Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 257: Perfect Form above Perfect Form

Chapter 257: Perfect Form above Perfect Form


Android 17 cried out in alarm, rushing forward to catch Android 18.

He raised his head, his expression turning grim as he stared at Cell, who had just easily knocked down Android 18 with a single punch.

Who are you? Why are you attacking us?

Hehehe Cell scanned them with a greedy look in his eyes and said, Who am I? Im your brother! 17, I am the Ultimate Android Cell, the creation of Dr. Gero from another world! The most powerful being in the universe!

Who is your brother, you monster! We werent created by Dr. Gero!

Is that so? Cell was taken aback. Well, our worlds have many differences, but it doesnt matter. As long as youre Android 17 and 18, thats enough.

17, 18! In my world, I absorbed both of you and became the Perfect Form you see now! But your worlds Dr. Gero told me that if I absorb both of you, I can further evolve! How about it? Dont you want to see what the Ultimate Android would look like?

What? You can evolve further?

Lazuli was shocked. Wasnt the current Cell already in his Perfect Form? Could he actually upgrade again?

No, it cant happen! They had to stop him!

17! Take 18 and go quickly! We cant let this guy succeed!

Run away? Never!

Android 17 roared, tossing 18 to Android 16 behind him before instantly disappearing.

In the next moment, he appeared before Cell, launching an attack without hesitation.


Because of Android 17s attack, the air suddenly trembled.

However, after the tremor subsided, Cell had a smirk on his face; he had withstood Android 17s fist, Although you two in this world have become stronger for some reason, compared to me, youre still too weak.

As soon as he finished speaking, Cells palm grabbed Android 17s head and forcefully pressed it down.

Like a falling meteor, Cell, holding onto Android 17s head, forcefully crashed down to the ground, creating a deep crater, several meters in depth, beneath their feet.

Android 17 lay in the pit, already unconscious.


Cell sneered, the black wings on his back spread open, revealing the tail behind him.

With a slight exertion, Cells retracted tail grew once again, transforming into the long tail of his original form.

The tail, resembling a python, extended towards the top of Android 17s head and wrapped around his entire body.

Oh no!

Lazuli exclaimed and flew towards Cell, but she was blown away by a powerful ki blast from Cell.

Struggling to maintain her posture, Lazuli wore a shocked expression.

Although this Cell was only in his Perfect Form and hadnt reached his Super Perfect form, his power level already surpassed Super Perfect Cell of her world by a significant margin!

Damn it, why are the Androids in this world so strong?

You must be Lazuli, right? Dont worry, after absorbing them, perhaps Ill consider absorbing you as well, Cell laughed maniacally as the tip of his tail suddenly expanded, revealing a suction cup-like mouth.

We cant let him absorb 17! 16, help me!

Upon hearing Lazulis shout, 16 nodded with a solemn expression.

He set 18 down and stomped his foot on the ground, propelling himself towards Cell like a cannonball.


Compared to Android 17, Android 16s powerful punch finally made Cell stagger, but it was just that.

Cell looked at Android 16 with disgust and said, I dont understand why they wasted an eternal energy source on a puppet like you.

With that, Cell raised his hand, preparing to smack Android 16 away.

However, to his surprise, Android 16 disregarded the attack and directly grabbed Cells hand.

Now! Android 16 shouted.


At that moment, Lazuli had already landed on the ground and unleashed an energy blast towards Cells tail.

Its useless!

With two bang sounds, Android 16 was sent flying, and Lazulis energy blast was deflected back, forcing her to dodge in a sorry state.

Seeing that there was no one left to stop Cell from absorbing Android 17, at that very moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

Masenko Beam Cannon!

A spiral-shaped energy wave descended from above, striking Cells tail with great force.

A loud crack echoed as Cells tail was severed.

At the same time, another golden figure streaked through the sky, snatching the unconscious Android 17 away from Cell and flying far away.

Just as the fusion was about to be completed, it was interrupted by someone. Cells face turned gloomy and he angrily shouted, Who?

The one who will kill you!

In the sky, Piccolo and Trunks descended one after another. It was they who had intervened to save 16.

Piccolo, Trunks! This guy is called Cell, a Bio-Android created by Future Dr. Gero! Lazuli landed on the ground and explained to them, He has already absorbed the Android 17 and 18 from Trunks world. If he absorbs the 17 and 18 from this world as well, even Lin Chen might not be able to handle him!

A Bio-Android created by Dr. Gero? Trunks eyes widened, surprised to learn that this monster was also one of Dr. Geros creations.

At that moment, two figures flew in from the distance. The two Dr. Gero had finally arrived at the scene.

Upon hearing Lazulis words, the Future Dr. Gero sneered, As expected of the Android from another world. According to what youve said, it seems youve already witnessed the Perfect form of Cell?

Hmph, the Perfect Cell in my world was killed a long time ago! Lazuli said.

What? Even my Perfect Form can be killed? Cell was slightly surprised, but the Future Dr. Gero wasnt surprised, Cell, no need to be surprised. Just take a look at the information in your database about Lin Chen. Even in your Perfect form, theres still quite a gap in power between you and him. But thats alright, once you absorb the Android 17 and 18 from this world, youll obtain the real Perfect form surpassing the previous one!

Yes, father, I understand!

Cell nodded, his body suddenly straightening up. The tail that Piccolo had severed earlier instantly regenerated, leaving everyone, including Trunks, dumbfounded.

This is

No need to be surprised. His body should contain Namekian cells! Lazuli said.

Mr. Piccolo, Miss Lazuli, lets join forces! We mustnt let Dr. Geros plan succeed! Trunks proposed.

Agreed, lets go! Piccolo immediately nodded in agreement.

Lazuli didnt refuse either.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the next moment, an intense and fierce battle unfolded. Trunks, Piccolo, and Lazuli joined forces in a true fight against Cell, determined to stop him.

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