfed one of the Fused Zamasus.


The expression of the struck Fused Zamasu suddenly changed. The terrifying power crushed down on him, instantly disintegrating his body from the atomic level.

At the same time, a stream of Power of Miracles also began to restrain the Power of Miracles bestowed upon Fused Zamasu by Super Shenron.

The clash of the two Powers of Miracles allowed the remaining powers to benefit.

Fused Zamasu’s body began to vanish, turning into dust. This time, his immortality no longer took effect.

Just as incoherent sounds escaped Fused Zamasu’s mouth, suddenly, his body was crushed into dust. Then, carrying the power of the Light of Annihilation, it disappeared in the void.

This time, the Fused Zamasu did not get restored.

“He… he’s dead? He actually died?”

The fortunate Fused Zamasu, looking at his disappearing comrade, suddenly broke into a cold sweat and gulped.

Too terrifying!

This human called Lin Chen actually possessed power that could rival the gods! 𝖋𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔴𝖊𝔟𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝔠𝔬𝔪

The other him wasn’t wrong. Indeed, he was the biggest obstacle in Project Zero Mortals!

Since he was an obstacle, he must be eliminated as soon as possible!

At this moment, the fortunate Fused Zamasu’s face suddenly revealed a hint of realization.

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