Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 293: Embodiment of Grudge- Hatchiyack

Chapter 293: Embodiment of Grudge- Hatchiyack


Our opponents are actually dead beings and a machine?

Upon learning the truth, Goku and the others were left stunned.

Hey! Old man!

Suddenly, Taro pointed at Dr. Lychee. I am Taro, the son of the current Saiyan King Links! As the Prince of Planet Vegeta, I order you to immediately stop the Destron Gas on Planet Vegeta!

Lin Luo also spoke, Dr. Lychee, todays Saiyans are not the same as before. There are now people from many other planets on Planet Vegeta. Please dont continue this foolishness! ๐—ณr๐šŽ๐žw๐ž๐š‹๐—ป๐—ผvel.๐—ฐo๐ฆ

I refuse!

Dr. Lychee said with a crazed look on his face: Ive waited far too long for this day! All sacrifices are worth it as long as I can annihilate the Saiyans!

Since you people wont obediently die in the Destron Gas, Ill personally finish you off!

A black aura emanated from Dr. Lychee as he laughed menacingly before firing a black energy wave towards the group.

Watch out!

They cried out in surprise and scattered.

Realizing that a peaceful resolution was impossible, they had no choice but to gather their resolve and start the battle.

While dodging Dr. Lychees attacks, they also launched their own attacks from all directions.

Observing this, Dr. Lychee remained still.

Suddenly, a green light flashed in his eyes, and an energy shield enveloped his body.

Thud, thud, thud!

All of Goku and the others attacks were deflected by the energy shield.

In the next moment, a surge of power emanated from the energy shield, and before they could react and put up a guard, they were all uncontrollably sent flying by this force.

Hahaha, you cant break my barrier, and your attacks will also be reflected by it!

Is that so?

Goku grinned slightly.

Vegeta snorted disdainfully. Dr. Lychee! Your Power Level is at most 500 million. Let us show you how we are going to dismantle this barrier!

Upon hearing Vegetas words, the others exuded confidence.

Although they couldnt sense it before, after their clash just now, they had already discerned Dr. Lychees strength. As Vegeta had claimed, Dr. Lychees power likely didnt exceed 500 million.

This amount of strength can easily be defeated!

At the same time, everyones aura began to rise.

Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Lin Luo all transformed into Super Saiyan 2.

Taro and Piccolo also unleashed their respective powerful strength.

And then, the six of them almost simultaneously rushed towards Dr. Lychees side, and ignoring the backlash from the barrier, started launching a fierce assault against him.

In a matter of seconds, Goku and the others had launched countless fierce attacks, each blow causing the Dark Planet to tremble.

Though Dr. Lychee, hidden within the barrier, was unharmed for the moment, he was surprised to find that cracks had appeared all around the barrier!


Before Dr. Lychee could react, Goku suddenly leaped to the side and unleashed a Kamehameha, shattering the barrier with a single strike.

Damn Saiyans!

Kakarot, let me deal the final blow! Final Flash!

Vegeta yelled out, employing his ultimate technique. A torrent of energy crazily burst forth from between his hands.

Facing Vegetas decisive attack, Dr. Lychees eyes widened, already too late to respond.

Damn Saiyans! Damn Saiyans! Dam

Amid Dr. Lychees shrill scream, Vegeta had already blasted him into a cloud of black smoke


Black smoke?

Vegeta landed on the ground and inquired, Kakarot, did you guys see that just now?

Did Dr. Lychee turn into smoke? Goku replied.

Piccolo cautioned them, Be careful, this Dr. Lychee is also a Ghost Warrior. Destron Gas is everywhere, and he might still resurrect.

Good, good! Uncle Vegeta, if hes alive, its my turn to finish him off this time! Taro, unaware of the gravity of the situation, excitedly exclaimed.

Sure enough, just at this moment, Dr. Lychees voice resounded.

Saiyans! Dont think its over like this! Do you believe the grudge of us Tuffles will end so easily? Hatchiyack just absorbed my grudge, and it has fully awakened!


Suddenly, from that immense Grudge Absorption device, a beast-like roar resonated.

Meanwhile, on the dark planet, a violent earthquake erupted suddenly.

A terrifying aura erupted out from Dr. Lychees Grudge Absorption device.

The powerful aura dispersed the Destron Gas that had permeated the planet into the universe.

This, this power is on par with Cell! Piccolo exclaimed, astonished.

Gohan, Lin Luo and Taros faces turned pale.

Gohan was somewhat fine, having experienced the horror of Golden Cell before, but Lin Luo and Taro were not. This was the first time they had encountered such a terrifying and hostile aura, causing the two children to tremble involuntarily.

Dont be afraid! Suddenly, they felt a pat on their shoulders and turned to see. It was Gohan.

Look at dad and Uncle Vegeta. Theyre not afraid at all!

Turning their heads, indeed, there was no fear on Goku and Vegetas faces.

It seemed that the two of them were even eager to fight.

Kakarot, it seems youre not afraid either? With this aura now, its likely even stronger than the Silver Cell from back then! Vegeta crossed his arms and said.

Same goes for you, right? Although its a bit weaker than the Golden Cell that Big Brother Lin Chen defeated, this auras Power Level is probably already over 5 billion, arent you afraid? Goku asked.

It looks like weve made quite a big breakthrough again compared to the past, huh? Kakarot, Ill go first!

That wont do! You just took down Dr. Lychee earlier! Its my turn now!

As they argued, lightning suddenly flashed on the scene with a loud rumble. The machine that Dr. Lychee called Hatchiyack suddenly transformed into a dazzling sphere of light.

The previous mechanical parts and crystal spheres were all absorbed by the sphere of light. Following that, a giant figure with a red-dominated body, limbs, chest, and head adorned with large blue crystals appeared before them.

This giant exuded the massive aura they had sensed before.

Youre Hatchiyack, the embodiment of grudge that Dr. Lychee mentioned? Vegeta disdainfully stared at Hatchiyack, who was emanating an aura even stronger than Silver Cell.

Suddenly, Hatchiyack clenched its fists and abruptly moved, swinging a punch directly at Vegeta.

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