Star Odyssey

Chapter 2992: Changes

The blue-haired man frowned. This battle had been going on for a long time, but Lu Yin still had not fainted yet. Something was wrong.

As the duel with Lu Yin continued, the Chiliagonist’s confidence of winning grew weaker and weaker. He had discovered that no matter how hard he pulled, he could not pull Lu Yin's consciousness away. While Lu Yin looked like he might faint at any time, he was just dealing with fits of dizziness. In reality, Lu Yin’s consciousness was not tough enough to not be moved, but any time it shifted, he would return it back to where it was, like a fish swimming against the current.

Gradually, the Chiliagonist realized that something was wrong. Is he baiting me?

This was quite accurate, as Lu Yin was baiting the Chiliagonist like a fish in this duel of consciousness.

How could Lu Yin’s control of his consciousness compare to the Chiliagonist’s? Lu Yin’s only advantage was his stability, but he also needed to draw the Chiliagonist into continuing his attacks if he wanted to devour the other man.

Just as there were limits to a human’s physical strength, the same was true of consciousness.

After attacking Lu Yin so many times, the Chiliagonist would eventually tire. He had underestimated Lu Yin.

Fishing was a very interesting activity. It was not possible to simply catch something and pull it in; rather, certain skills were needed. While Lu Yin was not particularly good at fishing, he understood the general concept, and using what he knew against the Chiliagonist was the best method possible.

After noticing that the Chiliagonist had realized what was happening, Lu Yin abruptly shifted tactics. His eyes grew clear, and the signs of dizziness vanished. He looked completely normal. "Well then, let's get started."

The Chiliagonist was stunned. He had been trying his best all along. This despicable bastard!

The pink-haired woman pointed at Lu Yin. "That’s so scummy!"

Chong Gui screamed, "Despicable! Despicable human!"

The blue-haired man sighed. Things were progressing as he had expected. Lu Yin was not using despicable means, but rather fighting intelligently. Did a duel have to be fair and follow unspoken rules? The two were fighting to the death. This was the most vicious kind of fight that one could participate in.

It was no wonder how Lu Yin had managed to reach his current level by slowly climbing up as a weakling. He fought all of his battles to the fullest, never relaxing or lowering his guard.

The Chiliagonist gritted his teeth. "No matter what you do, you can never surpass me in controlling consciousness! At best, you can avoid being defeated."

Lu Yin nodded. "That's true. In that case, why is your consciousness suddenly growing weaker?"

The Chiliagonist’s expression shifted.

"No matter what kind of power we use, it needs something to support it, whether that’s physical strength, will, determination, status, or something else. That’s what our competition has been for all along. Whether or not you can kill me depends on your determination." As soon as Lu Yin finished speaking, he closed his eyes and started to silently recite the Origin Sutra. Even after all this time, the Origin Progenitor’s Sutra was still able to provide Lu Yin with benefits. Even if it would not help his current situation, reciting the Origin Sutra was never a bad move.

The Chiliagonist stared at Lu Yin and then took a deep breath. Since they were dueling, he refused to believe that he would lose.

One day. Two days. Three days. Finally, ten days passed, and Lu Yin's expression remained the same as ever. On the other hand, the Chiliagonist had grown quite pale. After all, he was not only competing with Lu Yin’s willpower, but also enduring the constant eroding effects of death energy.

The death energy had never stopped wearing away at the Chiliagonist, weakening both his body and his will.

Without death energy’s unique characteristics, how could Lu Yin ever be confident that he could keep the True God Guard Captains prisoners?

The more time that passed, the less the Chiliagonist would be able to persevere.

The man’s eyes suddenly snapped open, and he glared at Lu Yin. At this juncture, it was impossible for him to retreat. Lu Yin was pulling on the Thousand Leaves Completion, which meant that, the moment the Chiliagonist relaxed, his consciousness would be stolen from him. He had to endure.

The pink-haired woman stared at the Chiliagonist. Her own expression grew worse as her hopes disappeared.

"He lost from the very beginning," the man with short blue hair stated.

The pink-haired woman was upset. "This human is so despicable!"

The blue-haired man sighed. "While it might appear as if the Chiliagonist had the choice to not participate, given our situation, how could he not? What appeared to be a choice was nothing more than an inescapable nightmare. This human is horrible."

Another five days passed, and the Chiliagonist suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. The world was spinning before his eyes, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Across from the man, Lu Yin calmly opened his eyes for a moment before closing them again and resuming his recitation.

After another three days, the Chiliagonist collapsed. His mind was empty, as his consciousness had just been stolen by Lu Yin.

Lu Yin had not only stolen the man’s consciousness, but also destroyed his determination.

The Aeternals had always suppressed humans. They had always told their outsider powerhouse allies stories of humans’ terrible natures. Human emotions and desires were regarded as weaknesses, while humans’ determination would never be able to match the Aeternals’, because the Aeternals did not fear even death.

However, Lu Yin had just defeated the Chiliagonist. Regardless of the method he employed, victory remained victory.

Dual Bladeform and Chong Gui fell silent. None of them had ever been righteous individuals, and calling someone despicable was not an insult, but rather a means of venting. Lu Yin had won, defeating the Chiliagonist in a duel of consciousness, which had been the Chiliagonist’s forte. This served as a strong shock to the other True God Guard Captains.

At this moment, Lu Yin's internal universe experienced a change. An inexplicable force poured in, and a new star formed in the universe, slowly rotating with all the rest. This was a star of consciousness.

Another star had been added to Lu Yin’s universe.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the Chiliagonist had collapsed.

Lu Yin stood up and glanced over at Dual Bladeform and the other prisoners. He said nothing as he sealed them away again with a surge of death energy.

When Lu Yin returned to the mountain behind the Heavens Sect, Lu Yin continued to roll his die. He hoped to roll Possession again so that he could see if the innate gift had changed.

The die slowly stopped spinning, eventually ending on four pips: Timestop.

Lu Yin was speechless. He had failed to roll it when he wanted it, but then rolled it immediately when he did not want it.

As the scenery changed before his eyes, Lu Yin immediately increased his time in his Timestop Space and then started to practice with the compass.

The Lord of Lightning had taken a very long time to master the compass, and Lu Yin did not believe that he would be quicker than him.

Nearly a year soon passed, and the scenery shifted around him again as Lu Yin returned to the mountain behind the Heavens Sect. He raised a hand and continued to roll the die.

One pip. Two pips. He then rested for ten days before continuing. Six pips.

Lu Yin's eyes lit up. This was the roll that he wanted.

His consciousness appeared in the strange dark space, and Lu Yin looked around. The orbs of light looked the same as ever, though he found that he could see further than before.

Wait, what is that?

Lu Yin saw something far away. It looked like a wall that split the dark space.

He moved towards it.

He soon approached the transparent wall and touched it. Its elasticity caused Lu Yin's consciousness to instantly rebound. He looked past the wall and saw more balls of light.

Could he be looking into another parallel universe?

Each ball of light represented a human consciousness. So far, Lu Yin had only been able to Possess people in the universe he was occupying. The Fifth Mainland, the Sixth Mainland, and the Perennial World were all part of the Origin Universe. Also, Lu Yin had Possessed people in the Voidforce Universe by using voidforce energy to fuel the Possession. Lu Yin was also only able to Possess people who had cultivated the same power as him.

However, things had now changed. His newly strengthened consciousness had changed the dark space. He could now see a barrier separating him from the other universes. As long as he could push through it, he would be able to Possess people in other universes.

This thought made Lu Yin grow excited, and he started to slam into the wall.

The wall was not hard, but rather elastic. Lu Yin continued to try to push through with his consciousness, but he could not penetrate the wall. He could not even create a ripple in the transparent wall.

His consciousness was still too weak. He needed to further strengthen it.

After leaving the dark space, Lu Yin opened his eyes and looked down at his hands. It was important that he strengthen his consciousness. If he could break through that transparent wall, he would have access to far more cultivators to Possess. If he was right and that transparent wall represented another parallel universe, then Lu Yin would have access to far more than just the Sixverse Association. This could give him access to outsider powerhouses.

Lu Yin wanted to use the compass to find parallel universes with different rates of time was not only because he needed such universes to train Lightstream, but also because he wanted to learn about other such universes.

Without such knowledge, the moment the Aeternals fell to a disadvantage, they would be able to resolve the crisis by inviting a few outsider powerhouses to help them out. Lu Yin refused to accept this.

If Lu Yin could strengthen his consciousness to the point where he could Possess people in other universes, it would be far better than wandering through parallel universes.

Still, this was not something that could be accomplished in just a day or two. It would take a significant amount of time for Lu Yin to gain the necessary strength to break through the transparent wall.

The Chiliagonist had spent a very long time absorbing other consciousnesses with the Thousand Leaves Completion. However, if Lu Yin wanted to break through that transparent wall, he would need to absorb the consciousness of a couple more people who were just as strong as the Chiliagonist. There was no way he could do that anytime soon.

He continued to roll his die.

Lu Yin spent two months in seclusion. During these two months, he had rolled his die repeatedly, fought against the Chiliagonist, and used Timestop several times. As a result, he had practiced enough to master the compass and could now use it properly.

It was at this time that Jiang Chen visited again, clearly happy at Lu Yin’s misfortune.

"Brother Lu, how did your training go?" Jiang Chen smiled, looking like he was ready to have some fun.

He was well aware of just how difficult it was to use the compass to travel between parallel universes. Even his father had spent a great deal of time practicing with the compass, and even then, he had only succeeded after receiving Bi Rong’s help. Just how many years would Lu Yin need to master the compass without any help?

The man had created legends in the decades of his cultivation journey, and it appeared that nothing could stop or hinder him, but this time, he must have been defeated.

Lu Yin knew what Jiang Chen was thinking as soon as he saw Jiang Chen's expression. "Why? Did you come to laugh at my struggles?"

Jiang Chen laughed. "You’re misunderstanding me, Brother Lu. I just wanted to see if you needed any help."

"My practice went very smoothly. There’s no need for any help," Lu Yin said.

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes. "Brother Lu, given our relationship, why don’t we stop pretending? That compass is very hard to use, so just tell me, and I’ll help you."

Lu Yin stared at Jiang Chen. "Can you control it?"

"That's impossible. But I do know how to help you. That's because Uncle Bi Rong helped my father when he learned how to use it. Do you want me to help you? Just tell me. You don’t need to worry about it. Who hasn’t encountered obstacles at some point or another? Hehe."

Lu Yin gave a small smile. "It is quite difficult."

Jiang Chen puffed up proudly. "That's right. My father practiced for several years, and even then, he still needed Uncle Bi Rong’s help. Let me see how much progress you’ve made."

Lu Yin took out the compass, and Jiang Chen watched as the void tore open. However, the compass’s needle stably pointed in a single direction. It did not fluctuate at all.

Jiang Chen was stunned. "Did you really succeed?"

"That’s right."

"No, how long did you practice for?"

"Not too long."

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something, and he said, "You must have cheated by using a universe where time moves faster."

Lu Yin pursed his lips. He could not deny the allegation, as he had essentially done just that.

He realized that someone had unraveled one of his legends.

In the past, Lu Yin had used Timestop to accomplish many things, and people had been amazed by how quickly Lu Yin had mastered various things, feeling that he was exceptionally talented. This was how he had comprehended the Ce Secret Art, the Cosmic Art, the Origin Sutra, and many more things. Nearly everything that Lu Yin had learned had been mastered quickly because of his Timestop Space. That ability had given him the title of a genius.

However, that method was no longer a secret.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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