Chapter 366: Confronting Frieza

As Bardock flew towards the location where Frieza was determined to land, young warriors scattered throughout the planet with the ability to transform into Super Saiyan God also began flying towards a single location.

This terrifying energy, is it really the legendary Frieza? one Saiyan warrior said with a grim expression.

It should be him. Ive heard my father talk about it. Frieza is a very terrifying monster, Tarble chimed in from the crowd.

But he is just a Frost Demon, how could he be so powerful? How did our ancestors defeat this monster back then?

Regardless, we have to give it our all.

Upon hearing these words, many felt a sense of helplessness.

Although the Galactic Federation had prospered for many years and these Super Saiyan Gods were much more powerful than in the past, when faced with a real threat, they realized that their power was minuscule compared to Goku, Vegeta, and even real formidable warriors like Lin Chen.

This feeling of helplessness filled them with shame. Even as Super Saiyan God, they were still nothing much.

Although Planet Vegeta became much more developed than before due to the Galactic Federation, the Saiyan population was limited meaning that there were still many barren and uninhabited areas on this planet.

Fortunately, Friezas spaceship was set to land in one such uninhabited area. It was a hilly region with rugged hills scattered across the horizon.

Suddenly, a dark shadow descended, blocking out the sunlight.

A massive disc-shaped spaceship descended from the sky and landed on a relatively level surface.

With a snap, several steel clamps extended from the bottom of the ship, sinking deep into the earth as if passing through tofu and secured the ship in place.

In the distance, Bardock and others, who were already prepared, waved their hands, and a group of Saiyan warriors assembled in front of the spaceship.

Deploy the Metal Saibamen!

Bardock ordered, and each Saiyan pulled out a Hoi-Poi Capsule from their pockets and released a Metal Saibaman from the capsules.

These Metal Saibamen resembled sturdy, bald Saiyans. Their model number was Metal Saibaman No. 8, a new generation of disposable combat Metal Saibaman developed by Dr. Brief. Their individual Power Level can reach up to 20 million, making them the main auxiliary force in the Saiyan combat units.

As everything was ready, the spaceships hatch finally opened.

Numerous aliens dressed in battle armor poured out like a swarm of bees, quickly forming dense battle formations in the sky.

However, despite their intimidating appearance, the actual combat strength of these aliens was negligible.

After Friezas death, all the elites of his army had been absorbed by Cooler and Cold. As for the rest, many of them have either perished or fled over the course of these years.

Throughout this year, while Sorbet managed to recruit many people for Frieza, those with a Power Level exceeding 10,000 were few and far between.

Compared to the Frieza Force in its heyday, the current state is truly miserable.

However, they might just be putting up a front because as they flew out of the spaceship, it can be seen that they all appeared somewhat fearful when facing Bardock and the Saiyans, their faces pale. But soon, their fear vanished when they saw a small figure emerge from the spaceship.

That figure was none other than Frieza.

Bardock and the older generation of Saiyans present on the scene all immediately recognized him.

At this moment, Frieza was in his smallest first form, a form in which he had frequently appeared in front of others in the past.

However, while his appearance resembled the past, the Power Level exhibited by the current Frieza made even Bardocks gaze freeze in astonishment.

150 million? Paragus said with a hint of fear. Wasnt Friezas Power Level only 530,000 back then?

Its been decades, he has naturally become stronger! Bardock said.

At this moment, as Frieza emerged, he glanced at the Saiyans in front of him, a cold smile playing on his lips.

Sorbet, it seems that Lin Chen isnt here.

Sorbet, who had flown out with Frieza, scanned the area with his Scouter and replied, It appears so, King Frieza.

How boring! In that case, Sorbet, let our people attack! Get rid of them!

Frieza pointed his hand towards Bardock and the others, giving the order to attack.

However, after this order was given, the members of the Frieza Force did not immediately take action. Instead, they looked somewhat hesitant towards Frieza.

They were all wearing Scouters on their heads, so they were well aware of the strength of Bardock and the others.

But clearly, even though Bardock and others had not transformed yet, their current power alone was not something these cannon fodder could handle.

Seeing this, Frieza let out a cold snort and pointed at his own men.

A death beam shot forth, piercing through the bodies of at least dozens of people.

I wont repeat myself, attack!

Attack! Sorbet gritted his teeth and ordered once more.

As a result, the group was forced to attack Bardock and the others.

Theyre coming, lets go!

Our main target is Frieza; dont worry too much about the others.

Be careful, everyone.

Bardock and others quickly spread out and began to counterattack.

The situation unfolded just as everyone had expected from the beginning. Friezas subordinates appeared to be numerous, but there were hardly any true experts among them. They fell like dominoes when confronted.

Especially the Metal Saibaman No. 8 that the Saiyans had deployed earlier wreaked havoc among the enemy ranks.

Bardock and the other Saiyans had to hold back to preserve their strength for Frieza, but the Metal Saibamen showed no such restraint.

Under their relentless efforts, the invading Frieza Force soldiers on Planet Vegeta fell like snowflakes.

Sorbet watched anxiously from the side. These soldiers had been recruited with great effort.

In this day and age, the Galactic Federation had grown powerful, and many former villains had been forced to change their ways due to their circumstances. Fewer and fewer people dared to be evildoers, and true masters were becoming increasingly scarce. It was a great pity that these soldiers had to die like this.

More importantly, if King Frieza were to perceive them as not being of great use, it would be very bad.

Fortunately, Frieza didnt pay too much attention to them.

He simply looked at the Saiyans who were fighting and sneered, Ho ho ho, these Saiyans, its been decades, and theyve really produced quite a few powerful people.

With a quiet compliment, Frieza, who had been watching the show, finally took action himself!

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