Chapter 341: The disparity in realm!

Shadow Dragon laughed maniacally, his laughter containing terrifying power. Lin Chen realized why his Saiyan Divine Dragon was at a disadvantage against the Shadow Dragon.

It is truly a fearsome strength.

Not only the Saiyan Divine Dragon, but even in Lin Chens universe, very few could withstand such power.

The laughter ceased. Shadow Dragon vanished, reappearing next to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen, this is the power of a divine dragon!

A fist imbued with the purple Power of Destruction slammed hard into Lin Chens abdomen.

With a thud, Lin Chen was thrown back, and the area struck by the Power of Destruction began to disintegrate.

Black God!

In that moment, Lin Chen rapidly entered the Black God state, and then employed the Power of Creation to neutralize the Power of Destruction that was beginning to spread all over his body.

How does it feel to be destroyed? Thanks to you, I now possess even the power of a God of Destruction! Hahaha!

Seeing the power of his punch, Shadow Dragon burst out laughing.

However, suddenly, spheres of purple-black energy manifested around him. After appearing without warning, they suddenly shot towards the Shadow Dragon.

While the Power of Destruction didnt obliterate him, they did leave Shadow Dragon battered and bruised.

Youve merely copied my power. What gave you the audacity to challenge me? I too can wield the Power of Destruction! Lin Chen sneered.

As he spoke, various auras started manifesting around him, and a mysterious divine halo began to rise behind him.

Black Divine Realm, full force!

Ki Sword!

With a lift of his right hand, a technique that he learned from Vegito appeared in his hand.

A swirling dark energy, infused with four types of Power of Law, transformed into a black Ki Sword in Lin Chens hand.

Upon its appearance, a smirk formed on Shadow Dragons face.

What you can do, I can too!

With that, a similar black Ki Sword appeared in Shadow Dragons hand.

But Lin Chen wasnt concerned. He grinned and said, You can try.

Upon finishing his words, Lin Chen vanished from sight.

Shadow Dragon, not one to be outdone, vanished alongside him.

Their silhouettes flickered in the sky, their Ki Swords resonating with a buzzing sound.

At this time, in terms of Power Level, Shadow Dragon was on par with Lin Chen in his Black God state.

And in terms of the Power of Law, it was also almost identical, and the Power of Miracles it controlled appeared to be even more profound than Lin Chens.


Time Freeze.

Lin Chen seemed to be facing his reflection in a mirror.

Yet, over time, a smirk formed on Lin Chens face.

Suddenly, Shadow Dragons Ki Sword was severed.

Lin Chens Ki Sword had sliced through, cleanly cutting off Shadow Dragons hand.


After a painful scream, Shadow Dragon stared at Lin Chen in disbelief.

How did that happen? This is impossible! Were equally powerful! Why was my Ki Sword cut?

Same level of power? Dont think I havent noticed.

Lin Chen smirked, Your so-called equal power is merely a wishful thought. In reality, youve just replicated all the Power of Laws using the Power of Miracles, havent you?

The Power of Miracles is indeed formidable, capable of replicating even the laws, but even if you can replicate the Power of Laws, you cant wield it as seamlessly as I can, let alone master the fusion of Power of Laws!

Shadow Dragon stared wide-eyed, Power of Laws? Fusion?

Lin Chen flicked the Ki Sword in his hand.

As he did so, the once murky black aura on the blade was cast aside, revealing a grayish aura.

Though it looked a bit weaker than the black Ki Sword, the power contained within Lin Chens Ki Sword at this moment was such that merely a glance made Shadow Dragon feel a sting in its eyes.

My Ki Sword is a pure force, fused with four kinds of Power of Law. How could your haphazard Ki Sword possibly rival mine?

Pure force? Ive never heard of it! Power, come forth!

With a thunderous boom, Shadow Dragons power surged even higher.

I possess divine dragons Power of Miracles. As long as I will it, I can continuously grow stronger! You cant possibly win against me!

In this moment, the flames around Shadow Dragon almost set the space aflame, and arcs of electricity wildly danced around it, crackling in the air.

Shadow Dragon dispelled its Ki Sword and began to form a silver-hued energy blast in its hands.

With a blinding brilliance, it fired straight at Lin Chen.

Hmph! Dont you get it?

Lin Chen reached out his hand, not to release an energy blast, but to swing his gray Ki Sword.

With a snapping sound, space seemed to be torn asunder. The rift first devoured Shadow Dragons attack, and then it spread towards the dragon, as if intending to swallow it whole.

Seeing its attack get annihilated like an insignificant bug, Shadow Dragons eyes nearly bulged out.

That attack wasnt just a simple blast wave; it contained the Power of Miracles, Power of Destruction, and Power of Creation that Shadow Dragon infused within it!

How could an attack formed using so many powers be neutralized simply like that?

While Shadow Dragon was still in shock, the space rift created by Lin Chens Ki Sword had already appeared close to it.

Panicking, it quickly tried to dodge it, but it didnt expect that the next place it landed, another rift appeared and swallowed half of its body.

Then it disappeared.

Without a trace of blood, Shadow Dragons body was sliced in half.

Only now did Shadow Dragon realize just how far behind it was compared to Lin Chen in using the Power of Laws.

This disparity wasnt just in power but in the sheer usage of the Power of Laws. While Lin Chen could fuse and use four kinds of Power of Laws, Shadow Dragon could only command them separately.

Even though the Power of Miracles allowed Shadow Dragon to almost perfectly replicate Lin Chens power, speed, and techniques, it couldnt replicate the understanding of the Power of Laws.

Because of this, Shadow Dragons Divine Realm is only at Intermediate First Level.

This difference in realm led to Shadow Dragons complete defeat.

At this point in the battle, with the outcome already decided, Shadow Dragon, realizing its disadvantage, began to contemplate escape.

However, it was only then that Shadow Dragon noticed that time around it had completely frozen. Unbeknownst to it, Lin Chen had trapped Shadow Dragon in a Cage of Time.

Lin Chen! I wont die!

Desperate, Shadow Dragon opened its mouth wide, trying to break free with its power.

But at this moment, an endless brilliance appeared in Lin Chens hand.

Shadow Dragon, this is a technique I created after fusing the four kinds of Power of Law. I present it to you. Its called the Light of Annihilation!


The light source formed by the fusion of the four kinds of Power of Laws burst forth from Lin Chens hand.

The entire divine dragons palace was blanketed by a brilliant white glow.

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