Chapter 336 *Title Hidden*

Just when Lin Chen was feeling troubled, Piccolo said with a frown, Any other way? B-But Mr. Lin Chen, Ive already unlocked all my hidden potential by fusing with Kami and Nail! Are you suggesting I fuse with Dende now? It wont work; his power is too far below mine, even if we fused, it wouldnt help me

Halfway through Piccolos words, Lin Chen suddenly paused, interrupting him.

Piccolo, what did you just say?

Me? I didnt say anything.

You did! Repeat what you said earlier!

With a bewildered look, Piccolo complied, I saidfusing with Kami and Nail

Lin Chen clapped his hands, saying, Thats it! I cant believe I didnt think of this method before! Piccolo, I know how to help you break through your limits!


Lin Chen smirked, the first smile in a year and a half.

Then, Lin Chen reached out and created a spatial rift right in front of them, beyond which was the Lookout.

Lets go, Piccolo! Your training is over.

Over? But Mr. Lin Chen, I am now

Dont worry; youll soon have enough power to defeat Majin Buu.

With that, Lin Chen led the way, diving into the spatial rift.

Although Piccolo didnt understand what was happening, he had no choice but to follow.

As they passed through the rift, Piccolo suddenly remembered something: how did Lin Chen create this spatial rift?

The ability to casually create such a rift in space was truly unfathomable!

When Lin Chen and Piccolo arrived on the Lookout, Dende and Mr. Popo immediately approached them.

Seeing the two arrive, Dende looked relieved. Thank goodness! Piccolo, I was afraid you wouldnt make it.

Dende, whats going on? Has something happened?

Dende nodded. Its Majin Buu! Mr. Piccolo, Majin Buu has become even stronger!


At Dendes words, Piccolo finally noticed that Majin Buus aura on Earth was indeed different from before.

If the previous Majin Buu had a chaotic mix of good and evil in his aura, the current Majin Buu was purely evil.

Piccolo turned to Lin Chen with concern. Mr. Lin Chen, this

Dont worry. Lin Chen confidently smiled and asked Dende, Dende, have you collected the Earths Dragon Balls?

Dende looked at Mr. Popo beside him. To revive everyone on Earth, Mr. Popo has already gathered all the Dragon Balls. But Mr. Lin Chen, why are you

I need the power of Shenron to defeat Majin Buu.

The power of Shenron?

Piccolo couldnt understand. What use could Dragon Balls be at this point? Majin Buu was so powerful that Shenron wouldnt be able to deal with it.

When Piccolo voiced his doubt, Lin Chen chuckled. Piccolo, I dont need the Dragon Balls to defeat Majin Buu; I need them for you.

Me? Piccolo looked puzzled.

Lin Chen didnt explain further and summoned Shenron.

When Shenron appeared, everything became clear.

Shenron, please revive the Great Demon King Piccolo who died before!

Upon hearing Lin Chens request, Piccolos eyes widened. Then, he finally understood Lin Chens intentions.

So, this is it! I never thought that the current me isnt the real me

Just as Piccolo had realized.

Lin Chens intention was precisely to make Piccolo return to his original self, the Namekian without a name who had not yet been split in two to expel the evil thoughts.

Back then, the Namekian, in order to become Earths Kami, expelled all the evil thoughts from his body, giving birth to Great Demon King Piccolo and Earths Kami.

Although Piccolo later fused with Earths Kami during the Android Saga, at this point, he had not fully returned to his original self.

Because Piccolo had forgotten that he was not the true Great Demon King Piccolo, but rather the second generation Piccolo born when the original Great Demon King Piccolo was near death!

While Piccolo did inherit the power of the original Great Demon King Piccolo and even surpassed him, the current Piccolo was still not the true Great Demon King Piccolo.

So, his fusion with Kami did not truly make him the Namekian he once was.

So what Lin Chen needed to do was to resurrect the real Great Demon King Piccolo and merge him with Piccolo once again.

To completely transform him back into the original Namekian.

The Super Namekian hailed as a true genius by the Namekian Great Elder!

Thy wish has been granted!

As Shenrons eyes emitted a red light, a figure appeared on the Lookout.

And this figure was none other than the original Great Demon King Piccolo!

I didnt I die? Is this the Lookout? Huh? That old ba*tard isnt here? Hey! Whats going on here?

Shenron, our wish ends here; you can leave now.


After bidding farewell to Shenron, Lin Chen turned to Piccolo, who was still in shock. Piccolo, become your true self again!


Piccolo nodded vigorously, clenched his fists, and approached Great Demon King Piccolo.

Huh? You are..

Seeing someone who looked so similar to himself and even emitting an aura reminiscent of old Kami, Great Demon King Piccolo was momentarily stunned.

Great Demon King Piccolo no, I should say father, lets merge again! Lets become the same person as before! Piccolo said.

Father? Youre my son? Hahaha, dont joke with me. If youre my son, then whats with the Kamis aura on you?

Ive already merged with old Kami to save Earth. But now Earth faces an even more powerful enemy, and I need to return to my original self to defeat him!

Piccolo explained earnestly, hoping to convince Great Demon King Piccolo to merge.

But Great Demon King Piccolo seemed to find it all like a bad joke and couldnt stop laughing.

In the end, he suddenly roared, You fool! Who do you think I am?

I am the embodiment of evil, Great Demon King Piccolo! I wont merge with anyone! And I certainly wont fight for some humans!

Sorry, I really want you to agree, but the situation is urgent, so I can only force you.

At this point, Piccolo didnt hesitate. Since Great Demon King Piccolo refused to cooperate, he chose to use force.

Although in a sense, Great Demon King Piccolo was Piccolos father, his current strength was no longer worth mentioning.

With just one finger, Piccolo completely suppressed the Great Demon King Piccolo, forcing him to complete the merge.

After a flash of light, Great Demon King Piccolo disappeared from his original spot, and what appeared in front of Lin Chen was Piccolo, now emitting an aura entirely different from before.

Is this Is this my original power?

Piccolo stared at himself, finding it hard to believe.

I can win! With my current self, I can defeat Buu! Ha!

An aura suddenly erupted, causing the air to tremble, making Dendes face turn pale, and he struggled to maintain his balance.

What a terrifying power! Is this really the power of a Namekian?

Exactly! Lin Chen exclaimed with excitement, clenching his fists: This is Piccolos true power. Now, he has finally become a real Super Namekian!

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