Chapter 364: Evil Approaches

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, nearly a year had gone by.

Meanwhile, on a remote planet far from Earth, far from Planet Vegeta, and far from the Galactic Federation.

A dark gold figure stood on the ground. f๐š›e๐ž๐ฐ๐šŽb๐š—o๐šŸ๐šŽl.c๐—ผm

Standing on this planet, shrouded in perpetual darkness but dotted with scorching volcanoes, it resembled Hell.

The golden figure stretched his body, took a deep breath, and then burst into hearty laughter.

Hehehe, its finally done! Ive finally perfected my latest form!

Since his resurrection, Frieza had been training on this planet for almost a year.

Actually, his training had already concluded half a year ago. Past failures drove Frieza, and the pain and torture in Hell toughened his spirit to an extraordinary degree.

These factors allowed Frieza to complete his new transformation half a year ago, granting him power that was nearly on par with gods.

In the face of his new transformation, Friezas two relatives, Cooler and Colds transformation, seemed like a mere joke.

However, unlike the original work, Frieza did not immediately seek revenge. He was well aware that he was facing Lin Chen, the Saiyan whom even Majin Buu was unable to defeat, and who is said to rival gods.

The failures of his father and brother made Frieza cautious.

So, even after gaining his new power, Frieza remained cautious and continued to train on this planet for another half year, overcoming the weakness of extreme energy consumption associated with his new transformation. Only then did he resolve to seek revenge.

Ho ho ho, Ive become powerful enough. It seems I can go look for those Saiyan monkeys now!

My strength has broken through to a whole new realm. My brother and father wont understand; mere physical enhancement is not the future of our Frost Demon race. Only the fusion of spirit and body can unlock the Frost Demons strongest power.

Hehehe Lin Chen, you just wait for my revenge!

Frieza couldnt help but burst into laughter, and the dark golden glow emanating from his body shone as brilliantly as a sun on this dark planet.

Golden form, this was a brand new transformation of the Frost Demon race that neither Cooler nor Cold, when possessed by Ginyu, had been able to achieve back then.

Compared to Cooler and Colds fourth and fifth transformation, Friezas Golden form is not just several times or tens of times more powerful; it is hundreds or thousands of times more powerful.

With this immense power, Frieza almost felt invincible.

Berryblue, Sorbet! Prepare the ship immediately!

As Friezas voice echoed across the planet, everyone else on the planet sprang into action.

A disc-shaped spaceship approached from the distance, and Frieza, with his hands behind his back, entered the spaceship.

After stepping into the cabin, Frieza suddenly remembered something. Oh, and dont forget to bring that fellow with us. He had also worked hard this past year. Ho ho ho!

Yes! Two Frieza Forces soldiers nodded.

Once Frieza had left, the two soldiers flew out of the spaceship to search the ground.

Soon enough, they found the individual Frieza had mentioned.

Wow this guy looks pitiful. Are his bones all shattered?

Hes quite a monster, too. I heard that this guy has been subjected to injuries like this every day for the past year. If he were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.

Meanwhile, on the spaceships bridge, Frieza arrived.

A sly old lady with blue skin floated over. She was none other than Friezas caretaker, Berryblue.

She poured Frieza a glass of wine and then went on to stand to the side.

Then, Sorbet approached as well. My lord, what are your orders?

Frieza took a sip of the wine and sneered, My training is complete, and now its time for me to seek revenge!

Sorbet, command the fleet to set course for Planet Vegeta! I want those Saiyans to regret everything they did!

Hearing this, Sorbets eyes widened. King Frieza, Planet Vegeta is the Saiyans stronghold. Are we going there just like this? Shouldnt we gather more people?

Gathering cannon fodder is pointless. I alone am enough to deal with those Saiyans.

Sorbet! Are you refusing my orders?

Sorbet shivered, not daring to defy Friezas will. He immediately stood at attention. Understood, King Frieza. We are going to Planet Vegeta now. To avoid being detected on the way, well need to activate the stealth device, and it will take about two weeks to reach there.

Two weeks is a bit too long. Go at full speed.

Frieza squinted his eyes, his purple lips curling slightly.

He was eager to unleash havoc on Planet Vegeta.

Sorbet looked troubled, but fortunately, at this moment, Berriburu stepped in to help him out, King Frieza, the Galactic Federations territory is quite vast now. If we go at full speed, we might not reach Planet Vegeta before the Saiyans are prepared for us.

What does that matter? Ill just kill them all! Frieza said confidently, his words cold.

Berryblue added, But, my lord, even if you can do that, in this dire situation, are you willing to expend your precious energy on those cannon fodder? As you said, now the Frieza Force is nothing more than a group of useless trash. The only thing you can rely on is your own power.

Frieza fell into silence, not saying a word.

But Sorbet was at a loss about what to do. The order from Frieza had already been given, and if he didnt convey them, what should he do if he were blamed later?

Fortunately, Frieza finally spoke.

Very well, Sorbet, activate the stealth device.

Understood! Activate the stealth device!

Sorbet shivered once more but finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Time passed slowly.

Two weeks later, Friezas spaceship gradually approached the star system where Planet Vegeta was located.

Soon, they would arrive at Planet Vegeta.

Watching the screen displaying the busy and frequent flight routes, Frieza understood Sorbets earlier intention.

Indeed, if they didnt hide their presence on such crowded routes, the Saiyans would easily discover them.

Those damned Saiyan! In just a few decades, theyre about to become the center of the universe?

Frieza stared at the screen, holding a glass of wine but not drinking it. Instead, he clenched his teeth.

Yes, King Frieza. If there are no changes, it wont be long before Planet Vegeta becomes the center of the universe, Sorbet replied respectfully.


Frieza snorted, drained the glass of red wine, and walked to the porthole, a cruel smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

Damn Saiyan monkeys, your end is here.

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