Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 270: Satan’s Baffling Self-Confidence and Lin Chen’s Promise

Chapter 270: Satan’s Baffling Self-Confidence and Lin Chen’s Promise

A few days later, Cell Games venue.

In the northwest of Central City, 28 KS Point 5, this little-known place had now attracted the attention of the whole world because of a special tournament.

A square arena with a side length of one hundred meters had appeared here at some point, and at each of the four corners of the arena stood a pointed stone pillar.

Cell, the host of the arena, had been standing there with his eyes closed for a while.

At a distance of a kilometer from the arena, a reporter and his cameraman were cautiously hiding behind a rock.

The camera was focused on Cell, transmitting the live footage of the match to the whole world.

Dear Viewers, the Cell Games will begin in less than 15 minutes, but there is no one else here except us! Wait I see a car! It looks like our great hero, Mr. Satan, is here!

A luxurious elongated car approached from a distance and finally stopped next to the arena.

Satan, dressed in a cloak, got out of the car in a flamboyant manner.

Wow! Its really Mr. Satan! Hes here as promised!

The reporter saw the person clearly and shouted excitedly.

His voice caught Satans attention, and he immediately raised his right hand and gestured with his index finger.

Dear Viewers! Mr. Satan seems to be inviting us over! In that case we absolutely cannot lose to Mr. Satan!

Dear Viewers, our most courageous journalist and cameraman in the world is about to bring you the closest view of the Cell Games!

The reporter and his cameraman approached Satan with excitement and soon arrived by his side.

The reporter immediately raised his microphone and began the interview, Mr. Satan, what are your thoughts on this match?

Satan put his hands on his hips and arrogantly said, Hmph! Ive already said what I think about this match! Cell has no idea that theres someone as strong as me in this world. In front of me, he wont even have time to regret! Rest assured, I will be the one to decide Cells fate!


Of course, Cell heard Satans words, but he only glanced at him with complete disdain.

Mr. Satan, although I believe that Cell will definitely die at your hands, I heard from the Central Citys spokesperson that the Galactic Federation has agreed to send warriors to deal with Cell. What do you think about this?

Oh, you mean those aliens? Its a good thing that they are willing to help. I dont mind it at all. But let me tell you all, the one who will kill Cell in the end is me! The revenge of the Earthlings will be carried out by the Earthlings! Satan put his hands on his hips and said boastfully in front of the camera.

And Satans confidence set the world abuzz!

Satan, Satan!

Mr. Satan, you must stand up for the people of Earth!

Go, Satan! Eliminate that evil demon!

Every street and alley was filled with cheers from the crowd.

They were all excited, laughing and cheering, as if they had forgotten all their fears.

At this moment, the on-site reporters suddenly looked up to the sky.

Even Cell, who had been motionless all this time, turned his head to look in that direction.

Goku, huh? You have finally arrived! Cell smiled faintly.

More than a dozen figures descended from the sky, Goku and Vegeta, among others, had arrived as scheduled and stood on the other side of the arena.

Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, humph, even Android 16 and Android 18 from Lin Chens side have come? But wheres Lin Chen?

Counting the people who had arrived, Cell looked puzzled.

Among the people present, only the few Saiyans and Piccolo deserved his attention. The rest, like Krillin, Androids, and others, were just supporting roles to the main characters.

However, the most important main character was missing from the crowd, Lin Chen, and the one who had once fought with another Cell, Broly.

Why were these two absent?

At this moment, the on-site reporter and cameraman was dumbfounded when they saw the people descending from the sky.

The reporter immediately almost shoved the microphone into Satans mouth.

Mr. Satan! Did you see that just now? How did those people fly down from the sky?

I saw it, Satan casually replied, Nothing strange about that. They should be the aliens that Central City mentioned. Since they are aliens, its normal for them to fly, right? They must have some high-tech anti-gravity devices! You saw the light on their bodies just now, that should be the device at work.

Oh, thats how it is! The reporter nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

Then he asked, Mr. Satan, since even people from the Galactic Federation have come, are you planning to go first, or will you let them make the first move?

They came all the way here, so, of course, Ill let them make the first move. The ace is always saved for the last moment, isnt it?

I see!

Satan took the microphone and shouted to Goku and the others in the distance, Hey! Friends who came from afar! Im leaving the vanguard position to you. Perform well!

Mr. Satan, this microphone is for recording, theres no speaker


That idiot Satan, he really came? Krillin was speechless.

If he wants to die, just let him. We can always use the Dragon Balls to resurrect him later, Piccolo scoffed.

Trunks, however, looked at Satan with a strange expression, I see that Mister is very confident. Could he really have something up his sleeve?

Trunks words immediately evoked disdain and laughter from the others.

However, they had no idea that Satan indeed had a reason for his confidence.

Hehe, everything is just as that Mister said. These people have indeed come. As long as I follow his instructions, everything should be fine, right?

In Satans mind, he couldnt help but recall an evening a few days ago when a figure had broken into his house and made a deal with him.

As long as he followed the instructions given to him, he would not only survive the Cell Games safely, but he might even become a hero of all humanity again!

In fact, no matter how confident Satan appeared at the press conference that day, he was actually forced into it.

Within the Central City, some people didnt want to rely too much on the support provided by the Galactic Federation and insisted on sending human participants to the Cell Games. Therefore, Satan, who had once won the World Martial Arts Tournament and mistakenly became a hero during Coolers invasion, was forced into the press conference and became a participant of the Cell Games.

However, Satan knew very well that Cell meant business!

If he were to truly fight Cell, he would undoubtedly die!

Fortunately, just as Satan was feeling desperate and even considered undergoing plastic surgery and changing his identity, a person suddenly approached him and offered to help.

That person was Lin Chen!

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