Star Odyssey

Chapter 3036: A Civilization

At the time, Lu Yin had even questioned whether the Aeternals might know that he was an imposter.

The truth was that the Aeternals had simply been going about it normally. It was rare for them to entrust important tasks to humans, rather than corpse kings. This was also why the Neohuman Alliance in the Fifth Mainland had been almost entirely composed of corpse kings.

All human traitors who joined Aeternus were powerful cultivators, but those same people were given tasks with no connection to humanity.

But right before they were given such an assignment, the traitors would be tested to check their loyalty.

Hui Wu solemnly said, “It was precisely because the Lu family was banished that I gained the Aeternals’ trust. Even then, it was only because so many of the True God Guard Captains were recently lost that I was allowed to become one.”

Qing Ping said, “If this is also a test, that might not be true.”

Hui Wu replied, “I considered that as well, until the recent battle between the Sixverse Association and Aeternus. All of the Seven Skygods went into seclusion to recover, and that was also when I discovered that Corpse God really is hiding in Giants' Purgatory. At that time, I was in Giants' Purgatory myself. Because of how long I’ve been in Aeternus, I am very familiar with the auras of the Seven Skygods. Rather, it’d be accurate to say that their presence makes my heart race. Corpse God gives me a unique feeling, and I was sure he was in Giants' Purgatory. Also, with how Aeternus handles things, the test that I was given was definitely real.

“This is why I reached out to you. Corpse God still has not emerged from seclusion, so he most likely hasn’t fully recovered. If you take advantage of Aeternus’s weakened state after the invasion and attack Corpse God now, you will likely most succeed.”

Lu Yin glanced over at Lu Tianyi, who nodded. “If we can eliminate Corpse God, it would be a significant blow to the Aeternals.”

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered. The Seven Skygods had already lost Shaman God and Undying God. If they could also kill Corpse God, it would have a significant impact on Aeternus.

During the battle in Giants' Purgatory, Corpse God had not recovered from the previous battle, but he had still been forced to fight. When Lu Yin considered that fight, it became apparent that Corpse God had fought not only to stop the Sixverse Association from conquering the Endless Frontier, but also because he had been afraid that they would find his hiding place in Giants' Purgatory. That was why, even after he was defeated, he had summoned the Star Devourer and had it occupy Giants' Purgatory. It had all been for Corpse God’s own purposes.

“Believe it or not, from the day I joined Aeternus, I never expected mankind to ever fully trust me,” Hui Wu casually mentioned.

Lu Yin replied, “I believe you, but if we ambush Corpse God and he survives, what will you do when the news gets back to Aeternus?”

Hui Wu was not at all worried. “He doesn’t know that I saw him in Giants' Purgatory. That universe is one of the Endless Frontier’s Three Purgatories, and the Aeternals and humans are always fighting there. It’s not even that rare for an outsider powerhouse to appear there. There’s nothing strange about him being found by accident. You can handle the rest of it.

“Besides, I’ve already cultivated divine energy, so the Aeternals won’t suspect me.” Hui Wu then gave Lu Tianyi a suspicious look. “Speaking of that, I’m curious. Do you have any other spies among the True God Guard Captains?”

Lu Tianyi calmly responded, “No.”

There were certain things that could not be said.

Hui Wu looked away. “Really? When the six captains attacked six different parallel universes, you managed to precisely counter them. That would be quite the coincidence if you didn’t have any other spies among them. Never mind, I don’t really want to know. I only asked so that I could avoid any accidental harm. Mu Ji served as a scapegoat once, and if not for his unique innate gift, he would have actually died. While they don’t suspect him anymore, Progenitor Xi is definitely keeping an eye on him. You just need to be careful.”

With that, Hui Wu left. Lu Yin and the others remained behind.

Once the man left. Lu Yin asked, “Ancestor, do you really trust him?”

Lu Tianyi clasped his hands behind his back before he replied, “We personally sent him into Aeternus. If we don’t trust him now…”

The man did not finish his sentence, but Lu Yin understood.

Hui Wu had done many things that others would be unwilling to do. As Progenitor Hui’s son, he could have lived a life free of all worries, and yet he spent his days among corpse kings, watching Aeternals slaughter humans. It would be difficult for ordinary people to even imagine the man’s thoughts and emotions.

While acting as Ye Bo, Lu Yin had encountered many traitors who had joined Aeternus, and he struggled to not deal with them himself. Hui Wu had remained hidden for many, many years, and no one knew what the man had lived through.

Such people should not be doubted.

Still, given Lu Yin’s position, it was not wrong for him to have his doubts. He even questioned whether he himself could truly be free from the control of the divine energy that he had cultivated. He frequently had flashbacks to the vision of the future that he had seen.

“Ancestor, if the day comes when I can’t control myself, kill me,” Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Qing Ping and Mu Xie both simultaneously turned to look at Lu Yin, their expressions torn.

Lu Tianyi patted Lu Yin on the shoulder. “All of us believe in you.”

Lu Yin gave the man a wry smile. “Everyone has the right to doubt me.”

If Lu Yin could doubt Hui Wu’s loyalty, then others could also question Lu Yin. It was not a matter of trust, but rather a precaution for the sake of all humanity and the future.

With the Aeternals sealing off the First Scourge, the Sixverse Association started a comprehensive cleanup effort across the entire Endless Frontier. Human experts flooded the Endless Frontier, and the various parallel universes were no longer the slaughterhouse that they had become.

This was even true of the Three Purgatories and Giants' Purgatory. The Star Devourer no longer dared to stay in the universe, and more and more cultivators from the Sixverse Association entered it.

Lord Xu entered Giants' Purgatory and cautiously scanned the area. He had been given the task of locating Corpse God.

Lu Yin and several others had used Lord Xu’s failure to stop Astral Anura to give him the task of going to Giants' Purgatory and searching for Corpse God as a form of atonement. Despite the Voidlord’s frustration at being given such a task, he had still entered Giants’ Purgatory. This was a matter that concerned the Seven Skygods, and the man had long dreamed of exterminating those powerhouses.

Seizing the current opportunity to eliminate as many of Aeternus’s top experts as possible was a top priority for the Sixverse Association.

Hui Wu had revealed Corpse God’s location to Lu Yin and a few others. Lord Xu raised a hand and released a vast surge of voidforce energy that spread across the entirety of Giants' Purgatory. He intended to search every corner of the universe in the most straightforward manner. This would make it look like he was not specifically searching for Corpse God.

Unexpectedly, the Origin Universe had spies within Aeternus, and they had even uncovered where Corpse God was hiding. Such things explained why the Origin Universe had been among the earliest and most fiercely attacked universes by Aeternus.

Lord Xu might not be known for much else, but there was no denying that he had a tremendous amount of voidforce energy at his disposal.

As he searched, he shouted, “Make sure to check everything thoroughly! Giants' Purgatory is a crucial gateway to the Scourge. We cannot allow any potential danger to remain hidden. No super giants, no corpse kings—nothing is allowed to remain.”

Cultivators with the strength of Envoys spread across Giants' Purgatory. They heard Lord Xu’s orders and answered him enthusiastically as they redoubled their efforts.

Lord Xu’s gaze drifted to a certain corner. That place contained a hidden connection to a parallel universe where Corpse God was hidden.

The man unleashed his voidforce energy into the corner of Giants’ Purgatory.

He quickly found something off about the area. Giants' Purgatory, due to the endless fighting between the two races of super giants, lacked even larger asteroids. Despite that, this corner of the universe had a few scattered planets drifting about. They seemed to have simply been unaffected by the endless war, but they were clearly out of place.

Lord Xu stepped onto one of the planets.

They were small planets, and after Lord Xu landed on one of them, he enveloped it with his voidforce energy and said, “Just to be safe, I should shatter it.”

It took no more than a small bit of effort to crack the ground and destroy the entire planet.

The Voidlord then moved on to another planet, which he also shattered.

He soon landed on the fourth planet, intending to destroy it as well, but within this planet was a powerful slab that held the planet together, and it was strong enough to prevent Lord Xu from instantly destroying the planet.

The man casually opened the planet to expose the slab, and he saw clear handprints upon it. It was also obvious that someone frequently visited the slab, as the areas without the handprints were covered with a deep layer of dust.

Lord Xu placed his hand on a handprint, and the scenery around him changed. He suddenly found himself on a busy street, and a vehicle was forced to come to an abrupt stop to avoid hitting the man. The driver leaned out the window to curse the man in the street, but then a car crashed into the vehicle from behind. The collision continued, as five or six more cars crashed as well. Many of the drivers stepped out.

“What’s with the driving up front? Can’t you drive?”

“Damn it, can you even drive?”

“I had to suddenly stop because of what was in the road. It’s not my fault! I’m not responsible…”

Lord Xu looked around. Was this a civilization? Was there really a civilization within Giants' Purgatory?

Sirens wailed in the distance, and more and more people started to gather at the sight of the traffic accident. The entire street was soon blocked off.

Lord Xu took another step and simply vanished.

The people on the street were all stunned. Where had the man gone?

In a certain corner of the city, within a very ordinary farmhouse, a child was sitting on a rocking chair, curiously watching the TV while eating an apple.

The TV was reporting the traffic accident where Lord Xu had disappeared from the street.

“Grandpa! Grandpa!” the child shouted loudly.

An elderly man entered the room, and he looked at the child affectionately. “What’s the matter, Little Ye?”

The child pointed at the TV. “Grandpa, the TV says that someone disappeared into thin air! Look!”

The old man glanced at the TV and chuckled. “Maybe it’s a magic trick. Do you like it, Little Ye?”

The child excitedly bounced around. “I like it! Grandpa, can you do magic?”

“I can’t,” the old man replied.

“Your uncle can.” A middle-aged man entered the room with a smile. He held an apple in his hand and held it out to the child.

The child looked at the apple that he was holding, and then at the one the middle-aged man was offering. The child could not resist the gift.

The middle-aged man smiled as he tousled the child’s hair. “If you like them, eat more. They’re good for you.”

“Mmm! Thank you, Uncle. Can you do magic?” the child asked naively.

The middle-aged man laughed. “Of course! What do you want to see, Little Ye?”

The child pointed at the TV. “A magic trick like how that man disappeared into thin air.”

The middle-aged man glanced at the TV which was showing the scene of Lord Xu disappearing on a loop. The man’s eyes twinkled. “Alright, then your uncle will perform it for you right away.”

“Really? That’s great!” the child cheered.

The middle-aged man continued, “However, you need to finish your homework first, Little Ye. If you don’t, the teacher will scold your grandpa, and you don’t want Grandpa to be scolded, right?”

The child nodded obediently. “Alright! Little Ye will do his homework first. I’ll get it done quickly, and then you can show me that magic trick, Uncle.”

“That’s no problem. Little Ye is the best,” the middle-aged man said. He tousled the child’s hair again. It was soft and pleasant to touch.

The old man watched from the side. Everything about the three people appeared to be peaceful and harmonious.

Little Ye cheerfully climbed the stairs and went to his desk. He turned on his lamp, took out his homework, and started earnestly working.

While this was happening, the old man returned to cleaning the yard.

The middle-aged man walked out of the farmhouse. He looked up as the sky grew darker and darker. This was voidforce energy, as a fast amount was spreading out and covering the entire civilization. As time passed, the power was cut, and rivers slowly stopped flowing. Eventually, even the birds froze mid-air. Everything looked like a painting.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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