Chapter 316: Buu is resurrected?

Hehe, its really unbelievable! Eating Android 17 and 18 really boosted my power significantly. Whats more, I dont feel tired at all after releasing so much energy. Theres a steady flow of energy within me.

Its really incredible!

Android 21 laughed heartily.

Meanwhile, Goku and the others faces broke out into cold sweat.

None of them had expected Android 21 to grow so rapidly. She is even more formidable than the Golden Cell from back then.

Lazulis expression was equally grim, and she couldnt help but inwardly blame Lin Chen for leaving earlier. In her view, if Lin Chen hadnt left, Android 18 and the others wouldnt have ended up being eaten.

Just as everyone was filled with mixed emotions, Android 21 attacked once again.

Her gaze scanned the people on the battlefield and finally settled on one person. Her lips curled up slightly, and she began her attack.

Her previous attacks had merely been a test of her own power. Now that she had confirmed it, she didnt hold back.

In an instant, she appeared in front of Goku and Vegeta.

With two loud bangs, Goku and Vegeta were sent flying.

Damn it! How could I lose!

Vegeta stopped in mid-air, letting out a roar of frustration. He regained his composure and prepared to charge back at Android 21. However, Android 21 suddenly opened her mouth and unleashed an astonishing energy blast.

With a rumble, a powerful shockwave swept over. Vegeta couldnt dodge in time, so he had to raise both palms to block it.

Surprisingly, the energy blast wasnt as powerful as it seemed, and Vegeta easily blocked it.

However, the onlookers, who were focused on the energy blast, didnt notice that as the energy blast swept across the sky, Android 21s figure had appeared next to Gohan, far from the battlefield.

Thanks for the food!

Android 21 pointed her finger, turning Gohan into a piece of chocolate, then stuffing it into her mouth.

Gohan! You ba*tard! Spit Gohan out!

Seeing his son getting eaten, Goku erupted out with a loud rumble, transforming into a golden lightning bolt and charging towards Android 21.

But at that moment, Android 21 had evolved once again.

A powerful gust of wind blew out, and a cloud of smoke once again billowed out of her body.

Android 21 held Gokus angry fist in mid-air. Then, an energy blast shot out of the smoke, carrying Goku straight into the ground, creating a massive, seemingly bottomless crater.

As the smoke finally began to dissipate, what appeared before the others was no longer the original Android 21 but a completely different person.

This version of Android 21 no longer resembled the charming woman from before. Her appearance had become more neutral, with her long tail shortening and her hair reduced.

A long protrusion grew out from her head.

What a strange appearance! Oh well, that taste earlier was so delicious. Ill give this one an 80 out of 100!

Android 21, excited by her new form, couldnt hide her greed for more delicious flavors.

Just one Gohan had been so tasty. If she were to eat Goku or Vegeta, would it be even more delicious?

Lets begin with Vegeta first.

Android 21s gaze locked onto Vegeta, and the battle commenced.

Before long, Goku burst out from underground and joined the fight.

Vegeta, she is not simple. We need to team up! Miss Lazuli, stay out of this for now! Goku shouted, his power surging.

With the situation dire, Vegeta didnt refuse the proposal to cooperate, and Lazuli wisely stepped back.

The battle resumed, and although they were at a disadvantage when fighting one-on-one, Goku and Vegeta, when working together, could hold their own against Android 21.

However, they had to constantly be on guard against Android 21s bizarre ability to turn people into food with her red lightning.

This is so annoying! Why wont you let me eat you both peacefully? Android 21 complained, then swung her hand, releasing a blood-red energy that swept between the two of them.

In the void, a sudden cracking sound rang out.

Immediately, Goku and Vegeta felt a tremendous force appearing between them.

Upon closer inspection, they realized that Android 21s previous attack seemed to have torn through space itself.

The suction force they now felt emanated from a rift in space between them.

Like the gravitational pull of a black hole, Goku and Vegeta swayed in the hurricane like duckweed.

It was at this moment that Android 21 suddenly flashed near Vegeta, her hand glowing with red lightning.


Seeing Android 21 once again using her magic to turn people into food, Goku shouted in anger.

I know!

Vegetas expression changed, and he quickly dodged.

But just then, Android 21 rushed forward in an instant. She plucked the antenna-like protrusion that had grown on her head and threw it towards Vegeta. Even after leaving her body, the antenna seemed to be alive. It enlarged in mid-air and directly swallowed Vegeta.


A bright light flickered, and Vegetas figure had completely disappeared, leaving behind Android 21, who had once again undergone a drastic transformation.

But now, Android 21 almost no longer resembled her original form. Instead, she looked more like another demonic creature.

And the name of this demonic creature is called Majin Buu!

Indeed, Android 21s continuous evolution seems to be activating the Majin Buu cells within her body, ultimately replacing her?

Far away, Lazuli was looking at everything happening in shock, but suddenly, a voice came from behind her.

She turned around and saw Lin Chens figure had appeared beside her.

Lin Chen!

Lazuli exclaimed and rushed towards him, embracing him.

But then, she couldnt help but feel annoyed and said, Lin Chen! Where have you been? Do you know that Gohan, Android 18, and the others have all been eaten by Android 21?

I know, dont worry. We can always use Shenron to bring them back, Lin Chen said with a relaxed expression.

Dont you care about whats happening right in front of us? That Android 21 seems to be transforming rapidly.

Lazuli shook her head helplessly; she knew that Lin Chen was once again showing the typical traits of a Saiyan.

These Saiyans always forget everything when it comes to seeking powerful opponents.

Meanwhile, as the two were conversing, Android 21, who had devoured Vegeta, launched another attack on Goku.

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