Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 241: The powerful Ultimate Metal Cooler

Chapter 241: The powerful Ultimate Metal Cooler

Due to teleportation, they arrived on Planet Vegeta, and since Metal Cooler were also Androids, their aura couldnt be sensed at all. Therefore, the people on Planet Vegeta only discovered the disaster just when the attack began.

Energy Waves suddenly bombarded the Saiyan city, and many people evaporated before they could react.

The most heavily attacked area was undoubtedly the Saiyan capital.

After the attack erupted out, the entire capital trembled violently.

Hanasia, who was with the children, immediately stood up and shouted outside, Someone is coming!

Before the palace attendants arrived, King Vegeta, who was staying behind, had already led many warriors and stepped in.

Your Highness! Something terrible has happened! Its the Metal Cooler! Theyve come again!

Metal Cooler? Didnt His Majesty go to attack Big Gete Star? How did they come here? Hanasia exclaimed.

They are probably here to make His Majesty return, Paragus said.

Hanasia frowned and walked directly outside, while Tights and Bulma each took their own children and followed.

As soon as they stepped out of the room, they saw a fiery red sky in the distance.

A massive fire was spreading in the capital, and above the flames, there were at least hundreds of figures rampantly attacking the city.

Soon, figures flew out from the capital, and these figures aura, like Metal Cooler, couldnt be sensed at all, but they were Metal Saibamen 3, 4 and 5.

The trio of Metal Saibamen rushed fearlessly towards the Metal Cooler, but the outcome of the battle was completely one-sided.

With just a single exchange, the first wave of Metal Saibamen was pulverized in mid-air.

However, more Metal Saibamen rushed up from the ground, followed by a golden figure leading five red figures.

It was Bardock and Tarble, and the other 4 Super Saiyan Gods!

Its Uncle Bardock!

And Big Brother Tarble!

Thats great! It should be fine now that theyre here!

Lin Luo and Taro, the two children, became excited when they saw Bardock and the others appear.

But before they could enjoy their excitement, the situation in the distance changed abruptly.

Metal Cooler emitting a metallic glow suddenly disappeared from their original positions, and when they reappeared, they were already beside Bardock and the others.

At the same moment, at least five Metal Cooler appeared next to Bardock and the others. f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

Spread out!

Bardock shouted loudly, and his muscles suddenly swelled.

The imminent danger caused him to immediately transform into Super Saiyan Second Grade.

Meanwhile, one of the Metal Cooler fists came crashing towards Bardock. He extended his hand to block it but suddenly realized that the power of the Metal Cooler was completely different from the last time when they attacked or rather it had surpassed the previous ones by far.

Oh no! Are they a more powerful model?

Bardock gritted his teeth and persevered. He had noticed that the appearance of these Metal Cooler was not in their 3rd Form but the Ultimate Form when Cooler transformed on Earth. He felt uneasy, worried that these Coolers might not only have the appearance, but also possess the strength of Ultimate Cooler, or be even stronger.

Unexpectedly, his prophecy has become a reality.

In fact, if Bardock could sense the aura of these Ultimate Metal Cooler or if the Scouters worked on Androids, he would have realized that the strength of these Ultimate Metal Cooler had far surpassed Coolers.

However, he soon experienced it firsthand without needing the scouter.


The experienced Bardock found an opening on one of the Ultimate Metal Cooler in front of him and landed a punch on its face.

If it were the previous Metal Cooler, Bardocks punch would have directly shattered its head.

However, Bardocks punch was forcibly blocked by the Metal Cooler with its face.

How is this possible?

Bardock was shocked. His strength had increased significantly since the last time on Earth, and even the real Ultimate Cooler would have suffered from his punch. However, the Metal Cooler in front of him seemed completely unfazed, as if nothing had happened.

Just how much stronger was it compared to Cooler?

While Bardock was momentarily stunned, the Ultimate Metal Cooler swiftly seized his fist, flipped him over, and forcefully slammed him down towards the ground.

Instantly, Bardock plummeted like a meteor, crushing a building.

Mr. Bardock!

Tarble exclaimed and said to his three companions, Everyone, deal with them quickly!

Yes, Captain Tarble!

The four Super Saiyan Gods immediately ignited their auras, unleashing ki blasts straight towards the Ultimate Metal Cooler standing before them, creating a spectacular scene.

However, the Ultimate Metal Cooler in front of them raised their hands with expressionless look on their faces and each released a wave of energy, colliding directly with the ki blasts from Tarble and the others.

In the sky above the capital, it was as if a tornado had struck, and the immense energy swept through the entire capital. The buildings closest to the battlefield instantly crumbled, and countless Saiyans lost their lives amidst the explosion of energy.

At the same time, Tarble and the other three Super Saiyan Gods were blown away, each landing on the ground with blood dripping from their mouths.

So strong!

Tarble exclaimed in shock. The Metal Cooler in front of them were completely different from before; their strength has probably exceeded those of the Super Saiyan Gods.

Haha, Saiyans! Are these your strongest warriors? They are no match for me! Call back that Links right away, or else I will turn this planet into a sea of flames!

That voice is it Cooler?

Hearing the voice, Bardock was startled.

Looking up, he saw that the voice had come from one of the Ultimate Metal Cooler.

Unlike the surrounding Metal Cooler, this Metal Coolers body had a hint of purple mixed in it.

Hearing Bardocks voice, Cooler lowered his head and frowned, The Saiyan from last time? Strange, havent I already killed you once?

Never mind, Ill kill you again!

Metal Cooler raised his hand, and a crimson red aura instantly lit up. However, at that moment, a red figure dashed forward.


Tarble swiftly launched two punches.

Super Saiyan God? Ridiculous, your power is nothing!

After a muffled sound, Cooler easily sent Tarble flying.

Tarble, who had a Power Level exceeding one hundred million as a Super Saiyan God, was completely outmatched by Cooler, who had been transformed into a Metal Android.

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